Title: Pardot Customization | QR Solutions Pvt Ltd
91 9884494840
2The email addresses of your users will determine
which domain is used when sending emails. In
other words, if you send a Pardot email and
choose george_at_examplecompany.com as the sender,
examplecompany.com is the domain that would be
used.That is the domain that will need to be
configured in Pardot and where the DNS entries
will need to be placed. Pardot customization
will help companies to feel easy while working on
it. If your users have different domains, each
one that will be used will need to be
configured.The Tracker Domain (aka CNAME) is
essentially a mask that you place over your
Pardot assets so they are branded with your
company name instead of Pardot. Tracker
Domains Tracker domains are known as CNAME
(Canonical name), or vanity URL, and, they enable
you to mask your Pardot hosted content (pages,
form or assets) with a branded URL. When you
create assets in Pardot such as forms, custom
redirects, and landing pages Pardot generates a
link that begins with go.pardot.com. When you
set up a tracker domain, it allows you to
maintain your corporate branding. Branding gives
assurance and security to your visitors that the
links in your pages, forms or assets are legit
and that they belong to your domain. In another
word, a vanity URL is a unique web address that
is branded for marketing purposes.
3Email Sending Domains
Implement DKIM and SPF Email Authentication To
achieve the best deliverability with Pardot,
implement email authentication. Pardot uses the
two most common standards SPF and DKIM. Use
Email Authentication With Pardot, you can send
emails from your domain by authenticating through
the two most widely accepted email
authentication standards Sender Policy Framework
(SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).
Major ISPs and corporate spam filters check for
one or more of these types of authentication when
determining whether to allow emails to a
recipients inbox. Setting up email
authentication is critical for achieving good
4Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
SPF is a form of email authentication that makes
forging the sender of an email, or email
spoofing, more difficult. SPF isnt aimed at
stopping spammers. Rather, it tightens loopholes
used by spammers to spoof emails. SPF provides a
list of all outbound email sources for a domain
as a DNS TXT record. DomainKeys Identified Mail
(DKIM) DomainKeys is an email authentication
system that verifies the DNS of an email sender
and the messages integrity. Domain-Based
Message Authentication, Reporting, and
Conformance (DMARC) A third layer of
authentication thats becoming more widely used
is domain-based message authentication,
reporting, and conformance, or DMARC. With
DMARC, you notify receiving servers that your
messages use SPF and DKIM and instruct them on
what to do if they fail those authentication
- www.qrsolutions.in
91 9884494840