DMIT Test Online, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test - Brainwonders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DMIT Test Online, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test - Brainwonders


Brainwonders is the market leader of Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT Test Online ) which is a scientific study associated with fingerprint patterns & brain lobes. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: BrainwondersIndia
Why and how: We at Brainwonders, India's Largest Career Counselling Company, strive to help you to make an informed decision about your career. Based on the analysis you opt for, we assist you in understanding your or your child’s capabilities better.


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DMIT Test Online, Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test - Brainwonders

  • Discover your Innate Potential and Shine with
    DMIT Test

U.S. Patented Dermatoglyphics MultipleIntelligence
Test (DMIT)
  • U.S. Patented Dermatoglyphics refers to the
    branch of science in the study of the patterns of
    skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers,
    toes, and the soles of humans. It reveals the
    congenital links between our fingers and our
    intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns
    are formed from the external ectoderm and usually
    occur during the fetal development stage, The
    human's fingerprints form is thus formed from the
    13th to 21st week.
  • Medical experts and scientists thus discovered
    that the amount of brain cells distributed in
    different parts of the brain helps us understand
    a person's multiple intelligences as well as his
    innate potential capabilities and personality
    through U.S. Patented DMIT Test.
  • U.S. Patented DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple
    Intelligence Test) is a biometric analysis based
    on the scientific study of fingerprints. DMIT is
    useful for all age groups, it is particularly
    beneficial for parents and teachers to understand
    a child's innate strengths as well as areas that
    need molding. Armed with this information that is
    obtained purely from the child's biometric, DMIT
    assessments give crisp actionable insights and
    appropriate career recommendations.
  • Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and
    how we learn, transforming our lives through a
    holistic education approach.

  • Right Brain is corresponding to Left Hand and
    Left Brain is corresponding to Right Hand

  • Implementing the study of fingerprints to help
    discover expand an individual's potential.
  • There are no two identical fingerprints. One's 10
    fingers are not the same. Dermatoglyphics style,
    striae height, density, quantity and location of
    the point is not the same for everyone. No
    individual has ever displayed the same
    fingerprint from another digit even if taken from
    the same hand.
  • The raised pattern network of lifetime from birth
    to death will not change even if it is due to the
    regeneration of the labor dermatoglyphics style,
    quantity and profile shape which is determined
    the same later.
  • According to science statistics, immediate family
    members will be more or less the same between the
    striae. Normal human cells chromosomes may have a
    mutation due to a structural change resulting in
    striae mutation. Therefore, the striae have
    inherited the mutation.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q1. What is Dermatoglyphics?
  • Ans Dermatoglyphics is generated in the human
    fingers, palms, toes, and feet rose on the lines.
    Born in finger dermatoglyphics, called
    "fingerprint", and born in striae on the palm of
    your hand is called "palm." In the genetic
    counselling related to science Jieyou
    Description The person's skin texture in the
    13th week of embryonic development to 19 weeks of
    the formation of the brain are synchronous growth
    lines and striae. After the formation of striae,
    life unchanged.
  • Q2. Can the Dermatoglyphics test help me?
  • Ans Dermatoglyphics tests can help us understand
    people that are being tested the following five
    items first, the structure of the superior order
    of brain function second, learning how to
    operate a keen ability third, visual, auditory,
    somatosensory learning the proper channels
    Fourth, learning and education, communication
    patterns fifth, eight multi-intelligence
    potential. In fact, every child has unique
    qualifications and potential, but often parents
    do not understand the child's abilities.
    Dermatoglyphics tests can help parents understand
    their children's clear mind and brain cells, the
    distribution function of strength, grasp the
    child's unique qualities and potential, and
    develop as soon as possible. Besides that, learns
    how children should be given the proper learning
    environment so that we can follow according to
    the child's personality characteristics and the
    mode of communication for him/her to achieve the
    function of raising a child's mind in order to
    enhance the learning outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q3. Is Dermatoglyphics testing scientific or
    Medical basic?
  • Ans Both. Dermatoglyphics is based on many
    scientists medical scientists of "genetics",
    "Embryology", "Dermatoglyphics" "brain science"
    and other science-based, and the use of
    observation, recording, contrast, inductive
    learning methods, and then coupled with clinical
    experience, and finally concluded that From the
    striae we can accurately analyze the child's
    multiple intelligences and potential personality.
  • Q4. Is Dermatoglyphics testing Palm Reading or
  • Ans No, striae test is based on the most
    advanced scientific and medical research as a
    root. Besides that, Dermatoglyphics testing
    refers to the growth in human hands, protruding
    ridges on the soles of the feet, which is a
    lifetime constant and palm readers are targeted
    at handheld staff recessed lines which keep
    changing over a period of time.
  • Q5. What specific help can be given?
  • Ans Through the Dermatoglyphics, we are able to
    find out
  • Why are the children not interested in their
  • The learning barrier because from the
    inappropriate stimulation and teaching
  • Why are the children always opposing to your
  • Why are the children so active, so stubborn, or
    why can they concentrate or sit still?
  • Find out the most appropriate way of teaching and

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  • Call 022 4016 3399 / 9987766531 / 9987422220
  • Email / support_at_brainwonders
  • Address A- 101, Suchita Enclave, Off.
    Chandavarkar road, Maharashtra Nagar, Borivali
    West, Mumbai
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