Title: What are the Benefits of Using Eyelash Serum
1What are the Benefits of Using Eyelash Serum?
If you are often found taking lunch breaks at a
skincare store browsing around, then you are
probably familiar with the words eyelash serum.
It is such a unique and elusive product that many
even call it a well-hidden secret. While
YouTube vloggers and Gram influencers are lately
detailing their lash growth journeys with these
serums, it is imperative to know what are the
real benefits of using eyelash serum. Do they
really work? Or are your influencers only
endorsing brands in their vlogs? Let us tell you
about this list of lash serum benefits. 1.
Conditioning Lash serum is a natural conditioner
for your eyelashes. And this is great because
otherwise, you dont have an equivalent product.
You may wash your face with a soapy cleanser, but
it doesnt do much for your eyelashes. Usually,
an eyelash serum is created in such a way that it
moisturizes and conditions your lash hair
follicles. This helps keep your lashes in the
pink of health, growing strong and long. 2.
Repairing A good lash serum is also your damage
control expert. For women who suffer stunted
lashes, or have damaged their hair follicles
2thanks to too much makeup, falsies, and the
dreaded glue a lash serum may prove effective.
Using one daily may help repair root damage and
restore the growth and health of your lashes. 3.
Promoting Growth Of course, most women covet
eyelash serums for this reason only. After all,
who doesnt want full and thick lashes that look
like a Disney princess? Even without falsies or
mascara. But to wake up with naturally long
lashes you need to be consistent with your lash
serum application. It takes a couple of months to
really start showing results and you need to wait
it out with patience and perseverance until
then. 4. Preventing Breakage You can continue
using lash serum even after you have achieved
your desired lash growth. This is because it is a
product made to nourish and enrich your
eyelashes. It prevents breakage and early falling
of eyelashes, especially if you use a lot of lash
makeup regularly. As seen above, your influencers
werent misleading you. Lash serums do help. And
they help when they are chosen well. If you want
to get the full benefit of an eyelash serum then
choose one that is natural, paraben-free,
phthalate-free, and comes from a reputed brand.
We have one such recommendation for you
Savarnas Eyelash Serum
3It is a natural lash serum crafted with
plant-based cellulose, grapefruit extract, and
horsetail extract. These work synergistically to
help strengthen, promote lash growth, and restore
healthy lashes. The key benefits of this eyelash
serum are It helps stimulate lash follicle
growth for longer lashes. Nourishes and
conditions lashes. Provides sheen to the
lashes by smoothing cuticles. Maintains good
eyelash health. Grab your eyelash serum now by
visiting the Savarnas Mantra website. They ship
free to the Continental US and make their
products cruelty free. More bonuses for you!