Title: Highmoon collection of Executive Desks in Dubai
OfficeFurnltureManuf acturer
OfficeFurniture Manufacturer
Mack Ergonomic Desk Meet the Mack Ergonomic Desk
- a stylish 36mm thick MFC top with a 3-stage
dual motorized mechanism and 4-memory system for
seamlessheight adjustments.It features a cable
grommet for efficient wire management. Elevate
your productivity with the MackHeight Adjustable
EcoRound MeetingTable Introducing the
EcoRoundMet'.?tingTable by Highmoon- meticulowly
craftl!d in the UAE for enhamed meeting spaces.
With a d\,lrablE2! 5mmMDF top and
antibalt.lerial properties,it ensures stability
and deanlioess.Upgrade your workSpa(E! withthe
EcoRoU11dTable-provdly crafted by Hlghmoooin the
UAE for quility .and sophistication.
2399 AED
Mack Ergonomic Desk!White Legl
Sutf.ueF"lrmh LincolnWalnut CEOD.skSizeOption
140lx800 x160SLlCM)
Eco Boardroom Table Introducing the
Cost-Effective Eco Boardroom Table by Highmoon -
aftordably designed in the UAE With durable MDF
conmuction.Features a cablegrommet for efficient
wiremanagement,ensuringa clutter-free
workspace.Elevateyourboardroom withtNsproudlyprese
nted table by Highnioon.
Eco MeetingTable Introducing the CostEffec11ve
EcoBoaJroomTableby Highrnoon - affordably de
gnedIn theUAEwilh durableMDFconstr\iClon.
Features a cable grornnet for efficient wire
management, en-suring a clutter-free workspace.
Elevate your boardroom with this proudty
presented table by Highmoon.
2399 AED
s-1KaFli,Wt Anthracite Met'al
Rock CEODtikSiuOptiorm 140LxBOOt l lCM)
Mack Ergonomic Desk IBlacklegl
Description MtttthtMalt.kErgonomitDesk-e voluttOO
in workspace e,gonomlci.The36mmthickMFCtopxudesdur
ZI3-itagedu Imoto1iztd mechanismwith a 4-memory
syuem, en resseamlessheightadJU!.tments..The d k
alsofeaturesa plasticcablegrommet for efficient
wiremanagement. Elevate yourproduc.tivrty
and l-bei_ng WlththeMiCk.HeightMjust'!b'eDesilt. T
he MackErgonomicDeskA RftoluUonInWorkspaceComfort
Sayhello to the Madi.ErgonomK Desk,a gam
changer In workplace ergonomics.Craft
withpreclsJonand rf'u'lov-,tion,it redefine
comfortand functiClr't-b1ity.
Our..ble OHlgnfo, LHtlngStyle
Crafted witharolgt\lst36mrnthickMFC.top,theMacl(Df-
skmarries durabilltyW1ttl styte.Its
Sleetde54911addsa touchor sophisticationto
anywo1ksP3cit whfll!l!r'lsuringJong.fastingpl!fro,
St11mlH1Hlght Adjustmnt1for Cu.JtomComfort
tMMaltksksJ.stagedualmotorized mechanism.llnd
4ml!fflory system Whetheryou prefersrttlng or
standing,achteVe your lde.11e,gonomK pos,,tion
with JU5tthe push of a button.
EffiltitntWire Managlllmfflt for aTklyWorkspalt
Bidfarewell to duttel'4!d cabl'S
withthe-MackD_at_sk's lntegrate-dplastieabt grommet
Kelt-pyour wotkspace organized and
d1stracbon-free,allowing you to focuson you,
tasksw.th ease.
, Black M...-.,t.,a,i,..S-, 1,ota1 ,,,,u-1o11,
El.vatll!Your Productivity11ndWeU being
ln t inyou,p1oductlvltyand wcll-bemg withthe
MackHeightAdJwtable Desk. Enjoyimproved
comfortand effic ocy,,nsur1ng youcan taddeyour
w-ort w1thr1t1ewedv19or andfocu .
Peng Boardroom Table Introducing the Peng
Boardroom Table by Highmoon - meticulously
crafted in the UAEfor unparalleled
sophistication. Madefrom PUspray--painted MDF
with a seamless high gloss finish, it combines
elegance and durability. Featuring a
plasticcable grommet for efficient
wiremanagement, this table creates a clutter-free
workspace for productive meetings. Elevate your
boardroom withthePengTable- proudlypresented by
Hlghmoon and made in the UAE.
Black 320l.Ji 1400x76HKM)
u-rfJlt4FiriiJh ao..rdrQQfflJ.br, Slt
Sync BoardroomTable (Black Leg)
Deer Boardroom Table (White Leg
Meet the Sync Boardroom Table - a durable,
sophisticated choice. Crafted with Melamine Faced
Chipboard (MFC) and Medium-Density Fiberboard
(MDF), it features a cable grommet for
organization and stylish 40"9 mm TGIC Powder
coated legs. Elevate your boardroom with Sync -
where modern design meetspracticality.
Meet t e DeerBoardroomTable by Highmoon
UAE-aperfectblend of style and du,ability. With
its wooden-finished MFC top and grit
powder-coated metal frame, it radiates
sophistication. Complete witha cable management
grommet thistableensures seamlessorganization.
Elevate yourboardroom with the compact eleganceof
the DeerTable fromHighmoonUAE.
