Khet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Khet

SLIC by LACAS School Network
This proposal outlines a 360-degree marketing
plan for LACAS's Innovation Centre, SLIC. The
plan focuses on PR efforts to generate media
coverage, a dedicated blog to share engaging
content, digital marketing to target the desired
audience through SEO, email marketing, paid
advertising, and social media marketing to
promote SLIC and engage with potential students
and entrepreneurs. The proposed budget allocates
funds for social media marketing, digital
advertising, and content creation to maximize
visibility and attract eyeballs to the centre's
offerings, fostering professional and
entrepreneurial skills among students.
Situation Analysis
Marketing Proposal
LACAS and its Reputation
Goals and Objectives of SLIC
SLIC (Student-Led Innovation Centre) is an
initiative taken by the school to promote and
foster entrepreneurship among O/A level students.
The main goals and objectives of SLIC are a.
Empowering Students with Ideas SLIC aims to
encourage students to think creatively, explore
innovative ideas, and develop problem-solving
skills. It provides a platform for students to
turn their ideas into viable projects or
businesses. b. Implementation Support The
innovation centre offers guidance and support
throughout the implementation process. It
provides resources, mentorship, and a
collaborative environment to help students bring
their ideas to life. c. Internship Opportunities
SLIC seeks to establish partnerships with
prominent organizations to offer internship
opportunities for students. These internships
will give students real-world exposure and
experience working with professionals in their
areas of interest. d. Fostering Entrepreneurial
Mindset The centre strives to instill an
entrepreneurial mindset in students, emphasizing
resilience, adaptability, creativity, and
leadership skills. SLIC believes that nurturing
these qualities will benefit students not only in
their projects but also in their overall personal
and professional development.
LACAS as an educational institution that focuses
on providing quality education It has been
established since 1987 and has earned a
reputation for academic excellence and a
nurturing learning environment. The school is
well-regarded in the education sector, and its
graduates have a track record of success in
various fields.
Target Audience
Understanding the target audience is crucial for
effective marketing. In this case, the primary
target audience consists of O/A level students
and their parents. Consider the following
aspects a. Age Group The target audience will
typically consist of students in the age range of
13 to 18 years (A level students) and their
parents, who are often in their late 30s or early
40s. b. Preferences Research the preferences and
expectations of the target audience. What do
students and parents look for in an innovation
centre? What benefits are they seeking?
Preferences may include practical skills
development, networking opportunities, and a safe
and supportive learning environment. c.
Communication Channels Identify the
communication channels that the target audience
is most active on. This includes social media
platforms, relevant online forums, and
educational websites they frequently visit. d.
Motivations Understand the motivations of both
students and parents for considering SLIC. For
students, it could be a passion for
entrepreneurship, while parents might be seeking
supplementary education opportunities to enhance
their child's future prospects.
By thoroughly analysing the situation,
understanding the target audience, and assessing
the current marketing efforts, the school can
develop a more informed and effective marketing
plan to promote SLIC and increase admissions to
the innovation centre.
Competitive Analysis
Marketing Proposal
Determine how SLIC can differentiate itself from
Identify the competition in the education
industry and innovation centres
Identify the key competitors that operate in the
same niche as SLIC. These competitors can be
other educational institutions, innovation
centers, or programs that target A level students
and promote entrepreneurship. Some examples of
competitors include a. Other schools offering
entrepreneurship programs or extracurricular
activities. b. Dedicated innovation centers or
incubators focusing on young entrepreneurs. c.
Online platforms providing entrepreneurship
courses for students.
Based on the competitive analysis, it's crucial
to identify what sets SLIC apart. a.
Student-Centered Approach Emphasize SLIC's focus
on student-led innovation, allowing students to
drive their projects and ideas with the centre's
support, rather than a one-size-fits-all
approach. b. Real-World Impact Highlight the
practicality and real-world impact of SLIC's
projects and how they contribute to solving real
problems or addressing societal challenges. c.
Exclusive Partnerships Forge exclusive
partnerships with renowned organizations or
start-ups, offering unique internship
opportunities that competitors may not have
access to. d. Mentorship Program Establish a
