Title: Shades of Blue 109 Michael Cheval
2Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) surrealist
artist, living in New York since '97 Music of the
3Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Blue-Note 2020
4(No Transcript)
5Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Bouquet of
6Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Illusion de confort
Morphology of the collider
7Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Dream flood in
8Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Hunting marsh
Dodocycle II
9Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Out runners halt
Hide and Seek
10Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Nostalgia
11Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Nostalgia III
12Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Nostalgia III
13Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Mother of
Local call
14Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Enigma of
Generations / Mystère des générations
Love hunter II
15Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Lullaby for
Desdemona II
16Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The muse of
Spanish heart
Lullaby for the Hero
17Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Message to Web
18Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Profundity
Keeper, 2010 (Eernity of Absurdi)
Midsummer Chirr
19Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Swansophone
Twist of historical parallels, 2018
20Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Swansophone elegy
21Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Showtime
Terra Incognita
22Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Songs of the
island of sirens II
23Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966)
24Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Distant call of
unbeknown aspiration
Formula of the utter thirst
25Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Division of Prime
Cause / Séparation de la cause fondamentale
From sadness to joy
26Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Perfect stranger /
Parfait étranger
Comparative analogy II
27Pearl Rhapsody III
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Pearl Rhapsody
28Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The portrait of
Gina Lollobrigida
Sense of the night
29Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The last tango
The sensation of sympathy
30Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Sound money
The ringing silence of the moon
31Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Sound money
32Stairways to Heaven II
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Whimsical fruit
of mythology
33Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Whimsical fruit
of mythology (fragment)
34Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Cross-over the
Silver Age 2015
35Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966)
36Winner takes it all
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Tranquility of a
storm, 2019
37Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Love is blind
38Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The dream within a
39Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The tempest
Storm charmer
40Queen of Spades, (Series Clandestine essence of
a Queen)
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Queen of Clubs
(Series Clandestine essence of a Queen)
41Truth is behind
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Queen of Diamods,
(Series Clandestine essence of a Queen)
42Touch-me-not, 2019
Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Uncombed thoughts
43Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) The essence of a
44Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Taming of the shrew
45Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Hesitation 2020
Levity of time
Immersion 2020
46Michael Cheval (Russian, 1966) Fever
47Text Pictures Internet All copyrights belong
to their respective owners Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Gary Moore - The Loner
48Michael Cheval is a contemporary artist known for
his Absurdist paintings, drawings, and
portraits that capture the imagination by turning
reality on its head. Cheval presents his
ingenious artwork as a puzzle. He invites the
viewer to solve the hidden meaning behind his art
by using clues within the artworks title and
imagery. Cheval has won numerous awards for his
art including Best of Worldwide Oil Artists by
Kennedy Publishing in 2009. He is a member of the
prestigious National Arts Club in New York City,
where in 2000 he was distinguished with the
Exhibition Committee Award at the annual club
exhibition and the internationally-acclaimed
Society of Art and Imagination in London. Michael
Cheval was born in 1966 as Mikhail Khokhlachev in
Kotelnikovo, a small town in southern Russia. He
grew up among paints and brushes, canvases and
easels. His grandfather, a professional artist
and sculptor, developed Michaels love for
drawing in his early childhood. A three-year-old
boy, he could already draw complex multi-figured
compositions, illustrating his fantasies and
impressions. In 1980, Michael and his family
moved to Germany. His new setting made a great
impression on the young artist. Museums and
castles, ancient streets and wonderful landscapes
of southern Germany permanently defined Michaels
tastes and predilections. Always interested in
history and literature, Michael became absorbed
in music. He organized a band and devoted a
number of years to rock n roll. He composed
songs and wrote poetry. After graduating school
and serving in a Soviet Army, Michael moved to
Nebit-Dag, a Turkmenistan city in the middle of
Kara-Kum desert, near the Iranian border.
Absorbing Oriental philosophy and the character
of Central Asia, he began working as an
independent professional artist, shaping his
style and surrealistic direction. Michael
collaborated with several theaters and publishing
houses in Nebit-Dag and Ashgabat. In 1992, he
graduated from Ashgabat school of Fine Art. In
1990, Michael held his first personal exhibition
in Turkmenistans National Museum of Fine Art.
This was a significant event for the 24-year-old
artist that showed high appreciation from the
republics artist community. In 1994, Michael
moved to Russia and worked in Moscow as an
independent artist and an illustrator for various
publishing houses, including the famous
book-publishing house Planeta. His decision to
immigrate in 1997 to USA began a new epoch for
the artist. He returned to the Western culture
that greatly inspired him in his youth, but now
he brought his own experience, his philosophy and