Anthracite MetalRock
SurfaceF"'enish AnthraciteMetal Rock 32'111..t
Surf.au,Flni h
BoanlroomTabl.. '51e I 1211.x1-i00k76H(CM)
WaveConferenceTable (Whiteleg) Introducing the
Wave Conference Table by Highmoon UAE - where
style meets durability. Its wooden-finished MFC
top and grit poWder,coated metal frame
elltudesophistication. Witha cable management
grommet, this tableensuresseamless
organization.Elevate yourconference room withthe
WaveTable from Highmoon UAE.
s1o1rfHflnlsh AnthraclteMetal Rock M.. t
ThlSlu 1 ,,4-01111'00Jt761HCMgt
OfficeFurniture Manufacturer
Office Furniture Manuf actu rer
Opa Reception Desk Meet the Opa Reception Desk by
Highmoon - meticulously crafted in the UAE from
durable MDF MFC for elegance and
functionality.Enjoy a clutter-free workspace with
the round plastic grommet for seamless cable
management. The mobile pedestal with 3lockable
drawersprovides convenient storage.Experience
unmatched quality and style, proudly bearing the
Highmoon brand known for excellence and
Duct Reception Desk Meet the Duct Reception Desk
from Highmoon -a versatile and stylish addition
crafted with precision from MDF MFC for both
aesthetics and functionality. With a round
plastic grommet for efficient cable management
and a mobile pedestal featuring 3 lockable
drawers, it ensures a tidy and organized
workspace. Proudly made In the UAE, this desk
combines quality craftsmanship with contemporary
design, making it an ideal choice for modern
office settings.
5299 AED
5299 AED
SurbiceFinkh Lincoln Walnut CEOOu.1,SinOptiOfls
160lx700, 110HJCM1
Sutf.1c F l1h Uncoln Walnut C.EO!hi1kSinOpliom.
Opa Reception Desk (White Leg)
Duct Reception Desk (White Leg)
Surfa.cF-lnlsh Natural KendalOak CEODHkSiaOplio
n1 16(t.x 70Or110Ht(M)
Sun.1cFl"kh UncolnWalnut CEOOeslc Sim
0pti0fll! l10lx700It 1IOH('(Ml
5299 AED
5299 AED
Opa Reception Desk (BlackLegl
Duct Reception Desk (BlackLeg)
Description Introducing the OpaRecefltlOnO.s.k
Bladleg metirulousJy crafted byHig1"1moonin the
UAEto eleva your workspa-ce. Constructed
fromdurable MDF MfC material. thisd k ei.udes
bo!helegance and functionabty.Equippedwith a
round plasticgtommet for seamJesscable
management, It ensuresa clutter-free environment
The addition of amobilepedestal withJ
locbbJedt3wt'l'Soffe-iscorwtn nt stor.,9t
solutions for )"O\l' tsstl\(l.als, Experen(t
unmatlthcd q-u.aihty i,nd1,tyl,e with the Opa Rtlt
tiorlDesk..pt01gtdly bermgth hghmoon brand,
syno us withexcellence and lrmovabcxl,
Description ntroctucing the DuctReception Desk
'Nhite Leg,avrsatile additiOn to any r
epticmarea, exdusM!ly from Highmoan. Cr.aftedwith
preclSion fromMDf MK, th deskoffersbltlth styte
and functionahty. Featuringa ,oundplastic grommet
fer efficient cable ma ment.it helpsmaintain a
ntgtat and organized kspace.Thediekis
equtppedwith a mobllepedestal, l)oa,Stlng l
locd,awe,s..,pt"ltWlding ample stor-.)gt spice
for esscntl31Items.PrO\Jdly madein the-UAE by
Hlghmoon, ti Ouct Recel'.)lon
Deskcombinesquat.ty c.rarumbn ti1p with
contemporaryd n.making rt an 1/deaI choicefor
modemofficesettings. Efev"tyour wotk!.pac
withoorDuctR t!pbOnD Whitel..t'gfelltwing
dlicwhiteIt-gs.. Handcrafted fromhigh-quallty
materials,em,unngdurability andlongev1ty. Modernan
d mlnlmabst,perfect fOf contemporaryofficeSt"ttln-
gs.- StayOf9lt1nized wflhSpaclow.desktopsand
torwenient drawe,s. Simple tupprocess,
lowrngyou10 nJoy your new dekm no
time. Afuskmor s.tyleand functionality.
CrafromMDf MfC withpredsion,thisdesliboastsa
modemdesigntailored fo, contempo,aryofficespaces.W
ithits efficientct1ble management systemand
amplestorage optiom lndl.Jd109 3 loltkable dra
rs,1t eMures a neat aridorganbed wo
ce..Proudlyrnade in the UAEby Hlghmoon, 1h15
deskpromi durablllty and qu-,lity craft.sman
hip.Elt-vatt yourworksp.1te eortlcsUy
Metlculously Crafted ClutterFree Workspace
Convtnlfflt Storage Unmatc.hed Quality and Style
El .!lt yourwork!.pact! wrthOUTRcc_at_"ption
Ot!okBl ck,,meticulously cr11rtedIn the
UAEfromdurabl MDF MfC (or eleg6nce and
runcbof"lolity, Enjoya clutter-freeworkspace
withth rOllndpl,utic grommet for
seamlesscablemanagement. Stc1y organizedwiththemob
tlepede talreaturlng3 loclcable drawers,p,oYkStng
coovenlent storagefor you,e5e'lltlal. Experience
unmatchedu.llity aod style wrthth Oi
H!ghrr'loonbe.indknownforextetlenc and
Styllsh and Functional Premium Craftsmanship
SINkDtslgn Ample StOJage IE.lsyAs5'!mbly
Ex,perience the epitome or elegance and
functionality withtheOpaion Oe!.kBlackLeg by
the,UAEfromdurableMOF MFCmaterials, thisdesk
off 5 unpitralleledquality and style.Say goodbye
to clutter wlthIts seamle-.5cable maNgement
system a,nd revetIn the ,o,wenlence of 1h.e
mobile pedestal'5 3 lcckable d,awers for
Ol'ganited stra91tElevateyour WOtk.space today
withtht Op-,Rtc ptlono,sk,a testament to
HlghmoonlJcommrtme-nt to c.xccllence
Office FurnitureManuf acturer
Beetle Reception Desk Introducing the Beetle
Reception Desk by Highmoon - a durable, elegant
addition crafted from quality MDF MFC
materials. It boasts a roundplastic grommet for
tidy cable management and a mob lie pedestal with
3 lockable drawers for ample storage. Integrated
LED lights add a modern touch, making It a
practical and stylish choice for reception
spaces, proudly made in the UAE.
