Title: Ethiopia 22, from Bahir Dar to Gondar
Trip to Gondar, old imperial capital
2Highway 3 from Bahir Dar to Gondar (117 Km)
passes through the countryside and country towns
of Amhara, through Hamusit and Woreta, past Addis
Zemen and through the mountains to Gondar.
Gondar is the 17th-century capital of Ethiopia.
Bordering Sudan and located on the northern shore
of Lake Tana, it is one of the prominent
historical areas in Ethiopia. Gondar is a town
founded in 1636 by the great Emperor Fassiladas,
serving as the royal capital of Ethiopia for over
230 years. The Gondarine period is considered to
be the third major dynasty after the Axumite and
Zagwe dynasties.
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5Traditional houses are round dwellings with
cylindrical walls made of wattle and daub. The
roofs are conical and made of thatch, and the
center pole has a sacred significance in most
ethnic groups, including the Oromo, Gurage,
Amhara, and Tigreans. Variations on this design
occur. In the town of Lalibella the walls of many
houses are made of stone and are two-storied,
while in parts of Tigre, houses are traditionally
Village near Bahir Dar
6Local Ethiopian homes are called Tukals
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8Endemic Birds of Ethiopia White-winged Cliffchat
For more than two thousand years, Ethiopias
ox-plow agricultural system was the most
efficient and innovative in Africa, but has been
afflicted in the recent past by a series of
crises famine, declining productivity, and
losses in biodiversity
9Hailè Selassiè Church near Bahir Dar
10Amhara woman
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12Photograph by Paul Salopek
Plastic shoesslip-ons or sandals play a central
role in the lives of herders who spend their days
mucking through corrals, traipsing across
pastures filled with sharp grasses and prickles,
and wading into streams and ponds to water their
cattle. The shoes are affordable, easy to wash,
and airy as the temperature climbs under the
burning sun. And when the old reliable break,
herders melt them back together over a hot fire.
These days, plastic jerry cans, baskets, and
shoes are all made in Ethiopia, many of them
manufactured in the capital. And when it comes to
shoes, they provide never-ending service People
collect the cast-offs so they can be ground down
and used to make whole new pairs.
Photograph by John Stanmeyer
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18Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Golden backed woodpecker
North of Addis Zemen, the road ascends into
hillier territory, passing a striking isolated
rock formation known as the Devil's Nose after
about 4 km
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26Dahir Bar elevation 1,800 m (5,900 ft), Gondar
elevation 2,133 m (6,998 ft)
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39Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Dark-headed Oriole
In rural Ethiopia, women and children walk up to
six hours to collect water.
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53Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Yellow-throated
Africa - for us still the unknown continent
possesses a several thousands of years old
culture, expressed particularly in myths,
legends, fables, in songs and proverbs
Ethiopia's oldest brewery Saint George, founded
in 1922 is located in central Addis Ababa
54The Bateleur (Terathopius ecaudatus)
Creation Myth Wak was the creator god who lived
in the clouds. He kept the vault of the heavens
at a distance from the earth and covered it with
stars. He was a benefactor and did not punish
55Double-toothed Barbet
When the earth was flat Wak asked man to make his
own coffin, and when man did this Wak shut him up
in it and pushed it into the ground. For seven
years he made fire rain down and the mountains
were formed
56Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Banded Barbet
Black-winged Lovebird
57Endemic Birds of Ethiopia White-billed Starling
Then Wak unearthed the coffin and man sprang
forth, alive. Man tired of living alone, so Wak
took some of his blood, and after four days, the
blood became a woman whom the man married.
58Hotel room
59Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Abyssinian Catbird
They had 30 children, but the man was ashamed of
having so many so he hid 15 of them. Wak then
made those hidden children into animals and
Hotel swimming pool
60Endemic Birds of Ethiopia Ruppell's Chat
Hotel swimming pool
61Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Sanda Negrutiu Jean
Moldovan Alin Samochis
Daniel Scradeanu
Internet All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Fantahun Shewankochew New Amharic
Album Tilahun Gessesse - Amharic Music -
Yasalefnew Zemen