Title: Best Mississauga Physiotherapy Clinic (1)
15 FactS About MaSSage Therapy You Need To know
2Promotes Relaxation
Massage therapy helps to relax muscles, reduce
tension, and lower stress levels, promoting a
sense of relaxation and well- being.
3Improves Circulation
The manipulation of soft tissues during massage
therapy enhances blood circulation, delivering
oxygen and nutrients to cells while removing
toxins and metabolic waste.
4Alleviates Pain
Massage therapy effectively relieves chronic
pain, muscle soreness, and tension headaches by
targeting trigger points .
5Health Benefits
Massage therapy provides numerous health
benefits beyond relaxation, such as pain
relief, improved circulation, reduced muscle
6Supports Mental Health
- Massage therapy has positive effects on mental
health by reducing anxiety, depression, and
symptoms of stress- related disorders.
CONTACT US 905-507-0888 www.rejoicephysiocare.co
m 25 Kingsbridge Garden circle, unit 1 2
Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4B1