Title: Ingrid Smuling 3 Still life (Dutch, 1944)
2Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Stilleven in rood
3Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
4Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Kleine stapeling in
Chinees blauw 2014
5Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
6Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
7Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Abrikoosjes met blauw doosje 2011
8Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Anemoontjes 2021
9Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
10Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
11Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Blauwe druifjes in
zilveren kannetje
12Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Autumn anemones
Pioenroos in zilveren
13Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Blauwe bloemetjes
op een rij
14Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Bloesemtak in
15Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Spaanse geranium-2016
Cups and bowls 2017
16Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Gemberpotten op een
rij olieverf op paneel
17Verstilde schoonheid
Hellebores in Chinese pot
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Chinese Kom
18Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Kardinaalsmuts in
blauwe Chinese pot 2020
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Japanse kwee in
grijze gemberpot 2021
19Kang Hsi met lijsterbes
Sneeuwbessen in zilveren bekertje
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Rode anemonen in
peperpot 2019
20Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Cherries
Snowdrops in blue vase
21Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Appeltjestak van
vera 2020
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Kwarteleitjes
22Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Kleurrijk boeket 2017
Kopjes met zilveren lepeltje 2019
Museum Møhlmann
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Juffertje in t
groen 2015
24Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Franse kom met
appeltak 2020
25Ingrid Smuling
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Mosterd peper zout
stel 2017
26 Lelietjes van Dalen in zilveren bekertje
2016 Korenbloemen
in zilveren beker 2018 Ingrid Smuling (Dutch,
27Viooltjes in Chinees vaasje 2014
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Purple blue violets
28 Lange lijs eierdop met viooltjes 2018
Paarsblauwe viooltjes -
Museum Mohlmann Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
29Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Mandarijnen met
gewatteerd kimonojasje 2016
30 Krokusjes in blauw vaasje 2016
hortensia in Chinese kan 2015 Ingrid Smuling
(Dutch, 1944)
31Lichtblauwe ridderspoor 2018
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) rode roos in chinees
32Oost Indische kers in gemberpot Oost-Indische
kers in peperpot
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Oost-Indische kers
in craquel potje
33Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Roses in vase
Snowberries in green ginger
jar 2018
34 Oranjerode geranium in gemberpot 2014
Kruisbessen in oude
Franse kom 2016 Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
35Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Ridderspooren cicho
rei 2016
36Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Pluizebollen in
peperpot 2013 Violets in opal blue
bottle 2018
37Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Rose-Red Anemones
38Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Red anemones
roos 2016
39Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Rode appeltjes in
rozenkommetje 2015
Rozenkan 2018 Rode appels in gele
schaal 2009
40Ingrid Smuling is a virtuoso in painting
realistic still life with nostalgic objects,
often in combination with flowers or fruits. Her
paintings are influenced by their classical
appearance and unmistakable atmosphere. Rest,
harmony and an outstanding attention to detail
feature the works of this Dutch painter. Ingrid
Smuling (1944) graduated from the Royal Academy
of Fine Arts in The Hague, where she still lives
and paints. After completing her studies, she
became increasingly interested in the art of fine
painting, a technique that she has now managed to
Her favorite subjects are often everyday things
a pottery jar, a geranium branch, or a bowl of
mandarins. The classic simplicity that features
Ingrid Smuling's paintings is also reflected in
the names of her works. Ingrid Smuling has a very
personal style of painting, where she maintains a
perfect balance between realism and figuration.
With subtle, yet visible brush strokes she knows
how to put charm and atmosphere in her paintings.
Hereby she has conquered a leading position as a
painter of still lifes today with a wide audience.
41Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
Sneeuwbessen in witte
gemberpot 2014 Rozenbottels in 'Sadler' pul 2021
42 Sneeuwklokjes en blauwe flacon 2017
Sneeuwklokjes met blauwe
glaasjes 2017 Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944)
43Kleine stapeling 2007
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Scillas in lange
lijs kopje 2019
44Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Witte
gemberpotjes met Rozenbottels 2020
rozenbottels 2013
Wilde hyacintjes
45Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Witte camelia 2016
Spirit jug with
wild geranium
46Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Stapeling in Chinees
Blauw 2020 Stacking with
Chinese dog
47Snowdrops in glass with a blue base
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Viooltjes en
vergeet mij niet 2018-2019
48Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Stacking with grapes
49Viooltjes in groen turquoise vaasje Viooltjes in
lange lijs 2015
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Roze herfstanemonen
in zilveren bekertje 2015
50Wilde hyacintjes en fluitekruid 2008
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Wedgwood Etruria
with anemones 2021
51Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Snowberries in a
vase 2021
52Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Witte hortensias
in Chinese potten 2015
53Afgebroken geranium 2009
Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Yellow nasturtiums
54 Ridderspoor en groene gemberpot
Voorjaarsboeketje met lijst Ingrid Smuling
(Dutch, 1944)
55Ingrid Smuling (Dutch, 1944) Geranium in craquele
potje 2020 Donkerrode helleborus
56Text and pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Willem de Fesch (1687-1761) Cello
Sonata No.6 in G major
David Croitor
David Croitor
David Croitor
Emil Chendea
Elena Muller-Stancescu
Emil Chendea
Emil Chendea
Ottorino De Luchi
Ingrid Smuling
Ottorino De Luchi
Ingrid Smuling
Ingrid Smuling
Ottorino De Luchi