Title: Mexico Talavera Poblana (2)
Talavera Poblana
2Production of Talavera ceramic became highly
developed in Puebla because of the availability
of fine clays and the demand for tiles from the
newly established churches and monasteries in the
3The origin of Talavera pottery begins in China
where glazed pottery began. Chinese techniques
and designs were brought to Spain via Majorca by
the Moors by the end of the 12th century. From
there it spread to the rest of Europe, under the
name majolica. Spanish craftsmen near Toledo,
Spain, adopted and added to the art form.
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8 Authentic Talavera pottery only comes from the
city of Puebla and the nearby communities of
Atlixco, Cholula, and Tecali, because of the
quality of the natural clay found there and the
tradition of production which goes back to the
16th century.
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11kitsch Touristic talavera souvenirs
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13Sunflowers were also incorporated in many
talavera designs
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22Talavera sink
Talavera is majolica-style pottery that has been
made in and around Puebla, Mexico since 1550. By
1580, it was the center of Talavera production in
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35 México
Text pictures Internet Copyright All the
images belong to their authors Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Tierra Mestiza - Los Folkloristas
El Zapaeado - Tlen Huicani