Title: Open Drive - All-in-One Cloud Storage
1Open Drive
All-in-One Cloud Storage Unlimited Cloud Storage,
Backup Cloud Content Management
- https//www.opendrive.com/
2OpenDrive Drive Store, sync or backup your
documents, music and pictures online with instant
access, sharing and collaboration, all in a
simple to use, secure environment.
- OpenDrive Notes
- In a simple but effective interface, create
notepads with single notes and to-do lists.
Attach pictures and documents to any note and
write comments.
- OpenDrive Tasks
- A powerful task and project management tool that
helps you manage and collaborate on any project
within a single interface. Share tasks with your
account users or anyone else.
3OpenDrive Drive
The idea for OpenDrive started in 2007 when we
desperately needed to store data externally and
USB dongles were just not large enough. OpenDrive
now helps you to not only store data, but also
sync, share and collaborate all within one
interface and from one login. We are happy to see
nearly 2M users benefit from this idea so far.
4OpenDrive Notes
Taking notes when something comes up is crucial
for any number of business and personal needs. We
feel that taking notes and keeping them organized
can make everyone more productive. and of course
it helps us to not forget things.
5OpenDrive Tasks
OpenDrive is a company that operates 100 in the
cloud, and as a result, the need arises for
project management that supports this type of
collaboration. Most businesses today work with
people in different places and they need to share
ideas, tasks and files in the cloud. We created a
cloud based office suite with features that do
just that. Please let us know how you like it.
6Contact Us
228 Hamilton Ave Third Floor Palo Alto, CA 94301
(888) 418-1108
7Thank You