Title: Malgorzata Chodakowska 3 fountains and statues
Malgorzata Chodakowska
Fountains statues
2The Polish Artist Malgorzata Chodakowska combines
her sculptural talent with moving water to create
romantic and elegant kinetic bronze figural water
fountains. The artist studied sculpting at the
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She sculpted for
years in Dresden and Germany and it was not long
before she began to receive honors, awards and
accolades for her work. For over twenty years,
Lothar Sprenger has been docu-menting the
artworks of the Polish artist, including six
catalogs and five calendars that have been
created with her works. Malgorzata refers in a
most charming manner to her sculpted images l
am addicted to pleasure. Thats why I carve
beautiful people.
3Prima Ballerinas, Bronze and Water
4Prima Ballerina
5Prima Ballerinas, Trio Dancing fountains, in
China, at Suzhou
6Dancing fountain
7Primavera I Bronze 2005
8Primavera II Bronze 220cm 2007
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10Primavera II Bronze 220cm 2007
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14Primavera III Bronze 220cm 2014
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16Primavera IV Bronze 220cm 2017
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19Bella Figura stone
20Awakening (detail)
22Sculpture on Bergweg in Dresden, winery Zimmerling
23Wild dancer
24Abundance Pillnitz Castle Park
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30Con Amore
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35Con Amore Detail
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37At the source (detail)
38Woman in gray sweater
39Woman with shirt
40Tension (Spannung) Detail
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43Seherin Schlosspark Pillnitz
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45Text and pictures Internet All copyrights
belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Anna Maria Jopek - Only Water Pat
Metheny Anna Maria Jopek - Zupelnie Inna Ja
(Always and Forever)