Title: Computer Short Course in Rawalpindi (1)
1Computer Short Course in Rawalpindi
Welcome to our Computer Short Course in
Rawalpindi! In this course, you'll learn
practical skills to help you navigate the digital
world. Join us and take your first step to become
a tech-savvy individual.
2Course Objectives
Basic Computer Knowledge ?????
Microsoft Office Suite Proficiency ??
Learn fundamental computer concepts and
Develop expertise in MS Word, Excel, and
Internet and Email ??
Software Installation ???
Understand how to use email, browse the internet,
and protect your online identity.
Get hands-on experience with software
installation and troubleshooting.
3Course Structure
Class Lectures
Hands-on Practice
Engaging lectures on fundamental computer
concepts and specific software applications.
Practice your skills in our fully-equipped
computer lab with guidance from our expert
Supplement your learning with course material and
resources available at our library.
Get recognized for your hard work with our course
completion certificate.
4Course Content
Software Applications
Operating Systems
Computer Basics
- Computer components and functions
- Storage devices and file management
- Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides
- Operating system installation and configuration
5Benefits of the Course
Career Growth ??
Better Communication ???
Personal Growth ??
Increase your employability with a competitive
edge in today's digital age.
Leverage technology to connect with people, share
information, and collaborate.
Be more confident and independent when using
technology in your daily life.
6Who Should Take this Course
Computer Short Course in Rawalpindi is perfect
for anyone who wants to improve their computer
skills, from novice users to people with some
basic knowledge of computers. Whether you're a
student, working professional, or retiree, this
course is a great investment for your personal
and professional growth.
7Conclusion and Next Steps
Attend an orientation session to learn more about
the course syllabus and schedule.
Classes Begin
Apply online or in-person to enroll in the course.
Start your computer learning journey with us and
achieve your goals!