Vadder Reception Desk Introducing the Vadder
Reception Desk from Highmoon - a sleek and
durable solution crafted with precision from PU
Spray Painted MDF. Designed for efficiency, it
includes a round plastic grommet for tidy cable
management and a mobile pedestal with 3 lockable
drawers for ample storage. Proudly made In the
UAE, this desk seamlessly combines functionality
and style for modern reception environments.
5999 AED
Sutf.1c F l1h Anthradte Metal
Rock C.EO!hi1kSi.200pliom. l00lll700K llllti
Beetle Reception Desk (White Leg)
Surface Finish. Black CfltgtDe,f.k SIJe()ptionSJ
160l ll 700Jlt1IOH lCMI
7499 AED
Vadder Reception Desk (Black)
Surface Finisht Grey CEO DeskSiu Optlbn)
160l.-700.11!1\0H ICM)
Swfac IFini.sh! Wh lte CODffllSiHOption.s l60L
Sun.1cFl"kh UncolnWalnut CEOOeslc Sim
0pti0fll! lOOL x 700 It 1IOH('(Ml
5999 AED
Beetle Reception Desk (Black Leg)
- Description
- P,esenting the VadderReceptionDesk,a
sophisticated solution for receptionareas,
exclusively from Highmoon.Crafted
withprecisionfromPUSprayPainted MDF,
thlsdeskexudeselegance anddurability.Its
sleekdesigniscomplemented by a roundplastlc
grommet. facllltatlngefficient cablemanagement
f0lt a tidy workspace. Equipped witha mobile
pedestal featuring 3 lockable drawe-r-s, it
offers ample storage space ro, essentials.
Proudly made In theUAE by Highmoon, the Vadder
RecepUonOeskconiblnes functionality andstyle,
making It the peffect choice formodem recepllon
envi,onments. - PUSprayPaintedMDF fora sleek andsturdy buikI
- Roundplastic grommet for tidy cable management
- Mobile pedestal withthreelockable drawer'S
- Efficiency meetsstylewiththe Reception
Desk.Keep)'0Ur workspace ch.ittetffee with
seamless cable management, allowing you to
focuson what matters most. Proudly madein theUAE.
thisdesk etevates your reception area,setting the
standard for organization and productivity. - the Vadder ReceptionDesk standsasa testamentto
bothformandfunction.Itssleek design.,durable
construction. and thoughtful features
suchastheround plastic grommet and lockable
drawers make it theideat choice for any modem
reception area. With a focus on efficiency and
style, this desk not only enhances the aesthetic
of your workspace but alsopromotes organization
andproductivity. Elevate your reception area with
the Vadder Reception Desk fromHighmoon, and
experience the perfect blendof sophisticationandpr
Description Dura.bilityand Etegance TheBe-ede
Re-pdon De.skWhlte-Le-,gbyHlghmoon Isa swn,._i
pieceof furniture crartedfrom t()p--q1JalltyMDFand
MFltmateoals.Thls de ki builtto last,
nwrlf"l9long-termdutabllity 111nltl functiOnality
foryour"''kspalte,Tilt'stttk whitelegs-dda
touchof ce,maltingIt a istiG,te-0choicefo,
modemoffic.tt. Practkal StorageSolutlon Witha
mobilepedl!'Stal r aturlng 3 lockbl drawe,s, the
Bei!!tll!Rt-eeption k provides dmple-storbgl!
pa,ct fo, allyour officrits ntlals.saygoltgtdbyi!!
to dutttored de-end hello to a welt--orgamzedworhp
ace.Keep)lour documaiu.st.atlon.ery, and
person.ali1ems secureand easilyaccesYble
withthispracticalstorage solutton. Modem
DesignwithLEDLights Enh,mce the look of
you1reception areawiththe lnteg,otedLID lightson
theBeedeRepUoo Desk.Themodemd n idds aiouch
of sopl,lstluitkgtnandstyle,cre.ltmga
wekomlng ambiance forvis!t(lt'S,Th subtle11ghbng
notonlyf-ooksgre-,l t olsoImproves
vblbility,mokingit c.isierto workefficientlyat)'O"
Hlgh-qu.all)' MDF MFCmater1als
SlttkwhitI!!legsfo, an elegi!mt look
Mobilepedestal with3 lock'able drawers tntegrntedL
EDligMs for amodemtouch Practka.lstotagesolutionf
Office Furniture Manufacturer
OfficeFurniture Manufacturer
Blox Reception Desk Introducing the Blox
Reception Deskby Highmoon - meticulously crafted
from premium MDF MFC for durability and
elegance. With a round grommet for seamless cable
management and a mobile pedestal with 3 lockable
drawers, it ensures a clutter-free workspace.
Integrated LEO lights enhance its design. Proudly
made in the UAE, the Blox Desk is a testament to
quality and innovation.