robust mentorship program with successful
entrepreneurs, industry experts, and alumni to
provide personalized guidance and support to
students. e. Community Engagement Showcase
SLIC's involvement in the local community and its
efforts to create a positive social impact
through student initiatives. f. Alumni Success
Stories Feature success stories of SLIC alumni
who have achieved remarkable accomplishments
after graduating from the school, demonstrating
the long-term benefits of the program. g.
Innovation Showcases Organize regular innovation
showcases or exhibitions where students can
display their projects and interact with
potential partners or investors.
Analyse their marketing strategies and strengths
a. Online Presence Examine their website,
social media accounts, and online advertising
efforts. Look at the quality of their content,
engagement levels, and the reach of their online
campaigns. b. Target Audience Understand the
audience they are targeting and how well they
cater to the needs and preferences of A level
students and their parents. c. Unique Selling
Points (USPs) Identify the key features and
benefits they highlight to attract students. This
could include mentorship programs, success
stories, partnerships, or specialized
resources. d. Success Stories Look for any
success stories or testimonials from students who
have participated in their programs. Analyze how
they showcase these success stories to build
credibility. e. Partnerships Examine any
partnerships or collaborations they have with
influential organizations, entrepreneurs, or
educational institutions. f. Events and
Workshops Assess if they conduct any events,
workshops, or webinars to engage with their
audience and promote their programs
By understanding the competition and
strategically differentiating SLIC from its
competitors, the innovation centre can
effectively position itself as a unique and
compelling choice for O/A level students
interested in entrepreneurship.
Marketing Proposal
Value Proposition
Benefits of Joining SLIC
Unique Selling Points of SLIC
When students become part of SLIC, they gain
access to a range of benefits that will shape
their entrepreneurial aspirations and future
prospects a. Idea Empowerment SLIC provides a
platform for students to explore and refine their
innovative ideas, fostering critical thinking and
problem-solving skills. b. Implementation
Support Students receive comprehensive support
in executing their projects, including access to
resources, workshops, and guidance from
experienced mentors. c. Internship Opportunities
SLIC opens doors to internships with prominent
organizations, allowing students to gain
invaluable practical experience and expand their
professional network. d. Networking and
Collaboration Students can collaborate with
like-minded peers and professionals, creating a
supportive community that encourages
collaboration and knowledge exchange. e. Personal
Growth Through SLIC's programs, students develop
essential life skills such as leadership,
adaptability, resilience, and effective
communication, enhancing their overall personal
SLIC stands out as an innovation centre by
providing a student-centric and empowering
environment that fosters entrepreneurship among A
level students. Its unique selling points
include a. Student-Led Innovation SLIC
empowers students to take the lead in their
entrepreneurial journey, encouraging them to
explore their creativity and turn their ideas
into reality. b. Holistic Mentorship The centre
offers personalized mentorship from successful
entrepreneurs, industry experts, and alumni,
guiding students throughout their projects and
nurturing their entrepreneurial mindset. c.
Real-World Impact SLIC emphasizes practicality
and real-world impact, enabling students to work
on projects that address real challenges and have
a positive influence on society.
By clearly defining these unique selling points
and highlighting the compelling benefits of
joining SLIC, the proposal/plan will effectively
communicate the value that the innovation centre
offers to potential students, encouraging them to
become a part of this transformative
entrepreneurial journey.
Marketing Proposal
Marketing Strategy
Community Management/Water Army
Social Media
In today's digital age, online interactions and
brand perceptions can significantly impact an
organization's success. With a dedicated water
army, we can proactively manage conversations,
respond promptly to queries, and address concerns
in a personalized manner. This level of
attentiveness not only showcases our commitment
to excellent customer service but also instills
confidence and trust in our target audience. The
positive word-of-mouth generated by this engaged
community will amplify our reach and attract more
like-minded individuals to join SLIC.
  • Develop a content calendar with engaging posts,
    educational content, and success stories.
  • Leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook,
    LinkedIn, and Twitter to target students and
  • Collaborate with influencers, teachers, and
    alumni to spread the word.

