Title: Building Emotional Intelligence skills - Dr Nazempoor
1Dr. Nazempoor has two active licenses from state
of Texas. He is a Licensed Professional
Therapist, focusing on depression, anxiety,
personal growth/achievement, and
relationship/marital issues.
Email us Dr.Nazempoor_at_yahoo.com
Website https//drnazempoor.com
2What Are the Benefits of Couples Therapy?
Couples therapy, also known as couples
counseling, marriage counseling, or marital
therapy, is a particular type of family therapy
in Dallas that can be useful in exploring the
root reasons for conflict between two people.
This relationship therapy enhances communication
skills so a romantic relationship can rebuild and
grow. There can be many advantages of marital and
couple therapy where two people are invested. It
can be instrumental in building a partnership
built on consideration, mutual respect, and trust.
Call us (214) 727-7717
3Benefits of Couples Therapy
The advantages of relationship counseling will
rely on the couple taking the help. The more you
and your romantic spouse are ready to put into
your relationship the more acceptable the
outcome will be. If you hope to improve your
relationship satisfaction, watching couples
therapists can be the first step.
4Clarify Your Emotions About the Relationship
Sometimes partners come to therapy just to get an
essential awareness of what they want out of the
relationship. You may start therapy believing you
will do whatever it takes to rebuild the
relationship and live together. Marital and
couple therapy can help you understand, explore,
and clarify your emotions. A therapist
can assist you, and your partner concludes what
you want moving forward and then provide you with
strategic ways to attain those relationship
objectives. Whether this implies parting ways or
comprehending what it will take to make the
relationship function, a considerable advantage
of couples therapy can be clarifying your
5Business and Career Coaching
Whether you are in early 20s or late 40s, finding
the right career path with passion is one of the
cornerstones of your happiness. You need to have
a clear answers to these questions 1. What are
my true talents? 2. What is my deep passion? 3.
What skills do I have? 4. What level of success
do I want to have 10 to 20 years from today? A
well known quote from Mark Twain is Twenty
years from now, you will be more disappointed at
the things that you did not do than by the ones
you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor and catch the trade winds in
your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Business
coaching is about learning the leadership
techniques, improving decision making skills and
creating vision for your future business and
career. Program 1. One visit with Dr.
Nazempoor Basic Program 2. 5 visits with Dr.
Nazempoor Strategy to build a successful
6Relationship Coaching
When we have misunderstandings, poor
communication, high emotions and temper, but we
still love each other, 1-5 coaching sessions will
change the direction of the relationship. A
relationship coach works with you to create
compelling visions for your love connection. Dr.
Nazempoor has developed a simple step by step
roadmap to heal, rebuild and reconstruct your
troubled relationship. Again it is all about
connections. Making a dynamic connection requires
burning desire. By following few simple
principles we are able to improve communication,
create passion, and build trust and
respect. Program 1. One visit with Dr.
Nazempoor Basics of Changing your love life 2.
5 visits with Dr. Nazempoor Four secrets of
building intimate relationship
Call us (214) 727-7717
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