Net Reception Desk Introducing the Net Reception
Desk by Highmoon - blending functionality and
style.Crafted from durable MDF MFC with a Grit
powder coat finished grill design, it adds
sophistication to any reception area. Featuring a
round grommet for seamless cable management and a
mobile pedestal with 3 lockable drawers, it
ensures a tidy workspace. Proudly made in the
UAE, the Net Desk is a testament to quality
craftsmanship and innovation.
Surface Finish Black CfODKkS1u-OpUons
Net Reception Desk(White Leg)
4499 AED
Blox Reception Desk (Black)
SutbteFlnbh Anthracite Metal Rock ClODakSluOptlo
iu. ldct.c700, l!OHCM)
5999 AED
Sutfacdinlsh Whlte CEODeli Sile Optic,,,.,
220l ,C() 1IOH jCMJ
SurflKeRn\sh Lincoln Walnut CEODHkSial'JOplion
16(H....,7(1() lleti(CMJ
surfMeJlnlsh Natural Kendal Oak CE.ODttk
SIU!Opdon, 160L1'7gt110H(CM)
Sui-falteflnkh Grey CEODtsa!SluOptloru
Description Introducing theNet Reception
DeskWhiteLegby Hlghmoon.,a blend of functionality
andstyle.Crafted rrom durable MDF8,
MFCmaterials,Its outerframe boastsa dbtinctive
Gritpowder coatfinished grill design,addinga
touch of sophisticationto anyrelteptionarea.Equipp
ed witha roundplastic grommet fOf seamlesscable
management. thisdeskensuresa tidy
workspace.Theincluded mobilepedestal features 3
lockable drawers. providing amplestorage for
essentials.Proudly made in the UAE by Highmoon,
the Net Reception Desk WhiteLegisa testament to
quality crafumanship andInnovation. Durabilityand
StyleCombined Crafted fromdurableMDF MFC Grit
powdercoat finishedgrill designfo, sophistication
Round grommet for seamlesscable
management Efficiency at Its Best Mobile
pedestal with3 lockable drawers for
atidyworkspace Madein the UAEwithquality
craftsmanship Innovative designfor a
modemlook Functional and Fashionable Perfect
forreception areasin officesor businesses Sleek
andelegant design to impressclients Enhance
theoverall look andfeel of yourworkspace
Description lntroduCirlg th_at_Blox eceptiOnOe kby
t119hmoon, meticulously Criifted fromprttmlum
MOFMfCmllt_at_rials fordurability tlndele,g,m(e.
Featuringa roundplasUCgromme-t for itaml u
cable management. this desk ensures a
clutter-free worlupac . tu mobile pedestal comes
wi1h 3 toc tgtle drawers. prltWidmg amplestorage
for esrend'als. Adding to Its allure are 1he
tnte,gratedLEDlights,e.nhMclnglhe overalldeiign
aesthetic,_ Proudly de In the OAEb)' Hlghmoon,lhe
81ox RecepUon k Isa test,meflt to
qualityandIMovatlon, HlghmoonOffice
Fum1turE"presentsthe 81Qll Rec'J)tlonDPsk
tect\011- meltgi119 functlq,nality.indstyli lo
e-levate)'QUrwortispace.Explore cl'esksdesagned
to ent\ance PfO 'if011t1Hsm and
a.?stheucappeal, Function.al and
Stytls.hR.ceptlon D?Jks Discover
8,lo,cReception Desksoffertng bothfurxtlone,l1tyan
d slffkltles19n.Witha,mpl.e wor ceat1d1n1egr.Jted
storage-options,1heymeet mod_at_m officed_at_mo1ncb
forefficiency and sophBtlcatiOn,
Premium Qu111/ty Con.strulttlon
c,arted with prtlttstoo using Pff'l'Olum
matelt1111ls,.ou, 81olliRecgttlon Desksare durablt
aoo Visuallyappealing.111\flt In loogevlty and
gttylt With this coll-!!ction designed to
withstand daily use.
cunomlutiot1Options Awailbkl
TaiJo,you,Bkgtx R_at_ceptkH'IDeskto
yowunJquepiefefegtncesandWOfkspa e
optiOMtomilitchyour vioonfora personalized touch.
Upgrade yourrepbonar_at_awit!, OUf R_at_cept1on
Desi,.collection to leavea lasting imp-ff'Ssion
on dieritsand\ltSitors,Enhanceprofes
ionahsm, functionallty,and style with
EJentYou, Reception Are,i
Office Furniture Manu facturer
Sharp Reception Desk Introducing the Sharp
Reception Desk by Highmoon - meticulously crafted
frompremium MFC with acontemporary PU Spray Paint
finish. Featuring a round grommet for seamless
cable management and a mobile pedestal with 3
lockable drawers, It combines sophistication and
practicality. With integrated LED lights
enhancing Its modern aesthetic, proudly made in
the UAE, it's the epitome of quality and style.
Stride Reception Desk Introducing the Stride
Reception Deskby Highmoon - a fusion of style and
functionality.Crafted frompremium MDF MFC,It
impresseswith a round grommet for efficient cable
management. Equipped with 2lockable drawers,It
provides secure storage, supported by sturdy Grit
powder-coated metal legs for stability. Elevate
your reception with the sleek, modern design of
the Stride Desk - proudly made in the UAE by
Highmoon, embodying quality craftsmanship and
4799 AED
5099 AED
SurbiceFinkh Lincoln W3lnut CEOOu.I,Sin
OptiOfls 110..1170Dx I HIH CM
Swfac F!nih! Anthracite MetalRock CEODHkSizeOpb
ons 22ct..x700x 110Hta
Sharp Reception Desk (White Leg)
Stride Reception Desk(White Leg)
Sl.lrfauFlnl,hi Natural KendalOak CEOOtik
Optioni. 2,x700 11(tf,fCM)
4799 AED
Surfa.cF-lnlsh NaturalKendalOak CEODHkSiaOplion
5099 AED
Sharp Reception Desk !Blackleg)
Stride Reception Desk !Black Leg)
Description Introducing tl"leStrideReption k
Blacklegby Highmoo,,,,1 fusiDnof style
Andfuncttonality,Craftedfrompr_at_miumMDFMfC mat
rials, thf.sdeskisdeSlgned to impress.It
fe.atutes a round plast.Jcgrommet for efficient
cablemanagement, ensunng a clutter-freewortspace.