  • Optimize the website for relevant keywords.
  • Launch Google Ads campaigns targeting relevant
    search terms and local areas.
  • Implement Google Analytics to track website
    traffic and user behaviour.

The marketing strategy for promoting SLIC in the
proposal incorporates various effective channels
to reach the target audience. For social media, a
well-planned content calendar will be created,
featuring engaging posts, educational content,
and inspiring success stories. The use of
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Twitter will help target both students and
parents. Collaborating with influencers,
teachers, and alumni will further amplify the
message. Additionally, the strategy involves
leveraging Google to its full potential,
optimizing the website for relevant keywords,
launching targeted Google Ads campaigns, and
implementing Google Analytics to monitor website
traffic and user behaviour. Blogging will play a
vital role by establishing an informative and
appealing blog, publishing articles on
entrepreneurship, student achievements, and
success stories, and guest posting on relevant
education and parenting blogs to expand the
outreach. Lastly, a digital PR approach will be
adopted, involving press releases to local media
outlets and education-focused publications,
showcasing SLIC's accomplishments and impact in
the community, and collaborating with influential
figures in the education sector to enhance
visibility and credibility.
  • Create an informative and appealing blog on the
  • Publish articles related to entrepreneurship,
    success stories, and student achievements.
  • Guest post on education and parenting blogs to
    reach a wider audience.

Digital PR
  • Reach out to local media outlets and
    education-focused publications with press
  • Showcase SLIC's achievements and impact in the
  • Collaborate with influential figures in education
    to increase visibility.

Marketing Proposal
Set Specific and Measurable Marketing Goals We
will work collaboratively with the LACAS team to
define clear and measurable marketing objectives.
For instance, we may aim to increase website
traffic by 30 within six months, attract a
specific number of new enrolments, or achieve a
certain level of engagement on social media.
These well-defined goals will provide us with a
clear direction and enable us to gauge the
success of our efforts. Allocate Resources and
Budget for Each Marketing Channel Based on the
marketing strategy outlined earlier, we will
determine the required resources and allocate an
appropriate budget for each marketing channel.
This will include the necessary funds for social
media campaigns, Google Ads, content creation, PR
activities, and any other marketing initiatives.
By ensuring sufficient resources are available,
we can execute the plan effectively and maximize
the return on investment (ROI). Define Roles and
Responsibilities within the Marketing Team To
ensure a seamless implementation, we will assign
specific roles and responsibilities to each
member of the marketing team. This will include
designating a social media manager to oversee the
content calendar and engagement, an SEO
specialist to optimize the website for relevant
keywords, a content creator to develop engaging
blog articles, and a PR coordinator to handle
media outreach. By clarifying these roles, we
establish a structured and efficient workflow
that allows everyone to focus on their areas of
Throughout the implementation phase, we will
closely monitor progress, track key performance
indicators (KPIs), and collect data to measure
the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.
Regular reporting and analysis will enable us to
make data-driven decisions and make any necessary
adjustments to the strategy to achieve optimal
results. By incorporating this comprehensive
Implementation Plan into our marketing proposal,
we are confident in our ability to successfully
promote SLIC, attract students and young
entrepreneurs, and position LACAS as a leading
institution for fostering professional and
entrepreneurial skills. Our goal is to create a
dynamic and results-driven marketing campaign
that generates significant interest, engagement,
and positive impact for SLIC and its target
Measurement Monitoring
Marketing Proposal
  1. Use Tools for Tracking Performance We will
    implement Google Analytics to gain valuable
    insights into website traffic, user behaviour,
    and conversion rates. Social media insights will
    be monitored to analyse engagement metrics,
    audience demographics, and content performance.
    Additionally, email marketing metrics will be
    tracked to assess open rates, click-through
    rates, and overall campaign effectiveness. These
    tools will provide us with data to evaluate the
    impact of our marketing efforts.
  2. Regularly Assess and Adjust With access to
    real-time data, we will continuously assess the
    performance of each marketing effort. By
    analysing the metrics and comparing them against
    the defined goals, we can identify areas of
    strength and opportunities for improvement. This
    iterative approach will enable us to make
    necessary adjustments to the marketing
    strategies, ensuring that we stay on track to
    achieve our objectives.
  3. Prepare Progress Reports We understand the
    importance of keeping stakeholders informed about
    the progress of our marketing initiatives.
    Therefore, we will prepare comprehensive reports
    at regular intervals, presenting key performance
    indicators, campaign results, and noteworthy
    achievements. These reports will provide a
    transparent overview of the marketing efforts and
    allow stakeholders to gauge the return on
    investment and overall success of the promotional

