Title: Robert Carvalho - An Exceptional Entrepreneur - Florida
1Robert Carvalho
President and CEO at EAI, Inc.
2(No Transcript)
3Currently holding the prestigious positions of
President and CEO of EAI is Robert C. Carvalho.
Robert Carvalho is an expert in geology and
skillfully manages a project.
4From creating cutting-edge decontamination
systems to overseeing installations for
groundwater monitoring, his skills guarantee the
accomplishment of projects ranging from massive
industrial sites to single-family residences.
5Robert Carvalho's commitment to environmental
stewardship is demonstrated by his hands-on
supervision of the thorough decontamination of
the Holland Tunnel ventilation system.
6Robert Carvalho is actively involved in industry
associations outside of his work at EAI. He is a
member of the New Jersey Association of
Industrial Hygienists and the American Industrial
Hygiene Association.
7Robert Carvalho is now a sought-after participant
in panel discussions because of his perceptive
remarks and his works are frequently featured in
many publications.
8Robert Carvalho has received recognition for
achievements beyond his career. In 2003, NJBIZ
magazine presented him with the 40 Under 40
Award. In 2005, the Hudson County Chamber of
Commerce presented him with the Gateway County
Award, highlighting his dedication to the
revitalization and welfare of Hudson County.
9T H A N K Y O U
To know more about him visit his official site