Title: Daniel 2
1The Forgotten Dream
The Study of Daniel Chapter 2
2How much do we know about our future?
Where in the world are we headed?
3According to science research, we have dream
every night. However, mostly we forget it. The
Most wonderful dream had recorded since more than
2500 years ago. It can be found in Daniel
chapter 2.
4The man who had the dream was at the time the
ruler of Babylon then the most powerful kingdom
in the world.
5The Dream which concerning the world history was
given only by God. That the world history was
from the time of King Nebuchadnezzar to the end
of the world.
6The Babylon was the world biggest, richest and
most powerful country.
7It was happened in the second years as king.
He was worried about the future.
8When the king woke up from his fitful sleep, He
was perplexed. He knew he had dreamed, and he
knew that it was a dream of great importance, but
he couldnt remember what it was!
9A dream which was given by God
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19King Nebuchadnezzar was so angry that he
immediately issued a decree to execute all of the
wise men!
20But there were at that time in Babylon four
Hebrew young wise men, Daniel and his three
friends. Daniel asked for time to pray to his God
and ask for wisdom to be able to tell the king
the dream. (Verses 12-15.)
21Daniel returned to his house and together with
his friends prayed for a miracle.
When there is seem no way in human sight, God use
His people to glorify Him.
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28Daniel knew that there was only one God who could
reveal the future. In fact, the ability to write
history before it happens is the evidence that
the God of the Bible gives to show that He is the
only true God
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31The God of Daniel was able to do what all the
wise men of Babylon had failed to do. God could
actually tell the king what he had dreamed and
the thoughts he had been thinking before he went
to sleep!
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34Yes, the God of heaven knew the cares and
stresses on Nebuchadnezzars mind that night. He
knew the king was worried about the future. And
He wanted Nebuchadnezzar to know that the future
was secure in His hands. Next, Daniel begins to
tell the dream
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39Amazed, Nebuchadnezzar listens as Daniel
describes the image exactly as he had seen it in
the dream. There was no doubt this was the
dream that he had seen! Daniel continued
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44Since he worshipped such images as
representations of his deities, the king must
have been startled by this stone that violently
shattered the whole image into dust so fine that
the wind carried it completely away. But there
was one more part of this dream Daniel had yet to
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46From beginning to end the whole dream was exactly
as the king now remembered it! Imagine how
amazed Nebuchadnezzar must have been to be told
by this noble young man every detail of the dream
just the way he had seen it himself!
47But what was the meaning of the dream? Thats the
next part of the story the interpretation.
Nebuchadnezzars dream predicted the rise and
fall of key nations of the earth.
48In just a few words God sketched the main course
of history from Babylons time 600 years before
Christ to the climax of Earths history at the
end of time. This was an interpretation
Nebuchadnezzar was anxious to hear!
49Babylon was the heada nation represented by pure
gold! A smile of satisfaction must have crossed
the kings face as he heard those words.
50Historians confirm that gold was a fitting symbol
to represent the kingdom of Babylon. Gold was
lavishly used to embellish the buildings of
51The fabulous hanging gardens were one of the
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!
52This is a message not just for his time, but one
that would be relevant to the end of Earths
history. So Daniel humbly but boldly declared to
the king
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54Babylons proud monarch did not intend that any
other nation should ever rule the
world. Archeologists discovered in the ruins of
Babylon a tablet describing this intention
55Nebuchadnezzar wanted his kingdom to last
forever. But God said that it would not. Another
kingdom would take its place! In fact, God had
already prophesied exactly how the city would be
taken, nearly 200 years before its fall!
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58During the reign of Belshazzar Daniel 5
59Cyrus could not break down the walls, he devised
another way He would divert the river that ran
through the center of the city. Someone, through
carelessness or treachery, had left the massive
inner gates of bronze unguarded and open!
60The king was killed and his government
overthrown. The golden kingdom of Babylon came
to an inglorious end, just as the prophecies had
61Daniel predicted that the kingdom of silver would
be surpassed by yet another as well
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63This prediction was fulfilled when Alexander the
Great defeated Darius III of Persia in the Battle
of Arbela (Gaugamela) in 33l B.C.
64At the youthful age of 25, young Alexander became
ruler over one of the most extensive empires the
world had known. Historical Library, book 16,
chapter 12.
65Alexander died before his 33rd birthday of a
fever. After his death, his empire was weakened
and split into several parts until finally,
66On June 22, 168 B.C., at the Battle of Pydna,
perished the empire of Alexander the Great, 144
years after his death. History of Rome, book
3, Chapter 10.
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68Indeed, iron was an appropriate metal to
represent the Roman Empire. Rome would rule with
an iron-fist over an even wider expanse of
territory than the preceding empires and for
centuries longer.
69Her Caesars called themselves gods and demanded
the worship and obedience of all men.
70Jesus was born in Bethlehem. It was a Roman
taxation decree that took His parents to the city
of David, but His birth their was a fulfillment
of Messianic prophecy.
71Jesus was crucified in Judea, under Roman
authority. A Roman governor allowed Jesus to be
condemned, and Jesus was nailed to the cross by
Roman soldiers.
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76The dream here predicted that no fifth empire
would rise uniting Romes territory, but a
division of what had been the Roman Empire would
77Through luxury, political corruption, and moral
decay, Rome lost its stability and strength,
becoming an easy prey for barbaric tribes that
began to challenge the Empire between A.D. 351
and A.D. 476.
78Ten of these divisions are listed as follows by
most historians Alamanni - Germans, Burgundians
- Swiss, Franks - French, Lombards - Italians,
Saxons - English
79Suevi - Portuguese, Visigoths - Spanish The
Heruli, Ostrogoths, and Vandals are considered by
historians to have been wiped out or merged with
other groups so that no unique nation remains
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82Gods proclamation that these kingdoms will never
be reunited as one empire still limits what these
nations can do. Europe will stay divided. Even
with the European market and a common currency,
it is still divided.
83Daniel said that they would even mingle
themselves with the seed of men. In other
words, they would intermarry royalty.
84In a palace in Denmark, the family tree of the
royal families of Europe is pictured. They hoped
it would prevent wars and bring unity, but it
didnt work.
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88Through his dream God had foretold the rise and
fall of great world empires. The last empire
would be succeeded by a number of nations some
strong, some weak, but all hopelessly divided.
89What would happen next?
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95The next great event on the stage of human
history will be the second coming of Christ and
the establishment of His kingdom, represented by
the stone cut out without hands. His kingdom
will be founded, not by the hands of men, but by
the mighty hand of Goda kingdom that will fill
the whole earth.
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97King Nebuchadnezzar rose from his throne and
humbly prostrated himself before Daniel in honor
of Daniels great God, whose wisdom and power had
been so impressively demonstrated.
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99It tells us living today that we dont need to
worry about the future. The God of heaven isnt
going to leave this world in the hands of human
rulers. Hes going to come again to make
everything right!
100Nebuchadnezzars dream tells us that were living
just before the coming of Jesus! He will be the
One who establishes the eternal kingdom on this
earth. And He wants you to be a part of that
beautiful tomorrow! He wants to speak these words
to you
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104You can rest securely in His hands.