Title: Myanmar 66 Yangon Saint Mary's Cathedral
Saint Mary's Cathedral
2Saint Mary's Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral
located on Bo Aung Kyaw Street in Botahtaung
Township, Yangon. The cathedral's exterior, of
red brick, consists of spires and a bell tower.
It was designed by Dutch architect Jos Cuypers,
son of Pierre Cuypers
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6Saint Mary's Cathedral is the largest in Burma.
Located on the grounds of the cathedral is Basic
Education High School No. 6, which is locally
known as "Saint Paul's High School", although it
has no religious affiliation to the Catholic
Church today.
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9Construction began in 1895 and was completed 19
November 1899 under a land grant from the
Government of India, whilst Lower Burma was a
province of British India.
10During the 1930 Rangoon earthquake, St. Mary's
Cathedral suffered little damage and it withstood
the Japanese invasion during World War II.
However, the cathedral's stained glass windows
were damaged during the Allied invasion of Rangoon
11The cathedral was dedicated as Our Lady of
Immaculate Conception on 22 February 1911
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13The earthquake of May 5, 1930 wrought havoc in
the city. The cathedral behaved splendidly under
the shock it received. Only two interior vaults
came down and others showed a few cracks. Two
arches next to the towers were badly cracked but
in a few months repairs were completed
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15The cathedral well withstood the Japanese
bombings of 194142 but the Allied bombing of 14
December 1944 blew all the stained glasses to
smithereens. They were redone with the ordinary
local made glasses.
16On 2 May 2008, again the cathedral glasses were
strongly hit and damaged by the Nargis cyclone.
This time, tarpaulin sheets were used to fix the
broken glass, but that does not match the beauty
and dignity of the Cathedral. It would cost a
fortune to have them replaced
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43Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Josipa Lisac - Ave Maria