Title: Rainwater Harvesting
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Rainy' Research Manufacturing Founded
The first experiments of indirect groundwater
recharge, as a method to solve water scarcity led
to the invention of Injection Well Technology.
This was tested on the founders farm and
resulted in successful borewell recharge and
continous water yield. Thus, FLRWH was born and
the news of the success story spread far and wide.
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Rainwater Harvesting in Different Countries
Water scarcity is a pressing global issue, and
rainwater harvesting has emerged as a sustainable
solution to alleviate water stress in various
countries around the world. In this blog, we will
explore how rainwater harvesting is implemented
in different countries, showcasing its
effectiveness in addressing water scarcity and
promoting water self- sufficiency.
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Australia is known for its arid And semi-arid
regions, making Rainwater harvesting crucial for
Water security. Many Australian Households have
rainwater tanks installed to collect and store
rainwater for various uses Such as
gardening,toilet flussing,and laundry. In some
regions, rainwater is also used for drinking
after proper filtration and treatment.
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India, with its diverse climatic zones and water
challenges, has embraced rainwater harvesting on
a large scale. In rural areas, traditional
techniques like rooftop rainwater harvesting and
village ponds are employed to collect rainwater.
Additionally, in urban areas, rainwater
harvesting structures are integrated into
buildings and public infrastructure to capture
and store rainwater for both domestic and non-
potable purposes.
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Singapore, a small island nation facing limited
water resources, has made significant strides in
rainwater harvesting and water management. The
country has implemented an extensive network of
rooftop catchments, drains, and canals to collect
rainwater. This harvested rainwater is used for
non-potable purposes, such as indestrial
processes, toilet flushing, and landscaping,
reducing reliance on imported water sources.
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In Brazil, particularly in regions with abundant
rainfall like the Amazon rainforest,
rainwater harvesting plays a vital role in local
communities. Indigenuous tribes and rural
communities have long practiced rainwater
collection using traditional methods. Rainwater
is stored in large tanks or cisterns and
used for drinking, cooking, and agriculture,
supporting self- Sufficiency in water supply.
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In Germany, rainwater harvesting Is widely
adopted to mitigate stormwater runoff and
support sustainable water mangement practices.
Both resudential and commercial buildings
incorporate rainwater collection system.
This reduces the demand for fresh- water and
relieves pressure on the municipal water supply.
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Kenya, a country with varying cli- matic
conditions, experiences both water scarcity and
heavy rai- Nfall in certain regions.
Rainwater harvesting systems, such as roof- top
catchments and surface run- off collection, are
employed to Capture rainwater during the wet
seasons. This water is then stored In tanks or
reservoirs and used for Domestic purposes,
livestock, and small-scale irrigation in
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Our Clients
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Marketing office Farmland Rainwater Harvesting
SystemsNo 648, Ground Floor,11th cross, 7th
Block, Jaya Nagar,Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560070.
Head Office Farmland Rainwater Harvesting
SystemsNo. 269/1, Hadihalli Village, Amble
Hobli,Malalur Gram Panchayat,Malalur
Post,Chikmagalur Taluk and District -
577133Karnataka state,India.