Title: Myanmar 19 Bagan Sunset cruise on the Irrawaddy River
2Bagan, located on the banks of the Ayeyarwady
(Irrawaddy) River, is home to the largest and
densest concentration of Buddhist temples in the
world. Tourists alike gather every evening to
view the spectacular Bagan sunset. At dusk, the
river comes to life in beautiful warm evening
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5 Irrawaddy River
6Irrawaddy River, Burmese Ayeyarwady, principal
river of Myanmar (formerly Burma), running
through the centre of the country. Myanmars most
important commercial waterway, it is about 1,350
miles (2,170 km) long. Its name is believed to
derive from the Sanskrit term airavati, meaning
elephant river. The river flows wholly within
the territory of Myanmar. Its total drainage area
is about 158,700 square miles (411,000 square
km). Its valley forms the historical, cultural,
and economic heartland of Myanmar
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8 large Martaban jars used to store water
throughout rural Myanmar
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10Bupaya Pagoda
11Bupaya Pagoda
12Our sunset cruise started at the foot of Bupaya
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49Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to their
respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Mar Mar Aye - May Kwet Ko Shar
(with Myanmar Orchids)