How to get a Facebook application id and secret key in 2023? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to get a Facebook application id and secret key in 2023?


This blog post was originally written in December 2017. Facebook has changed its developer portal user interfaces since then. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: mayurtheonetech


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How to get a Facebook application id and secret key in 2023?

How to get a Facebook application id and secret
key in 2023? This blog post was originally
written in December 2017. Facebook has changed
its developer portal user interfaces since then.
For the same, we have updated the blog for the
Facebook application id and secret key as per
the latest developer portal steps. If you ever
need to integrate Facebook Login or use Facebook
graph API, you can hire developers from
us at an affordable rate. How to Get an App ID
and Secret Key from Facebook You have to
register for a new Facebook App to get a Facebook
App ID and Secret Key. It is very easy to set up
an account and it is free of cost where your
application does not need to do anything. For the
further process, we only need the keys. In case
you have a Facebook App, you can directly use its
App ID and Secret Key without any registration
to a new account. First, you have to navigate
your browser to the Facebook Developers page.
For the same, you have to login into your
Facebook account. Next, you need to Click the
"Add a New App" link located in the top right
"My Apps" menu. Login Process for Facebook
API To use the Facebook API, like the Login
with Facebook or Facebook Graph API, you need to
create a Facebook App. When you make a Facebook
App, that app will have an App ID and an App
Secret. You need these credentials to do almost
anything with Facebook, including going through
the OAuth authorization flow and working with
Facebook's Graph API.
  • With the App ID, you can send API requests to
    Facebook for data. The Facebook App Secret can
    be used to decode encrypted data.
  • Steps to create a Facebook application
  • Before we go ahead and start with the Facebook
    app creation process. You need to have a
    developer's account on Facebook. You can reach
    the developers' account directly by visiting
  • https// If you have the
    account, just use
  • your ID and Password and skip the "Registration
  • Registration Step If you already have an account
    registered for a Facebook developer account, you
    can skip this step and directly go to the Next
    Step. If you are not registered on a Facebook
    developer account, follow the steps mentioned
  • Click on the "Get Started" button from the top
    right corner.

  • Click on the Next button fíom the popup. Enteí
    youí detail and click on the
  • "Send Veíification SMS" Button.
  • Enteí youí veíification code to veíify youí
  • It may be íequiíed to Re-Veíify youí account by
    youí mail ID.

  • On the next scíeen, afteí veíifying youí account,
    Select the "Developeí" option heíe.
  • Once you click the "Complete Registíation"
    button, youí píocess of íegistíation is oveí.

App Cíeation
  • lhe new useí will get Welcome Scíeen wheíe they
    have to click the "Cíeate Fiíst App"
  • button. OR If you aíe alíeady íegisteíed with
    Facebook developeí peífoím, follow these steps
    Click on My App gtgt Add a New App
  • You need to select "lype" befoíe you go ahead.
    Choose the App type as peí youí
  • íequiíement.
  • Enteí the "Display Name" and "Contact Email" of
    youí New App ID. lhis app name will be shown to
    end-useís when they will tíy to Login with
    Facebook, and they aíe íediíected to the
    Facebook website foí login peímission. So, make
    suíe you give a meaningful name heíe which can
    identify youí website. Click on the Cíeate App
    Id Button.

  • Complete the Secuíity Check by enteíing the
    passwoíd and clicking on the
  • Submit button. It will open the píoduct list

Add Píoduct Fíom the Píoduct list page, click on
the Set Up button fíom the píoduct with the
name Facebook Login.
In the menu at the left coíneí, click on the
Facebook Login link to expand the sub-menu.
Next, you need to click on Settings fíom the
Now, you will see the details wheíe you have to
enteí youí website URL in Valid OAuth íediíect
URIs. Foí example, youí website domain
is youí, so enteí https//youí
Now expand the "Setting" menu and select "Basic".
Heíe you can find the App ID and App Secíet.
lhen click on the Show button in the App
Secíet text box. You can copy the App Id and
App Secíet, which you can use foí youí
Facebook API calls.
By default, when you cíeate a Facebook
application, it is píivate and available only to
you foí testing puíposes. End useís can only use
it afteí you make the app live. lo make the app
live, you must enteí a Píivacy Policy URL within
Settings gt Basic.
Foí Switching the mode fíom Development to Live,
click on the status switch. Afteí that, it will
show a popup to switch the mode. Please select
the categoíy of youí app and click on the Switch
Mode button to make youí app public.
  • Conclusion
  • In a nutshell, It is an easy píocess to get a
    Facebook app ID and Facebook secíet codes fíom
    Facebook. Using Facebook OAuth settings while
    following the above-mentioned steps can help you
    get a Facebook application id and secíet key in
    2023. You can set it live fíom the development
    veísion by just switching the mode with one
  • If you find this blog useful and aíe cuíious to
    know moíe about social media integíation, please
    go thíough the below-mentioned blogs.
  • ASP.NEl - login with Ïacebook and gíaph API
  • ASP.NEl - Login and SignUp with LinkedIn API
  • 2020 Updated How to get Google app Client ID and
    Client Secíet
  • We aíe a well-known softwaíe outsouícing company
    dealing with vaíious clients fíom diffeíent
    industíies. Ouí expeít can help you with easy
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