The deskis equipped with 2 lockabledrawers.p,ovidl
ngsecure storage for essentialnems. Supportedby
sturdyle-gsm.xttofGtit c.oottdffl('lt,11frame,It
offt,s.stabality ancfdu t blllty,Btvatt yoorr
ct-ptlonart-.,YAththe sl kt,irid
Desk.Proudlymadein theUAEby H1ghmoon,it
embodiesqualityaaftsman.ship andsophistication. C
lity endIOngC\'ity, malu1teN!hbleadd1t.onto your
worup .ItsspatiOta sutf3c.eoffut ampk!roomfor
organiz.'.ltionand productivity, whiltgtIntegrated
storageoptionskeep essentials wlthlf'I
reach.Infuse you,workspace with
styleandfunctionallty w.thoor Stride
ReceptionDesk,where practicality meets elegance
seamlessly. Furntlute stride-teception-desk-blac
k leg Spaciouswoti(s?Ke Integratedttorogeoptilt1ns
Hlgh-qu,1l11y materialsfor du!i!bHity Ple.asenote
OOctdlmenSIOns not prov
Description ntroducing the SharpReceptionDesk by
Highmoon, metKulou ly crafted frompremiumMFC
wrtha contemporary PUSpray Paint finrsh. hs
thoughtfuldesagn fearures a round plastic grommet
fo-e, amleu cablema e-nt,.complemented by a
co,wenient mobile etalhOU1ng 3 loc1cable
dr.,we-rs for efficient st ge.With lnteg ted
LEOll9ht5 enhancing lu modemac1thetic-,thlsdeskCS)
madtin ti.e.UAE.it'StM epitomeof quah1.yand
styff!, Functional and StyllshFteaptkMt Desks
Our SharpReceptionDesk wlthWhiteleg
combinespractlcaltty withstyle,offeringampleWOfk.s
pacewhlletgtxuding sophlst!Ci1tlon.Oes ed
tolmpr('SS, llwM!!desks ld(',tilroraeating.,w
omlng l"!CtptiOt'Iarl!ltIthol .!lvt1alling lmpr
slononvl.Sltors. Crafted fromhlghqu.1tlty
m.atertals,our Sharp eceptlori withWhiteLegensures
dwabi ty.tndlongevlty.Wl1hIts nurdyconmuctlon
andet_at_ga.nt design,Wsatestament to our commitment
to prOViding top-notdt furnituresolutionsfor yow
ProductDetails Producttyp Barcode FeatureJ
Ct.Utomlui,tionOptions Available
we urtde,slMid thitevery wotlupaIs
unique.Tht1swhyweoffet customitation opttOnsfor
our Sh.-,rpReccptionOt kwithWhite L , allowing
you to tailorthe designto suit your
pecificrequirement andpreferences.
Upgrad!your r !!ption.!IN!a wit.bout SharpR
ptiOnDesk withWhittgtU!gsMid expfrie tht!'pcdect
tlle-ndol tunctiONlllityandStyle. Transform your
environment withourprem1um-q1.1111htyreceptiondl!
El atl!YourWont!ipaceToda)'
Material Olmnslons
Office Furniture Manu facturer
Peanut Reception Desk Highmoon's Oxen Reception
Desk Meticulously crafted in the UAE from
top-quality MDF MFC for durability and
sophistication.Theinnovative designincludes a
round grommet for efficient cable management anda
mobilepedestal with 3 lockable drawers for
organized storage. Elevate your office ambiance
with the Oxen Reception Desk, proudly featuring
the prestigious Highmoon brand.
Orange Reception Desk Introducing the Orange
Reception Desk by Highmoon - a blend of
functionality and sophistication. Crafted from
premium MDF MFC, it features efficient cable
management, a mobile pedestal with 3 lockable
drawers, and Integrated LED lights for a modern
touch. Proudly made in the UAE, it'sthe perfect
addition to any reception area.
Peanut Reception Desk (White Leg) s11rt.-lt11F1,,1,
h Lincoln Walnut CEOD k Siu,O,doni 22Cl.x
70DK110H!CM) 4499 AED
Orange Reception Desk (White Leg) su,,.c.Flnlffl
Lincoln Walnut CEOPit.Sk lit OptioM
220lx700,,.110H((M) 4499 AED
Peanut Reception Desk (Black Leg) Surfu..,lnbh
NaturalKendal Oak
Orange Reception Desk (BlackLeg) S1.1rf.au,Fini,h
NaturalKendal Oak
C0Do,laSize Option!il 2lILx MO x 11lt.tl((Mt
CIOOedr.SizeOptions 220L.ic 70DK110H (CM,)
4499 AED
4499 AED
Description Introducing the PeanutReceptionDesk'Wh
iteLegby Highmoon,meticulously crafted for style
and func1ionalit)'.Conslructed fromhi"gh-quahty
MDF MFC,it offersdurability and elegance.
Thisdesk fe,ature5a roundplastic grommet for
equipped with3kxkabledtaWe1' forsecurestorage.
