Title: AWS CONCEPTS | QR Solutions Pvt Ltd
1AWS Concepts
2- As a developer, you will need to know various
cloud concepts if you aspire to be successful in
your field, not to mention do a great job. There
are many concepts to understand in cloud
computing, particularly when dealing with AWS.
Here are some of the common concepts you will
encounter. The Amazon web services (AWS) create a
flexible path for businesses who want adopt
modern conditions. - S3 Scalable cloud storage Static assets live
here - EC2 Virtual cloud servers Loads run here
- RDS Managed relational database service data
is stored here - ROUTE53 Scalable DNS and domain name
registration - VPC Assists to maintain isolated cloud resources
- CLOUDFRONT Worldwide content delivery network
- DYNAMODB Managed no-SQL database
- CLOUDWATCH Helps to monitor resources and
Elastic IP is a public IP that can be linked to
EC2 instances. If a particular EC2 instance is
terminated, it stays put so that it can be
remapped to associate with an other instance
. CLOUDWATCH This is a monitoring service for
other AWS services. AUTOSCALING
GROUP Automatically shrinks or expands a pool of
instances based on set rules LOAD BALANCER A
routing device that maintains a consistent DNS
entry and balances requests to multiple instances.
Amazon provides AWS from various data centers
spread across zones named as availability zones
(AZ) spread across the world. Amazon Elastic
Block Store provides block level storage volumes
for persistent data storage to be used with EC2,
while Amazon Elastic File System offers managed
cloud file storage. Businesses can choose one or
more AZs either for compliance issues, or to be
able to reach their customers easily. An AWS
customer can put up VMs and replicate data in
different AZs in order to achieve high reliable
infrastructure capable of withstanding disasters
or failures of an individual server or even an
entire data center. STORAGE Amazon Simple
Storage Service (S3) provides scalable storage
for data backup, archiving and analytics. Amazon
Elastic Block Store provides block level storage
volumes for persistent data storage to be used
with EC2, while Amazon Elastic File System
offers managed cloud file storage. A client can
choose to migrate data to the cloud via storage
transport devices such as AWS snowmobile, or AWS
storage gateway to enable access cloud data.
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