Title: Well Come To Tomohiko AKIYAMA
1Well Come To Tomohiko AKIYAMA
2Legal services in Japan
Business Licenses
Some business may require obtaining a license in
order to provide business in accordance with the
Japanese Law
Business incorporation
We help foreigners planning to set up their own
company, association or a Non-Profit Organization
(NPO) in Japan
Corporate Income Tax in Japan
Incorporated companies and associations,
operating on the local market will be subject to
the Japanese corporate tax
3Visa and Residence
We help foreigners obtain Japanese visas for
business managers, interns, dependents, as well
as Humanities/International services visas
Legal documents
We prepare all kinds of legal documents (eg.
wills), and can handle the notarization procedure
of loan agreements for foreigners
Personal Taxes in Japan
We provide legal consulting related to all types
of personal taxes Income Tax, Residential Taxes,
Gift and Inheritance Taxes etc
4Real Estate in Japan
Real estate consulting
We offer consulting services to all foreigners
planning on acquiring property in Japan,
including investment consulting
Hotels and Airbnb
We help foreigners planning to open a hotel or
providing Airbnb services in Japan, including
obtaining the necessary licences
Real estate taxes
Having purchased or owning real estate in Japan
means that foreigners will be subject to real
estate taxes. We advise on all the legal issues
5Our Services
Business incorporation
Lets assume that you are going to start your
business in Japan. Even if you are not living in
Japan, you can make a company in Japan. This
company includes Joint stock company, Limited
liability company.
Japanese Visa Residence
Real estate consulting
There are some regulations in place of course,
but they equally apply to Japanese nationals as
well. Depending on the area, you may need to
submit a notification to the authorities.You are
obligated to do so under the Japanese National
Land Use Planning Act ??????? (Kokudo Riyo
Keikaku-ho), also called The National Land
Utilization Law.
6Contact Us
Tokyo, Chuo-ku, Kachidoki, 3-2-3-408 ,Japan
Email akiyama_at_japan-law-tax.com
Phone No 9021746763
Website https//japan-law-tax.com/