Elevate)'OUt worlc!ipace withIntegratedLID
lights,addinga touch ol modemsophJs1lcat10n.Proudl
y madein theUAE,the PeanutRecepUonDeskby
HighmoonIs the epitome of luxury nd
prdCti(-al1ty. Product OetaUs
Description Introducing the OrangeReceptionDeskWhi
te Leg by Highmoon,.ablend of functionalityandsoph
inication.CrafledfrompremiumMOF MFC,thisdesk
boastsdurabrlityand elegance. It featuresaround
plastic grommet for efficientcablemanagement anda
mobilepedestal withl loltkable drawers to,
organizedstorage, Illuminate your workspace
withIntegrated LEDllghtt enhanc.lng the
moderndesign.Proudly madeIn theUAE,the Orange
ReceptionDeskby Hlghmoools the pe,,fect addihonto
Prolth.1ct Oetafh ProductTyp Barcode Features
Furniture orange.reception deskwhite-leg
Spacious woritspa(e Integrated storage
options High quallty materials for durability
PteaSEn! ote Exact dimensiOns not provided
Furniture pc.gtanut-reccptJon-des.k-biack-leg Spack
ius work.space Integrated stora9eoptlQn High-qu,
1litymateri,1ls for durability Please note
Exact dimeosionsnot provided
ProductType hrcode FuturH
Matt-rial Dimensions
Material Dlmenslons
Office FurnitureManuf acturer
Cube Reception Desk (White Leg) Introducing the
Eco Reception Deskby Highmoon- where
functionality meets elegance.Crafted from premium
MDF MFC,It blends durability with modem design.
Wlth efficient cable management and a mobile
pedestal with 3 lockable drawers, elevate your
workspace with Integrated LED lights for added
sophistication.Proudly made in the UAE, the Eco
Desk is your stylish solution for a receptionarea.
Eco Reception Desk Introducing the EcoReception
Desk by Highmoon - where functionality meets
elegance. Crafted from premium MDF MFC, it
blends durability with modern design.With
efficient cable management and a mobile pedestal
with 3 lockable drawers, elevate your workspace
with Integrated LEDlights for added
sophistication. Proudly made in the UAE, the Eco
Desk is your stylish solution for a reception
-- r
3599 AED
Cube Reception Desk !White Leg)
Sutf.1c F l1h Anthracite Metal
Rock C.EO!hit.kSinOpliom. 2N!l.ll7001t llllti
Surface Finish. Black CfltgtDe,f.k SIJe()ptionSJ
160l ll 70OJlt1 IOHlCMI
2099 AED
Blox Reception Desk (Black)
SwfacIFini.sh! Whlte CODHl!Siz.eOption.s
Surface Finisht Grey CEO Desk51te Optlbn)
16CI.. 700.11!1\0H ICM)
3599 AED
Cube Reception Desk (Blackleg)
Sun.1cFl"kh Natural KendalOak CEOOeslc Sim
0pti0fll! 210lx700It 1IOH('(Ml
Description Introducing the EcoRece-igttion Desk
by Highmoon, wherefunctionality
meetselegance.Craftedfrom premitJm MOf
MFC.th1sdesk combines durability with
modemdesign.Featuring aroondplasticgrommetforeffic
ientcablemanagement andamobilepedestalwith3lockabl
edtawe fororgaOOedstorage.Illuminateyour
workspacewithIntegratedLfDllghts,adding a touchor
Wphl5tic.!1Uon.Proudlymade-in th LIA.
EcoRtttplionDeskby Highmoonlsyoursolutionfor.,st
llshrtteption.!lrt-ll. StepInto sophtstkatlon
withour Contempof'ilryReception Desk. Designed 10
lmpren, th'5 desk seomlessly combines nyle
wtthfunc.11o hty, ma lng It a must-have foranym
m WOrksp.Ke. Crafted withptKiSiOn.,oor
rtet-,PtlMd k bOMtsprtmium mt1t 1als,ensu11n9
dutab-hty andlongevity. Its sUk signMdde.,"
Jine-s 4dd ai toulthof Cf to i'lny tee puon
arta, settingthe tooefor prGfession.ilism and
dass. Ft'.'aturingampit-wof'tsp3ond
dr.llwt-tsandcompa,rtmenb, ouf rer,Uondt-sk
yourofficeaeuhetlc and makea lastmgImpressionWfth
our Contempora,y Reception Desk.
Description Lookingfor b slttkandmodi!rn
tlddiuon to your offict pbct? Lookno furthe, than
lht-Cu RelteptionDesk(Whit Leg).This5tyflshdeskco
mbines func-Uorul1ty with contfmpotary design,
maklng It the perfect dlolcefor any recephQn
area.Herean!rhe key features tt\ilt make this
XeyF-eatures of C\lbeReceptionDesk
e1,g1nt Des.lgn White LegFini.st-.
SpaciousWorkspace Integrated Sto
CustomizableOptions VersallltUse Ptofusional
de,nandm1mmallst cteslgn.Th.-n addsa tolJChof
sophtst'catlonto anyspace, Thewhitelegfinishaddsac
ri!pandmodernlook to thedes!lt_Ensuring It
complements anyexisllngdecor. With 11mpledekp
ce-,this reception dekprovidesplenty of
roomfor,eceptlonl5ts to wol'kefficiently. The
dc-sk reaturcs \ntegt.?lted itoc.sgt-options.Thn
ind sdr.3wtrs i,nd shelves, lo h lp
kttplht!relteptionllr aorganizedanddutter-fr
. Oioosefrom arange of wsaomiu,tion optlon'5gt to
1.ailor the desk to ,,01,1r specifiltneedsandpre
fefences. WhitepetfectrorreceptJonareas.
thisdeskcanalsobe uredIOother officesettings,such
a.smeetingfOOmsot executlveoffice5,, Theilttlt
de'5gt9"andhlghqual11y finishglw th!!deska
pro(tuioru1Jap ar'dl'Klt, makingi
poSitivt-lmprtssion onclientsandvisitors.Withits
rnod rn d gn, durablec.ons1n..x1lon,.andvtrsatJle
featw s.theReceptlonOeskis the perfict
itddihonto any offi,espace.Whefh
you'relookIng to upgrade yoor ,eceptlonarea or
ilddaSt)'llsh touch to )'00,woMpalte. thtsde khis
ProductDeta.ils. Barcode Features
recept1on--desk Ample workspace Integrated
storage optKlns Premium material for du
blllty Plea not Ex,c.t dimtnionsnot provide
Mate,lal Dimensions.
