Title: CRM Consulting - Case Study
1Streamlining Customer Onboarding with CRM
Consulting Services
91 8506860903 contact_at_thinkcapadvisors.com www.th
2Our client is a FinTech company offering payment
solutions. The company also offers virtual
terminals and eCommerce solutions.
Company Background
3Business Challenge
The company operates through an extensive network
of over 100 channel partners who sell various
payment solutions offered by the company.
Previously, resellers would manually send
customer application forms via email to a central
mailbox. However, this method often resulted in
lost emails and missing critical information and
documents. The manual process for application
receipt and customer onboarding significantly
impacted process efficiency and had a negative
effect on customer onboarding.
Number of customers onboarded, applications
rejected, applications approved, and customer
Performance of each seller in terms of
applications submitted, go-live status, and
revenue generated
Performance of the operations team and partner
account managers
Customer complaints and issues, which often went
unrecorded and unresolved
5Business Challenge
Another challenge was real-time communication
with customers and resellers. In the payment
solutions business, timely notification at key
stages of application approval, MID (Merchant ID)
generation, etc, as each stage is a critical
milestone. However, due to the manual customer
onboarding process, consistency in customer
communication was lacking, greatly compromising
the overall customer experience.
6Solution Approach
Our work began by comprehensively understanding
the customer's problem statement and identifying
their pain points. Simultaneously, we examined
the current business process of customer
onboarding. Our consultants conducted a process
consulting exercise, which involved redefining
processes and suggesting improvements -
identifying key areas within the process that
could benefit from automation.
Upon conclusion of the process consulting
exercise, it was agreed that implementing a CRM
software with robust workflow creation and
automation capabilities would be the most
suitable solution. Additionally, it was
determined that integrating a ticketing/customer
support module was essential for tracking and
resolving customer issues effectively.
Another area that required attention was the
receipt of customer applications. It was decided
that a URL-based customer application form,
integrated with the customer's website would be
provided to all resellers. As resellers submitted
the form, the details would be captured in the
CRM, initiating the customer onboarding workflow.
7After evaluating multiple CRM options for the
client, Zoho CRM was selected for implementation.
Several key reasons contributed to this decision
- website, pushing all customer data into the
CRM. - Real-time dashboards and reports provided
management with critical insights into business
operations. - The customer support module enabled the service
team to centralize support issues, track
resolutions, and create a solution database for
future reference.
- Zoho CRM software offers robust workflow
capabilities, allowing for easy creation and
modification of workflows as business processes
evolve. - Email notifications automatically triggered by
the workflow engine kept customers and partners
informed. - The simple and intuitive user interface led to
greater user adoption. - Zoho forms seamlessly integrated with the
Our Zoho CRM implementation partner, as part of
its CRM implementation services, implemented the
CRM, provided end-user training, and created the
necessary reports and dashboards for the customer.
8Benefits Impact
Within 4 months of implementation, the customer
onboarded over 2000 customers, with over 3 GB of
customer documents uploaded.
Over 100 reports and multiple dashboard widgets
enable senior management to keep track of
customer onboarding and sales team performance.
The customer onboarding process is now completely
automated from application submission to machine
delivery, with notifications sent out at
important milestones.
9About ThinkCap Advisors
ThinkCap Advisors (www.thinkcapadvisors.com) is a
consulting firm that uses industry expertise
and domain knowledge to help organizations and
their teams solve problems and achieve business
impacting results. Our team members, comprising
of professionals with extensive experience in Big
4 firms and large multinationals, are subject
matter experts and their advice is backed by
in-depth research, years of experience and deep
understanding of the prevailing market scenarios.
As a CRM consulting firm, our team has extensive
experience in providing CRM consulting services
focusing on process improvement, right CRM
selection and importantly end user adoption. Our
clientele includes both foreign and domestic
companies from multiple industry verticals. Work
Areas -Tax Regulatory -Social Sector
Consulting CSR Advisory -Consulting Technology
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91 8506860903