Title: Tim Terrentine - An Energetic and Adaptable Individual
1Former Vice President of Development and Alumni
Relations at Western Michigan University
2(No Transcript)
3Tim Terrentine succeeds at building internal and
external relationships and offering significant
insights, thought leadership, and counsel on
cutting-edge topics.
4Timothy Terrentine pushes for ongoing development
to ensure efficient workflow. He worked with 125
major firms to encourage their expansion in the
5While at the Western Michigan University
Foundation, Timothy Terrentine created and
carried out the first Tri-Board Leadership Summit
(Trustees, Foundation, and Alumni), which helped
align direction, partnership, and expectation
around the work of Development and Alumni
6Tim Terrentine graduated from Western Michigan
University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with a
Bachelor of Arts in Family Studies in Teaching, a
Minor in Communication in 2004 and a Master of
Arts in Communication in 2006.
7Timothy Terrentine delivers an independent,
well-established company with strong and
competent leadership. To ensure expansion and the
development of the organization's capabilities,
he creates and implements long-term new business
strategies. In addition, building and maintaining
connections with various networks and
stakeholders is Tim Terrentine's forte.
8Thank You
To know more about him visit his official site