Title: Clinical services by kioko center
2About Us
At the Kioko Center, our passion is helping
children with special needs and the families and
caregivers that support them. We offer speech
therapy and occupational therapy in our clinic
and online. We provide our patients with the
latest therapeutic interventions to encourage
amazing progress in a fun and family-oriented
atmosphere. Our clinical work gives the children
and young adults we work with the tools they need
to reach their full potential.
3Our Services
Articulation is the process of physically
producing speech. That might seem easy enough,
right? Articulation involves the complicated
coordination of lips, tongue, teeth, top of the
mouth(palate), and jaw to produce sounds. Even
your lungs play an important part in
articulation! All of these physical forces, also
called motor functions, combine to form
syllables, words, soundsspeech. Articulation is
vital to how we communicate through speaking.
5Social Language
Children with a social language disorder might
- Seem inappropriate, perhaps laughing at a sad
event - Miss parts of a conversation that has a lot of
metaphors, sarcasm, or other non-literal meaning. - Have difficulty adjusting their conversations for
different settings
Difficulty using language socially which includes
- understanding the environment
- reading non-verbal cues
- understanding nonliteral language such as jokes
and sarcasm
6Apraxia of Speech
Apraxia of speechalso known as childhood apraxia
of speech (CAS)is a disorder in which a child
has difficulty performing the actual physical
movements to produce coherent speech. In
general, children with CAS have a good
understanding of language and know what they want
to say, but are often unable to say it. Apraxia
is a neurological condition, and though a child
might have the cognitive language capacity to
talk, mixed signals between the brain and muscles
make it difficult for the child to coordinate
correct speech sound movements.
7Contact Us
820 Turnpike St 104, North Andover,
Massachusetts 01845, United States