Title: Used Cooking Oil Disposal Near Me
1Used Cooking Oil Disposal Near Me
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3We pick up used cooking oil from restaurants and
businesses just like yours! We remain true to
the principles on which our company was founded
over a ten years ago providing superior service
to our clients, putting safety and cleanliness
first, and recycling 100 of our fry oil for
Green Renewable Fuel.
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6Is a renewable fuel ( renewable energy source)
that can be manufactured from your recycled
kitchen oils, new vegetable oils, and animal fats.
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9 10Biodiesel has a flash point that is considerably
higher than petroleum-based diesel fuel. This
means that the fire hazard associated with
transportation, storage, and utilization of
biodiesel is much less than with other commonly
used fuels. Biodiesel is also safe to handle and
transport because it is as biodegradable as
sugar, and is 10 times less toxic than table salt.
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14For more update , visit us