Title: Elena Katsyura 2 (Russian, 1973)
1(No Transcript)
2April daffodils
Creamer and strawberries
3August rhapsody
Black coffee
4Cup on white
5Black coffee and lemon
Cup and peony
6Bright fruit
Creamer and sugar cubes
7Creamer and plums
Egg and jug
8Coffee cup crackers
A girl from a cafe
9Yellow reflection
Guests will be here soon
Coffee and camomile
10Black coffee on lilac
Blackcurrent twig
11After frost
Winter town
12A walk by the ocean
Summer daisies
13August apples A rose
Black blooming peony
14Black sweet snack A
horse called Ivy
Awaiting summer
15Frosted sunset
First snow
In old town
16April daffodils
Creamer and strawberries
17Asters in a vase
18Teacup, plums and yellow cherries
A copper teapot Copper
and berries
19Blossoms on black
Creamer and daffodils
22(No Transcript)
23From up high
Sky city
24Russian Winter
Winter Village
25Dream city
Winter Morning
26A winter tale
27Winter sunset
Sunset lights
28Sunset Beach
30(No Transcript)
31My palette Sweet
32Blossoms on black
Cherries in a blue bowl
33Blue cup of flowers
Creamer and plums
34Impressions du matin
Summer days
35Under the sun
Afternoon in Charleston
The shining yard
37Summer Holydays. Tybee Island
Water mill
38An apple a day
Fountain of colors
39summer portrait
Red rose
40I was born in Chelyabinsk, Russia. Since early
childhood, I had been fascinated with art, and
drew whenever I could find time and paper. I
received my Bachelor's Degree in Chelyabinsk Art
College. In 2007, I, my husband, and my daughter
left Chelyabinsk to go to California. The new
inspiration I received in California continued
over my years back in Russia. My family and I
spent two years in the US, found many good
friends, and returned to Chelyabinsk in 2010.
After coming back, I received my Master's Degree
in Fine Arts.
The painting I worked on for my final project was
a portrait of my 11-year-old daughter, Sofia. It
was summer, and every morning I would wake her up
early so my painting reflected morning light.
Sofia modeled for me every day during that
summer, and here is the final painting
41Text and pictures Internet All copyrights
belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Black Coffee - Ella Fitzgerald
Julie London