Title: Shades of Blue 70 Ingun Dahlin
2The Angel of Truth
Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) is an expert in
modeling and shaping sculptural expressions
figurative and rustic with the aim of creating
life through clay. I want my art to speak freely
where words fall short to say something that
words cannot, and be like visual music, she
says. Art has always been a big part of her life
3Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
4Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
5Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
6Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
7Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
8Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
9Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girl
10Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girls
11As a new student at the Norwegian National
Academy of Craft and Art Industry, Ingun Dahlin
experienced an artistic beginning in meeting with
teacher Ingeborg von Hanno. She was someone old
and wise who, with empathy and drama, told us
that if we were to remember only one thing after
years of study, it would have to be that good
craftsmanship should be ripped out of the hearts
roots. This sentence made an impression on the
young artist and has stayed with her through 30
years as an artisan. I never forgot it, and I
try to live by it. The creation process is
painful and requires empathy. One cannot touch
another heart unless one is oneself touched,
Dahlin explains. For me, my work is about
creating life in clay. I find that everything is
about communication, relationship and
association. But life first arises in the
communication between art and man, she says. I
want to express something that I find difficult
to say with words. I want my art to be able to
speak where words fall short. Be like visual
music sensual, happy and melancholy. I want the
art I create to live its own life and to mean
something to someone. My art is my language.
Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
12Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Angel
13Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
Light bearer
14Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Light bearer
15Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
16Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
17(No Transcript)
18Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
19Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
20Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girl with a golden
21Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girl with a golden
22Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Girl with a golden
23Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Golden egg
24Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Golden egg
25Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) The mermeid and
the gold bead
26Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
27Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) The mermeid and
the gold bead
28Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) The mermeid and
the gold bead
29Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) The mermeid and
the gold bead
30Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
31Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
32Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
33Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
34Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
35Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Bird song
36Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
37Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961)
38Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
39Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
40Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
41Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
42Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
43Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
44Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
45Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
46Ingun Dahlin (Norwegian, 1961) Gold bird
47Text Pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Sissel Kyrkjebø - Welcome To My
World Unchained Melody
Lin Fengmian
The blue trees
Angel de Caceres Garcia
Richard Edward Miller
Vladimir Volegov
Monserrat Gudiol
Goyo Dominguez
Ingun Dahlin
Gabriel Picart