Title: Aquire Indiana (IN) Speech Pathologist License Practice Course
1Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA Aquire Indiana (IN)
Speech Pathologist License Practice Course About
the Service The guided study system features
hands-on skills and drills developed by leading
IT experts. Customizable tests allow you to focus
on your weakest areas. Electronic flashcards help
reinforce key concepts. Whether you are studying
at home or traveling, Exam Mastery gets you ready
for exam-day success! The program will calculate
their score/percentile on the same questions that
will appear on the actual certification exam when
taken at the testing center. With that
information, you'll be able to prepare yourself
for what's ahead in your exam. Prepare for your
certification exam with a targeted, self-paced
learning program. Exam Learning Program is an
easy-to-use online program designed to help you
prepare for your exam and then increase your
chances of passing it. Accessing URL of Practice
Exam https//proxsoft.us/product/study-indiana-in
-speech- pathologist-license-practice-course-proxs
oft/ License Description In order to qualify for
licensure as a speech pathologist or audiologist,
candidates must Possess at least a master's
degree or its equivalent in the area of
speech-language pathology from a board-recognized
institution. Have course concentrations of At
least 18 semester hours in courses providing
fundamental information applicable to the normal
development of speech, language, and hearing, and
at least 42 semester hours in courses providing
information about and practical experience in the
management of speech, language, and hearing
disorders, of which at least 6 hours shall be in
audiology, no more than 6 hours shall be in
courses providing academic credit for clinical
practice, at least 24 hours shall be in the field
for which licensure is sought, at least 30 hours
should be applicable towards a graduate degree.
Have at least 300 hours of supervised, direct
clinical experience received within the
educational institution granting the candidate's
master's degree. Have completed at least 9
consecutive months (at no less than 30 hours per
week) of clinical experience in either audiology
or speech-language pathology. Have not been
convicted of a crime nor have been subject to
disciplinary sanctions that would interfere with
the ability to carry out professional duties. Pay
all examination and application fees. The
requirements above are subject to change. Please
contact the agency listed below for updated
requirements. Licensing Agency Indiana
Professional Licensing Agency Speech Language
Pathology Audiology Board 402 West Washington
Street, Room W072
2Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA
Indianapolis , IN 46204 (317) 234
2067 pla4_at_pla.in.gov http//www.in.gov/pla/speech.