Title: Paul Fey Organist
Sheet Music for Pipe Organ! In this new webshop
you can find all of my Sheet Music for the Pipe
Organ! My music is guaranteed to leave a lasting
impression on the listener, is fast to learn and
suitable for beginners as well as professional
organists. I'm Paul Fey and I was born in 1998 in
a small town near Leipzig. My music education
started when I was in kinder garden and my
parents signed me up for 'early music education',
which included some basic rhythm lessons and
playing the recorder. I really enjoyed making
music, so we decided the next step would be to
start me with classical guitar lessons during my
first grade at primary school. The pipe organ
increasingly gripped my full attention, so I put
the guitar lessons on hold in order to get my
first organ lessons from A. F. Kipping, as well
as later studying with Stefan Kießling (the
former Assistant Organist at St. Thomas Church in
4My first "Organ Concerto" - Released
I'm happy to release my first Organ Concerto in
C-Major! This piece features 4 movements which
could also be played by themselves as a short
prelude or postlude. Furthermore it's
perfectly playable on a small 2 manual organ and
requires a minimal amount of stops to be
available - a reed in the manual and pedal would
be useful though. I hope you'll enjoy this new
piece! Please find the link to the sheet music
attached here https//www.paulfeyorganist.com/pro
USA 49 0 177 272 0916 feypaul_at_web.de