Title: Italia Reggia di Caserta 7 Visiting the Palace5
2The Royal Palace of Caserta (Reggia di Caserta)
is a former royal residence constructed for the
Bourbon kings of Naples. Caserta is located 40
kilometres north of Naples
3The apartment of Her Majesty Queen Maria Carolina
is made up of four small rooms decorated in the
rocaille style. German pieces of furniture, the
apartment of Queen Maria Carolina is somehow
frivolous and elegant The room of the ladies
4The room of the ladies companion, also called
Room of the conversation of the queen, has been
frescoed by Fedele Fischetti, with The golden
Age, in 1799
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6The second small room is known as the Gabinetto
degli Stucchi, or Stuccowork Closet. The walls
are decorated with mirrors embellished with
garlands of flowers
7The ceiling of the Gabinetto degli Stucchi, by
Fedele Fiacchetti La Toilette di Venere
8The Room of the Ladies in Waiting Sala delle
Donne di Corte
9Maria Carolina of Austria (1752 1814), sister of
Marie Antoinette of France, was Queen of
Naples and Sicily as the wife of King Ferdinand
IV III (as de facto ruler of her husband's
kingdoms) the Study of the queen
10The walls of the Study of the queen are covered
with satin and framed with mirrors produced at
the royal factory in Castellammare
11The chandelier in bronze and wood, embellished
with little tomatoes which allude to the
fertility of the land of Campania, is probably a
work by Gennaro Fiore
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13Bathroom, Gabinetto per uso del bagno
Pegasus and Nymphs, detail of panel painted on a
gilded ground, bathroom of Maria Carolina
14Ceiling decoration of the Bathroom of Maria
Carolina (1752-1814), wife of Ferdinand IV
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16The Palatine Library founded by the queen Mary
Caroline of Habsburg wife of Ferdinand IV of
Bourbon, executed according to Vanvitellis
design, is annexed to the Queens Apartments and
is decorated by reliefs and frescoes that depict
the zodiac signs and the constellations
17The Palatine Library is made up of three rooms
fitted with bookshelves and two reading rooms.
The first room designed to hold books has a
fresco depicting The Planisphere surrounded by
the signs of the zodiac and by the
constellations, created based on a design by
Carlo Vanvitelli (1739-1821).
18The first room of the Palatine Library
19The ceiling of the second reading room of the
Palatine Library
20The Royal Palace at Caserta Reading room
21The Royal Palace at Caserta Second Reading room
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23The Royal Palace at Caserta Second Reading room
24The Royal Palace at Caserta Second Reading room
Second Reading room detail vincenzolerro
25The third library room, with frescoes created by
Heinrich Friedrich Füger and a pair of painted
wooden globes created by Didier Robert de
Vaugondy (1723-1786), one of the most renowned
French geographers of the eighteenth century
26The shelves of the Palatine Library hold around
ten thousand volumes. Queen Maria Carolina
(1752-1814) worked hard to ensure the palace was
endowed with a rich library, whose collections
were then gradually expanded both in Murat's era
and in the years preceding the Unification of
The pair of globes, one terrestrial and the other
celestial, was presumably acquired by Ferdinand
IV of Bourbon (1751-1825)
27The School of Athens by Heinrich Friedrich Füger
(1751-1818), on the wall to the right, is
actually supposed to depict an initiation rite
centred on unveiling a female statue, the symbol
of Truth.
28Heinrich Friedrich Füger (1751-1818) The
Parnassus with Apollo and the Three Graces
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30From the third room of the library you enter the
elliptical room, a large room without
decorations, with original architectural
solutions in the vault, designed to enhance the
acoustics of the room originally intended for
domestic theaters, for the daily life of the
court. Currently it houses the Bourbon Nativity.
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32The Nativity Scene was a great passion of the
noble Bourbon family, and it is thanks to them
that the Nativity tradition spread from Naples to
the rest of the world
33The Neapolitan tradition of the crib is an
ancient custom that was shared and maintained by
the Bourbon monarchs
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35At Christmas, an enormous crib was set up in the
Palace of Caserta. All the figurines were placed
on the base of the structure, made of cork, and
then moved to represent the traditional scenes
including the Nativity, the angel appearing to
the shepherds and the inn. The heads, hands and
feet of the figurines are made of terracotta,
whilst the body is in oakum and wire. The room
also holds
36The Pinacotecas (Painting Gallery's) interior is
organized as a series of connected room that
display countless works of still lives, war
scenes, and portraits of the members of the
Bourbon Dynasty
37The first rooms house the so-called "Fasti
Farnesiani" or "Farnesian splendours". Charles of
Bourbon, born in 1716 from the second marriage of
Philip V of Bourbon, King of Spain, to Elizabeth
Farnese, Duchess of Parma, inherited, through his
mother, the rich Farnese collection which he
transferred from the Farnese residence to the
confines of the Kingdom of Naples, which was
conquered in 1734
Spolverini (1657-1734) Matrimonio di Elisabetta
38Portraits of Elisabeth Farnese (1692-1766),
Queen Consort of Spain
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40The Charles of Bourbon Room, dedicated to the
founder of the dynasty of Neapolitan Bourbons
Charles of Bourbon (1732) by Giulio and Vincenzo
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42Josef Hickel (1736-1807) Maria Teresa dAustria
Unknown Ferdinand I of Bourbon
Unknown Maria Cristina di Savoia
43P.V. Hanselaere, Maria Isabella, Infanta di
Spagna, 1826
Sala dei Borbone di Napoli, di Spagna e di Francia
44Portrait of Maria Theresa of Austria, Queen of
the Two Sicilies (1816-1867), and Archduchess of
Austria, painting by an unknown 19th century
Neapolitan artist
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47F.X. Winterhalter (1805-73) Maria Cristina di
"genre painting" and "allegories" rooms
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49The royal palace has more than 40 monumental
rooms decorated with frescoes. (By comparison,
Versailles counts only 22 monumental rooms with
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51The wing of the Pinacoteca dedicated to
landscapes displays the Views of the ports of the
Kingdom by Jacob Philipp Hackert (1737-1807) and
paintings by various artists who were active at
the Court of Naples, including Antonio Joli
J. P. Hackert, Il porto di Taranto
52In the spring of 1788, King Ferdinand IV of
Bourbon sent the painter, Jacob Philipp Hackert
(1737-1807), to Apulia to capture in paintings
and drawings all of the ports of the three
furthest eastern provinces of the Kingdom of
Naples Capitanata, Terra di Bari and Terra di
Otranto. The task, entrusted to Hackert, is a
reminder of the celebrated commission by Louis
XV, King of France, to the painter Claude Joseph
Vernet, who created the views of the ports of
53J. P. Hackert, Vedute dei porti del Regno di
Napoli (1789 - 1793) detail
54The Court Theatre, very similar to that of San
Carlo in Naples, was designed by Luigi Vanvitelli
only after 1756. Housed within the palace and for
the exclusive use of the court, it was
inaugurated in January of 1769 by the young royal
couple, Ferdinand IV and Maria Carolina, as
testified by the coats of arms on the ceiling
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56Fauna sounding the trumpet support the canopy of
the royal box The central part of the ceiling is
decorated with a fresco painted by Crescenzo La
Gamba (1749-1783), depicting Apollo tramples the
python underfoot, a symbol of vice
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58Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to
their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Domenico Scarlatti - 2 piano
sonatas (K.9K.27)- Michelangeli Helsinki