Title: Software testing services
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SaaS Performance Testing Has Performance
Testing Changed?
2What Is SaaS Testing?
SaaS testing defined as the method of assuring
the quality of the software by undergoing
different validation activities. These involve
software testing services security,
performance, scalability, data integration,
reliability, etc. Cisco Web Ex, Google Apps, are
some well-known examples of SaaS applications
which are easily accessible on the internet.
3Has Performance Testing Changed?
In a study, Gartner forecasts that end-user
spending on public cloud services was all set to
reach 396 billion in 2021 and now it will grow
another 21.7 to reach 482 billion in 2022. Like
all good things, SaaS too comes with its bundle
of complexities that include its systems,
operational aspects, and application stacks.
4Youve got questions, weve got answers.
- You can reach us via
- https//www.thinksys.com/
- Or
- info_at_thinksys.com