Title: Causes of Dark Circles and Treatment
1Causes of Dark Circles and Treatment
2- From a medical point of view, dark circles are
not exactly a serious health problem. However,
from the cosmetic or beauty point of view, this
may be an issue, especially for ladies. Some
people feel like dark circles make them look
unhealthy, tired, or older. - Fortunately, there are many options for Dark
circle treatment in Mumbai. You can check out
medical treatments from The Esthetic Clinics in
Mumbai. Or sort the different natural ways
available. - Causes of Dark Circles
- The most common cause of dark circles is fatigue.
However, many other things can be the reason why
you have them. Such include - Allergies
- Heredity
- Sun exposure
3- Allergic Rhinitis
- Pigmentation irregularities
- Eczema
- Scratching eyes
- Contact dermatitis
- Natural aging is also a process that may cause
dark circles to develop under your eyes. As you
age, your skin becomes thin from losing fat and
collagen, which may make the vessel under your
eyes (usually reddish-blue) to become more
prominent. - How to Get Rid of Under Eye Dark Circle Treatment
in Mumbai - Sometimes, dark circles are a result of our
activities like not sleeping enough or getting
enough rest. In this case, some natural remedies
would work just fine. Some of these remedies are - Getting enough Sleep If you deprive yourself of
sleep, your eyes appear to be tired and puffy and
as a result, cause dark circles. Professionals
recommend at least 6 to 8 hours of undistracted
4Elevation practicing good sleeping habits like
good hygiene and elevation is another way to
prevent and get rid of dark cycles. When you
sleep, the fluids in your eyes tend to pool in
your lower eyelids. Try using extra pillows to
prevent puffiness from these fluids. Use cold
compress Sometimes your blood vessels dilate,
which may result in dark cycles. A cold compress
can lessen the dark cycles by constricting the
dilated blood vessels Minimize sun exposure to
your face Medical Recommendation Your medical
professional may recommend different solutions
for your dark circles based on a couple of
factors such as your age, the cause of the dark
circles under your eyes, your medical records,
etc. Some of the suggestions he may make
include Skin Lightening Creams your doctor
may suggest a skin-lightening cream to lighten
the dark circles under your eyes. These creams
contain azelaic acid, hydroquinone, kojic acid,
or glycolic acid.
5Laser therapy the doctor can also recommend
targeting your under eyes with laser therapy.
This involves heat energy that vaporizes damaged
cells. Chemical Peels may be suggested by a
dermatologist to lighten the dark pigmentation.
Commonly, this includes hydroquinone, glycolic,
and retinoic acid. A jessner peel may also be an
option. It involves a combination of resorcinol,
salicylic and lactic acid. Blepharoplasty this
involves a surgical procedure to remove fat in
the lower eyelids. It is intended to reduce the
shadow of your eyelids and the appearance of dark
circles. Fillers Fillers are a popular
treatment to achieve different goals. Dermal
fillers with hyaluronic acid such as Juvéderm and
Restylane can be injected under the eyes to fill
the volume lost in this area and reduce the
appearance of dark circles.