Office FurnitureManu facturer
Jade Reception Desk Introducing the Jade
Reception Deskby Highmoon- a fusion of
sophistication and functionality. Crafted
withprecision from premium MDF MFC materials,
it features seamless cable management, a mobile
pedestal with 3 lockable drawers, and Integrated
LED lights for modern flair. Elevate your
reception area with the Jade Desk by Highmoon,
proudly made in the UAE.
Snow Reception Desk Introducing the Snow
Reception Desk by Highmoon - a stylish and
functional addition to your reception area.
Crafted from durable MDF and MFC, it features
efficient cable management, a mobile pedestal
with 3 lockable drawers, and a touch of
elegance.Elevate your workspace with the Snow
Deskby Highmoon, proudly made in the UAE.
SYrlalte Hnbh Lincoln Walnut CEOCgttik Siu
OpUonJ liltILIll700M110ti ICM
s1.11f.tltef1n1,h AnthraciteMetalRock CEODk
O.,tlit l ,c?OOIIC1ltlHi(MJ
4499 AED
2999 AED
Jade Reception Desk (White Leg)
Snow Reception Desk (White LegI
Surlsc..Finhih NaturalKendal Oak CEO kSu
OplionSI 160Lx700,c110H\CMf
SurfuFinKh Anthracite MetalRock CIEODaSiu,Opti
on,. 22lllx7Wll110tt(CM
4499 AED
2999 AED
Jade Reception Desk (Black Leg)
Snow Reception Desk (Black Leg)
Description lntroduclog the Snow Receptlofl Desk
b)' Highmoon, a sophtsticated add1Uon to your
receptiona,ea. Crarted from durabl MOF and MFC.
this desk offers both styleand functionalily. ll
atures aroundplil!.tic gromm t fot_at_fficient
ablemanag_at_ment and a mobif_at_ ped tal with
3lockable draWl!rS for cure storage. El_at_vate
your wotkspace withtheSnowReception Oeskby
Highmoon, wherequality meeue-leg-i!nce..Proodlym
ade in the UAE. Elevateyour,eceptloo
areawiththeSnow Reception Desk(Bladtleg).This
sJeekandmodern deskcomtMne.s runctfonallty with
style to createa welcomJng atmosphere fO(
guests.Craftedwithpreci.sionand.attenuon to
detall,the blacklegsadd atouchof sophistication
to any workspace.Whether youre greetingd
ntsorhcltldlingadministratfve tasks,the
SnowReceptionDesisdestgned to meet YQ4.Jfneed
withelegan,c.e ond efficlency.
Description lncroduclng theJ.adeRecemlonDesi(by
Hlgtimooo.a ftJskgtnof sophlsUcabOO and
functJooalil)'.Crafted withpreltlslonf,ornpremlvmMO
FMFCmatenals, th,sdeske)(lJdeSdvrabllltyand st
It boastsa rout1dplMtic gromm t rotS
l!lmltsscablt'mllna mt'nt andf_at_Mu bconvtnN!nt
mobileped ti!ll with3IOCkable d1\\lt!f'Sfo,
sttuf StOr'aQ .Jllumln.!tt your workspdct
wrthintegrated LEOlights,enhancing the ambi.anee
withmodemflair.Elevate yourreceptlQf'IareawiththeJ
cldeReceptionDeskby Highmoon.proudly
made1ntheUAE. Elev.neyourwork.spa,cewith
Sdesignedto impress,comtMnin,gstyleandfunctiOnalrt
yinoneele9antpielt.e.W..thits whih? legsand
0phlstic.ateddesign,the JadeReltepUonDeskaddsa
touch of ltlauto anyreltepuon aNa-
ProductDetails Produfype Mattial Colo, A.ddltlo
na.l atum
ReceptionDesk Cr.!lfted rromprernlumMDFMFCmlltl!r
i.als Whitelegs Introducing theJadeReceptklnDeskb)
' l-llghmoon - a fl.lsIon of sophlstkanon
MF"Cm-ilterial rt fealu,esseamlesscablemanagemen
t. a mobilepedestal with 3lodcabledrall'l'ers,andI
Elevateyourreceptionarea withthe.J,i1deDeskby
Highmooll,proudfymadein thtUAE,
ProductT)"pe Material Color
R eptlonDesk High-quahty materials Black legs
Office Furniture nufacturer
Office Furniture Manu facturer
ii fihi
Radiance Round Meeting Table (White leg)
Hlghrnoon'Na.on Ao.. Met-tingT11ble-,c.,.,ftNlI
n the LIA.combines ekg.1nct.0 andlulK.Ucn.ality.
Withaph tk.ited PU "'Y-JlnlE'dMO!'." Md
adtsllnctNefk.ttede lgn,.lt ecld!scontemp,,,vyd
mm.'rhe36mmthrdMFC woodMf1111 hed t.ibl, top
iiddi warmlh and sophlsticauon o any conference
room. Vo?rsaute and durable, the Nova ta
facill!i\1es proltlrtlll"I?meetings,elevat1Bgyouro
foce with unmauhed s.tyteandquality.