Define Roles and Responsibilities within the
Marketing Team To ensure a seamless
implementation, we will assign specific roles and
responsibilities to each member of the marketing
team. This will include designating a social
media manager to oversee the content calendar and
engagement, an SEO specialist to optimize the
website for relevant keywords, a content creator
to develop engaging blog articles, and a PR
coordinator to handle media outreach. By
clarifying these roles, we establish a structured
and efficient workflow that allows everyone to
focus on their areas of expertise.
By implementing a robust Measurement and
Monitoring strategy, we aim to demonstrate the
impact of our marketing efforts, optimize the
campaign's performance, and maintain transparency
with all stakeholders involved in the promotion
of SLIC. The data-driven insights obtained
through this process will drive our
decision-making and ensure that the marketing
initiatives are aligned with the objectives of
increasing awareness, attracting students and
young entrepreneurs, and establishing LACAS as a
leading institution fostering professional and
entrepreneurial skills.
Marketing Proposal
A carefully crafted timeline will be developed
that outlines the specific start and end dates
for each marketing activity. This timeline will
serve as a roadmap for the implementation of our
marketing strategy, ensuring a systematic and
organized approach. By adhering to the set
timeline, we can effectively manage the different
aspects of the marketing campaign and maximize
efficiency. Peak Admissions Season Recognizing
the significance of the peak admissions season in
attracting potential students and young
entrepreneurs, we will need to strategically
allocate more efforts during this period. This
targeted approach allows us to capitalize on
heightened interest and engagement, increasing
the impact of our marketing initiatives. Adjustin
g for Off-Peak Periods We understand that
marketing dynamics may vary during off-peak
periods, and to maintain consistent visibility
and engagement, we are prepared to adjust our
approach accordingly. During these times, we will
focus on maintaining brand presence, nurturing
relationships with the audience, and exploring
innovative strategies to sustain interest.
By incorporating this timeline and the strategic
allocation of efforts, we aim to ensure that our
marketing activities are aligned with the peak
admissions season and adapt effectively during
off-peak periods. This approach allows us to
optimize resource allocation, deliver timely and
relevant messaging, and achieve our overarching
objectives of increasing awareness, attracting
students and young entrepreneurs, and
establishing LACAS as a leading institution for
fostering professional and entrepreneurial skills.
Services offered by Me
  • 360 Marketing
  • Account Management
  • Creatives
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Water Army
  • Designs
  • Monthly reports

Immediate Actions to be taken
  • personalized shoot of LACAS students in action
  • video shoots
  • SLIC Lab photoshoot or blueprint for now
  • Industry-partner shout-outs
  • videography of proposed storyboards and

Integrated Approach For Courses
KV Key Visuals for SLIC
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