Title: [PDF]⚡️Download ⚡️ Creating Microclimates for High Desert Gardening
2Creating Microclimates for High Desert Gardening
Gardening in the High Desert presents challenges
not faced by those who live in moister
climates that are closer to sea level. These
areas combine a dry climate with the effects of
high altitude on plants and animals. In any given
high desert area you can have wildly varying
climates within a 30 mile radius. Mountains
deflect winds and affect weather systems. Solar
radiation scalds leaves in higher terrain. A
microclimate is an area of weather conditions
differing from the prevailing conditions due to
terrain, water features, plant life, or manmade
structures. Once you realize how these things can
modify weather in your yard you can use them to
your best advantage. This book goes into detail
on global climatic norms and how a high desert
envrionment differs from standard. It
discusses how to observe the climates and
microclimates of your living environment and
offers advice on creating conditions more
beneficial to whatever kind of plant life you
would like to foster in your vegetable or flower
gardens. Author Momma Rose Kern is a New Mexico
Master Gardener, beekeeper and a Solar Chef. She
currently lives in a passive solar adobe home in
the Rio Grande Valley south of Albuquerque. Her
34 career in aviation focused on weather system
interpretation for pilot briefings. By applying
the basics of meteorology to surface
environments, she has been able to help suburban
homesteaders create beautiful and bountiful
garden spaces. Rose lectures on Microclimatology
for gardening groups across the southwest. She
also gives demonstrations of solar cooking,
canning, and solar food dehydration. Check out
her website for books and information related to
solar and sustainable living. www.solarranch.comCh
apters1.Earth 8217 Climates2.U.S. Climates3.High
Desert Variations4.Seasonal Planting
Strategies5.Finding Microclimates6.Problem Solving
7.Heating/Cooling the Soil8.Four Homestead
Examples9.Creating Microclimates Economically10.Co
ld Frames and Grow Boxes11.Apartment Living12.In
Home Options Sunrooms and Window
Gardens13.Greenhouses 8211 the Ultimate
Microclimate14.Weather Websites
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