Jighmoof\ ltbdli!a e lb.uxI Mttt1ng
lalk,peclsion-tt.afled 1r1 the UA(. ltOmbines el
n.t- ,llld lunttfon.iJ.lty. fh PU sprayP ted
runred ba 3ddssophlSticatlon, supporting a
cobust 36mm thick MK 1abl,e top fa durability.
bralnsto11r111n9 or pno.sentatlons,ft.iidl,uKe
sh!nH rs 1 c.enlerplea.4nyourcooferenceIOOff\
elttvaUngmeetlr,gs with st)lte aMIquallty.
, lW'lcoll')Wo)lnul I 1lt110uil'.MI
, ""tht.Klt MetilRock
-- hoMMH.l.. lMltS/ts ! /"30,(D,!I
Radlanc RoundM_at_oetJngTabl(Black Leg)
1-0ghmoon's Radiance RoundMeeting Table.
prK1S1on-ltrafti!d tn the UAE.combinM elegallCe nd
functionality. The PU 'Sf)_at_yptlnttd cu1wd base
add,i0ph!SUi1tlOO, pporthi_g a robust ldmm thkk
MTC table top IOf durablllly, Ideal for
btdtn.UOtTl'llng o, Pfe atlons.-AadtJnctgt'Sti9'le
a, sthecfflte,pfelteIn yourlt'QllferMlt'.e1lgtOff\eJ!o
1a1!ng Ungswith sryugt .11nd(t'Jal!ty.
Hr,ghmoon'sNoYa RoundMelteting Table.
crafted11'1the LIA.combines eJegar,ce
andfunctionality. With a sophisticated PU
sp,'a'J'paln1ed MDf" btse and a di tlncthre
1'111te deskJn,ii E'lludtscontempor.-y chan.
fl\e 36mm thidMrCwoode-n tintihed
tablopaddsw.vmthal\d50phlstlctJOn to
ilfl)'cooferecoceroom.Verstilanddurob1e, theNova
ta faci111zes p1cduct1 rne,e1tn9i.,rlrvat1ng'f
OUloffice-wtth i.mmatch!d siy and qual11r.
s.rw.FW"" Lincoln Walnut ""-dM.a.,..1i,,-nbl!
bo ! 1-'QQlCMJ
SilrbnRIMd1 Anthrilcik-Metal Rock ..,,,ncu,1...
u.,Tua.SI,- lOI) IOI)
Nexus RoundMeeting Table(White Leg)
Highmoon'O!i 1RoundMeetingTa-bk,c.-afleltfjn 1M
func.Uonalty.WithmPU ,pr-l)'p.1intedMOFC\Jl"V
ba .anda l6nim tap,t1 MFC tabl, top,it e-n1ck-t
dtgolniOolnd reflfl,emenLP,er t
(()modern ltJft"i s,, conf,re,- room,,. nd b
dlltgtOlll,,lht Oti5 t.1ble ae e
wt-komingerivirOflmC'flt for p,oductN,dixuS1Q/1.
v-,1 yourworbp.,c wlth lhrsme-UCUlouslyaJted
.-idit1on frtimM19hmool\.
H!gtlmoon'SN_at_XusRoundMeetingJebli!,uaft d Modie
UAf,cocnblneslut'tCnOnalify w4thelegal'l(.e fo,
modeencollobofiill ,-paw,._Th )6.mm thidi
antibactc-rW top,madr fron1o MOF and MF(,
onJUlt'J d1,1 i1it,-aridhygiNloC,Or vcr,,,ti1e
Ui.Olri rd room,- con(ert.nfQQfll',Qf m ti\!C'
CC'.0.11,1loyo1,11mtlng5with tke 4xtoptiQ11.,I
qui.lityltffld)tyle o( the Nr,xu,,bble
S..'--'rlflWI , Li.ncolnWalnut llo...,11"'9.,.lngt
. l,-n I PIP.of,11111
, Lincoln \1/all\Ul l !Glltlool'tMI
Ne,cu.sRoundMtttingTable(Black Leg
, Oc11115 R
d Meeting Table (SlackLeg) 1999 AED
HightnoQn5NnusRound Mt.0r-\in51lilbl cro1ft11d
in th UA(,.combineluncti1innl1ty
Withelf'9Jl'IC fOfmod,,m tolliibonitr,o, sp11
es.11).e 36mm thidc.1ntlbacter1a, top,made
fromMOf ,md MFC,ensure-s d1,1rabilitY 11nd
t1)'9tene for ve, tile uSl'1n rdroom.s,conferencet
ooms.OJu eiWOflspaces.Bevate')IOUI meetln9sWftb
tile exceptlOflal qualrtyand style of
the Ner!J!table franHiQhmooo.
ff19hm00r,' 0.,5i RQIJndM-C\ingTablt,criredin
the UAE,t..nnoniou,-1blend,wp) tk.aliOtl.1MlNoctia
nuity.Withi PU spt p.-t1ntedMDFwruedb-seJi
da36mmaperedMFC t)bl_at_top,it exudesE-legunct.aind
rE'fine,mnt Perie-ct fOf modern offices.
confereoct-rooms..indboafdJooln'l. die Oasis
tableaeat.Jgt wekomtf)(Jel"MfOrlmeint for
productl'.'f discussions, Ekgtvate yourw
--.-.,.,., , Nat1.m1IKend tOak 1.Md ltit1b
ldln I 11lf lPI
s...,_,. r-atLH3l Ket1dal Oak .......M-..i.tlW
SU. t lflOlgtia.M,i