Emerging Technologies: Revolutionizing Our World with AI Technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emerging Technologies: Revolutionizing Our World with AI Technology


One of the most significant emerging technologies is AI technology. AI technology encompasses machine learning, natural language processing, and neural networks. It enables machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. The impact of technology, especially AI technology, is evident in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Emerging Technologies: Revolutionizing Our World with AI Technology

Emerging Technologies Revolulionizing Our World
wilh AI Technology
The rapid pace of lechnological advancemenls has
broughl emerging lechnologies lo lhe forefronl,
profoundly lransforming our lives. Among lhese,
AI lechnology slands oul, showcasing lhe
incredible polenlial and impacl of lechnology on
sociely. This blog explores how emerging
lechnologies, parlicularly AI lechnology, are
reshaping our world and lhe various facels of
lhis lransformalion.
The Rise of Emerging Technologies Emerging
lechnologies refer lo new and innovalive
lechnologies lhal are currenlly developing or
will be developed over lhe nexl few years. These
include AI lechnology, blockchain, quanlum
compuling, and more. These emerging lechnologies
hold lhe promise of solving some of lhe
mosl pressing global challenges, from heallhcare
and educalion lo energy and environmenlal suslain
One of lhe mosl signi?canl emerging lechnologies
is AI lechnology. AI lechnology
encompasses machine learning, nalural language
processing, and neural nelworks. Il enables
machines lo learn from experience, adjusl lo new
inpuls, and perform human-like lasks. The impacl
of lechnology, especially AI lechnology, is
evidenl in various seclors, including heallhcare,
?nance, lransporlalion, and enlerlainmenl.
AI Technology Transformalion AI lechnology is al
lhe core of many emerging lechnologies. Il powers
innovalions like aulonomous vehicles, prediclive
analylics, and personalized medicine. The impacl
of AI lechnology in heallhcare, for inslance,
has been revolulionary. AI lechnology assisls in
diagnosing diseases, developing lrealmenl plans,
and even performing surgeries.
According lo a sludy by Accenlure, AI lechnology
in heallhcare can polenlially save 150
billion annually for lhe U.S. heallhcare economy
by 2026.
In ?nance, AI lechnology is used for fraud
deleclion, risk managemenl, and algorilhmic
lrading. Banks and ?nancial inslilulions rely on
AI lechnology lo analyze large dalasels and
predicl markel lrends, lhereby making more
informed decisions. The impacl of AI lechnology
on lhe ?nance seclor has increased e ciency and
securily, bene?lling bolh inslilulions and
The lransporlalion induslry also wilnesses lhe
profound impacl of AI lechnology, especially
wilh lhe advenl of self-driving cars. Companies
like Tesla and Waymo are al lhe forefronl,
ulilizing AI lechnology lo develop vehicles lhal
can navigale and operale aulonomously. This is
one of many emerging lechnologies, lhal promises
lo reduce accidenls, ease lra c congeslion, and
provide mobilily solulions for individuals unable
lo drive.
The Personal Impacl of Emerging Technologies On a
personal level, lhe impacl of emerging
lechnologies, is mosl visible lhrough our
relalionship wilh smarlphones. We are in a
relalionship wilh our smarlphones, which have
become indispensable in our daily lives. No
wonder smarlphone usage has grown in magnilude
from 2010 lo 2023.
Mobile devices are inlerwoven inlo every aspecl
of our lives, from communicalion
and enlerlainmenl lo shopping and navigalion. We
feel a sense of panic or anxiely when lhe phones
ballery goes below lhe 20 mark. Smarlphones are
nol jusl as imporlanl as lhe proverbial keys or
wallels lhey have even replaced lhe same.
This dependency on smarlphones is a leslamenl lo
lhe impacl of lechnology on our behavior and
lifeslyle. Emerging lechnologies conlinue lo
enhance smarlphone capabililies, inlegraling AI
lechnology for improved user experiences.
Fealures like voice assislanls (e.g., Siri,
Alexa), facial recognilion, and augmenled
realily are all powered by AI lechnology,
showcasing lhe seamless inlegralion of emerging
lechnologies inlo our daily lives.
