Title: Study Kentucky (KY) Podiatrist License Practice Course
1Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA Study Kentucky (KY)
Podiatrist License Practice Course About the
Service The guided study system features
hands-on skills and drills developed by leading
IT experts. Customizable tests allow you to focus
on your weakest areas. Electronic flashcards help
reinforce key concepts. Whether you are studying
at home or traveling, Exam Mastery gets you ready
for exam-day success! The program will calculate
their score/percentile on the same questions that
will appear on the actual certification exam when
taken at the testing center. With that
information, you'll be able to prepare yourself
for what's ahead in your exam. Prepare for your
certification exam with a targeted, self-paced
learning program. Exam Learning Program is an
easy-to-use online program designed to help you
prepare for your exam and then increase your
chances of passing it. Accessing URL of
Practice Exam https//proxsoft.us/product/study-k
entucky-ky- podiatrist-license-practice-course-pro
xsoft/ License Description GENERAL JOB
DESCRIPTION Examines, diagnoses, treats and
prevents diseases, conditions and malfunctions
affecting the human foot and its related or
governing structure, by employment of medicine,
surgery or other means. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS
Graduate of a school or college of podiatry that
is approved by the regulatory agency. EXAMINATION
REQUIREMENTS Submit application, which is
provided by the regulatory agency, at least forty
(40) days prior to examination. Examinations are
scheduled twice a year. Times and locations
designated by the regulatory agency. A written
examination is given with a passing score of 75.
The examination fee is 250.00. Should you fail,
make application to the regulatory agency forty
(40) days prior to examination. Reexamination fee
CERTIFICATION You must be at least eighteen (18)
years of age. You must be a resident of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky. You must be in good
health and be of good moral character and
temperate habits. You must possess good clinical
competence. This is determined by the
examination. All licenses are renewed by June 30
with a renewal fee of 150.00. Reciprocity is
left to the discretion of the regulatory agency.
licensure or certification) Fifteen (15) hours a
year of study in courses relating to the practice
of podiatry of which two (2) hours must be
related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) /
AIDS that have been approved by the Cabinet for
Health Services and the Kentucky State Board of
2Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA
Podiatry. Licensing Agency Commonwealth of
Kentucky Board of Podiatry 500 Mero Street, 2 SC
32 Frankfort , KY 40601 (502) 892 4259 BOP_at_ky.gov
3Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA
4Proxsoft LLC Web URL https//www.proxsoft.us Emai
l ID sales_at_ proxsoft.us Ph. No. 1 (302)
591-7836 Address 8 The Green, Suite A Dover,
Delaware 19901, USA