Priority Queue - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Priority Queue


Pririty Queue – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Priority Queue

  • Advance Java with Data Structures and Beyond

24 pt
  • Lecture 16
  • Priority Queues-I

20 pt
20 pt
Learn applications of Stacks and Queues
How to Implement Stack using Singly Linked List
What are Operations on Linked Queue
Lecture Objectives
  • By the end of this class, you will be able to
  • Gain an understanding of the concept and
    importance of priority queues in data structures.
  • Explore various methods and data structures for
    implementing priority queues.
  • Introduce the concept of heaps and their role in
    priority queue implementations.
  • Learn about complete binary trees and how they
    are used to implement priority queues efficiently.

Priority queue and its characteristics
Heap and types of heap
Complete and full Binary Tree
  • Priority queue

  • A priority queue is an abstract data type that
    behaves similarly to the normal queue except that
    each element has some priority, i.e., the element
    with the highest priority would come first in a
    priority queue.

Characteristics of a Priority Queue
  • Every element in a priority queue has some
    priority associated with it.
  • An element with a higher priority will be deleted
    before the deletion of the lesser priority.
  • If two elements in a priority queue have the same
    priority, they will be arranged using the FIFO

Types of Priority Queue
  • Ascending order priority queue
  • In an ascending order priority queue, a lower
    priority number is given as a higher priority
  • Descending order priority queue
  • In descending order priority queue, a higher
    priority number is given as a higher priority in
    a priority.

Priority queue and its characteristics
Heap and types of heap
Complete and full Binary Tree
  • Heap

Capturing and Non-capturing Groups
  • A heap is a tree-based data structure that forms
    a complete binary tree and satisfies the heap
  • If A is a parent node of B, then A is ordered
    concerning the node B for all nodes A and B in a
  • It means that the value of the parent node could
    be more than or equal to the value of the child
    node, or the value of the parent node could be
    less than or equal to the value of the child

  • Types of Heaps

Max heap
  • The max heap is a heap in which the value of the
    parent node is greater than the value of the
    child nodes.
  • In Java, a max heap can be implemented using the
    PriorityQueue class from java.util package. The
    PriorityQueue class is a priority queue that
    provides a way to store elements in a queue-like
    data structure in which each element has a
    priority associated with it.
  • Syntax PriorityQueue maxHeap new

Min heap
  • The min heap is a heap in which the value of the
    parent node is less than the value of the child
  • In Java, a min heap can be implemented using the
    PriorityQueue class from java.util package. The
    PriorityQueue class is a priority queue that
    provides a way to store elements in a queue-like
    data structure in which each element has a
    priority associated with it.
  • Syntax PriorityQueueltIntegergt minHeap new

Priority queue and its characteristics
Heap and types of heap
Complete and full Binary Tree
  • Priority Queue Operations

Inserting the element in a priority queue (max
  • If we insert an element in a priority queue, it
    will move to the empty slot by looking from top
    to bottom and left to right.
  • If the element is not in a correct place then it
    is compared with the parent node if it is found
    out of order, elements are swapped. This process
    continues until the element is placed in the
    correct position.

2. Removing the minimum element from

the priority queue
  • As we know in a max heap, the maximum element is
    the root node. When we remove the root node, it
    creates an empty slot.
  • The last inserted element will be added to this
    empty slot. Then, this element is compared with
    the child nodes, i.e., left-child and
    right-child, and swapped with the smaller of the
    two. It keeps moving down the tree until the heap
    property is restored.

  • Complete Binary Tree

Complete Binary Tree
  • A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which
    all the levels are completely filled except
    possibly the lowest one, which is filled from the
  • A complete binary tree is just like a full binary
    tree, but with two major differences
  • All the leaf elements must lean towards the left.
  • The last leaf element might not have a right
    sibling i.e. a complete binary tree doesn't have
    to be a full binary tree.

Terminology of Complete Binary Tree
  • Root Node in which no edge is coming from the
    parent. For example, node A
  • Child The node having some incoming edge is
    called the child. For example, nodes B, and F
    are the child of A and C respectively.
  • Sibling Nodes having the same parent are
    siblings. For example, D and E are siblings as
    they have the same parent B.
  • Degree of a node Number of children of a
    particular parent. For example- The degree of A
    is 2 and the Degree of C is 1. The degree of D is
  • Internal/External nodes Leaf nodes are external
    nodes and non leaf nodes are internal nodes.
  • Level Count nodes in a path to reach a
    destination node. For example, the level of node
    D is 2 as nodes A and B form the path.

Properties of Complete Binary Tree
  • A complete binary tree is said to be a proper
    binary tree where all leaves have the same depth.
  • In a complete binary tree, the number of nodes at
    depth d is 2d.
  • In a complete binary tree with n nodes, the
    height of the tree is log(n1).
  • All the levels except the last level are full.

Creation of Complete Binary Tree
  • Algorithm
  • For the creation of a Complete Binary Tree, we
    require a queue data structure to keep track of
    the inserted nodes.
  • Step 1 Initialize the root with a new node when
    the tree is empty.
  • Step 2 If the tree is not empty then get the
    front element .If the front element does not have
    a left child, then set the left child to a new
    node .If the right child is not present, then set
    the right child as a new node
  • Step 3 If the node has both children, then pop
    it from the queue.
  • Step 4 Enqueue the new data.

A complete Binary Tree can be represented
using an array. If the parent is index i the left
child is at 2i1 and the right child is at 2i2.
Full Binary Tree

  • A full binary tree can be defined as a binary
    tree in which all the nodes have 0 or two
    children. In other words, the full binary tree
    can be defined as a binary tree in which all the
    nodes have two children except the leaf nodes.
  • A full binary tree is a binary tree in which all
    of the nodes have either 0 or 2 offspring. In
    other terms, a full binary tree is a binary tree
    in which all nodes, except the leaf nodes, have
    two offspring.

Priority queue and its characteristics
Heap and types of heap
Complete and Full Binary Tree
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