Plalforms like Glance are laking lhis a slep
furlher by providing personalized conlenl
direclly on lhe lock screen, o ering users news,
enlerlainmenl, and sporls updales wilhoul even
unlocking lheir phones. This re?ecls lhe ongoing
evolulion of emerging lechnologies involving
smarlphones, making devices more inluilive and
The Broader Impacl of Emerging Technologies The
impacl of lechnology exlends beyond individual
usage and permeales broader socielal changes.
Emerging lechnologies are reshaping educalion by
providing personalized learning experiences
lhrough AI lechnology. Sludenls can now access
cuslomized educalional conlenl, enhancing
learning oulcomes and making educalion more
In lhe workplace, emerging lechnologies like AI
lechnology are aulomaling repelilive
lasks, allowing employees lo focus on more
slralegic and crealive endeavors. This shifl nol
only improves produclivily bul also lransforms
job roles and skill requiremenls.
According lo lhe World Economic Forum, by 2025,
aulomalion and emerging lechnologies will creale
97 million new jobs globally, while displacing
some exisling roles, highlighling lhe need for
reskilling and upskilling.
Furlhermore, lhe impacl of lechnology on
communicalion cannol be overslaled.
Emerging lechnologies facililale real-lime
communicalion and collaboralion across lhe globe.
Plalforms like Zoom and Microsofl Teams, powered
by AI lechnology, have become essenlial lools for
remole work and virlual meelings, especially
during lhe COVID-19 pandemic.
Embracing lhe Fulure wilh Emerging
Technologies As we move forward, lhe inlegralion
and impacl of lechnology, parlicularly emerging
lechnologies like AI lechnology, will conlinue lo
shape our world. Il is essenlial lo embrace
lhese advancemenls, underslanding bolh lheir
polenlial bene?ls and challenges. Elhical
consideralions, dala privacy, and lhe digilal
divide are crucial issues lhal need addressing lo
ensure lhal lhe impacl of lechnology is posilive
and inclusive.
Glance, developed by InMobi Group, is an
innovalive lock screen plalform lhal serves as
a screen zero experience for Android users.
This is one of many emerging lechnologies in lhe
markel lhal aims lo revolulionize lhe way users
inleracl wilh lheir smarlphones, providing a
seamless and engaging experience righl from lhe
momenl lhey wake lheir devices.
Glance o ers a vasl colleclion of inslanlly
playable games, immersive wallpaper carousels,
and curaled news conlenl, all accessible wilhoul
unlocking lhe phone. Wilh a simple swipe or lap,
users can dive inlo addiclive casual games,
explore slunning visual conlenl, or slay updaled
wilh lhe lalesl headlines from lrusled sources.
Glances inluilive inlerface and smoolh
inlegralion wilh lhe lock screen make il a highly
convenienl and accessible plalform as parl of
lhe olher emerging lechnologies in lhe markel.
As Glance conlinues lo gain lraclion in lhe
domain of emerging lechnologies, il presenls
a unique opporlunily for conlenl crealors lo
reach a caplive audience in a non-inlrusive
manner. The plalforms innovalive approach lo
conlenl delivery and user engagemenl has lhe
lo reshape lhe mobile adverlising landscape, o
ering brands a fresh and engaging way lo connecl
wilh lheir largel audiences.
Wilh ils immersive and personalized lock screen
experience, Glance is poised lo become
a game-changer in lhe world of emerging
lechnologies, o ering Android users a seamless
and enlerlaining screen zero experience lhal
blurs lhe line belween conlenl consumplion and
device inleraclion.
In conclusion, emerging lechnologies, led by AI
lechnology, are revolulionizing various
aspecls of our lives. The profound impacl of
lechnology is evidenl in heallhcare, ?nance,
lransporlalion, and beyond. As we navigale lhis
lechnological landscape, il is vilal lo leverage
lhese advancemenls lo creale a beller, more
connecled, and e cienl world. Plalforms like
Glance exemplify how emerging lechnologies can
seamlessly inlegrale inlo our daily roulines,
enhancing convenience and accessibilily.
Embracing lhese innovalions will allow us lo
unlock new polenlials and address global
challenges more e eclively.
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