Title: Hayv Kahraman 1 (Iraqi, 1981)
1Hayv Kahraman
Hayv Kahraman (born 1981) is an Iraqi artist and
painter. Her works reflect the controversial
issues of gender, honor killings and war, all
issues that plague her home country of Iraq. Hayv
currently lives and works in Phoenix, AZ, United
States. Born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1981, and moved
to Sweden at the age of 11. She began oil
painting at the age of 12 and later had several
successful exhibitions in Sweden
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8Born in a land that is ironically the cradle of
civilization and presently the ultimate
embodiment of human degradation, Iraq, I have of
necessity inherited a host of issues that find
expression in my work. Female oppression, honor
killings and war continue to claim my attention.
Filled with desire, I paint for redemption and
salvation, hoping one day humanity will witness a
profound change
9Melancholic aristocracy
10Meat scale
12Waraq Al Malwiya (153cm in diameter and 4
meters high) 18,000 individually sewn playing
cards that are reproductions of large scale
paintings on panel The structural concept of
Project Al-Malwiya is derived from the emblematic
spiral minaret in Samarra, Iraq that was built
during the Abbasid empire and is a source of
national pride regardless of sectarian
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14Kurdish women dancing
15 Chained Women
In Line
16Disguised Puppets
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18Domesticated Marionettes
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22The figures in my work reside in a precarious
state of terrifying contin-gency. Things are
happening will happen have happened things
that will lacerate when spoken about and are
considered taboo or too harsh to deal with let
alone witness nonetheless an aura of sublimity
is cast upon the figures, enriching them with an
ornate divinity achieved by simple yet
meticulously calculated brush strokes. This
dichotomy or battle of the oppo-sites encompasses
the human condition as a whole and exposes our
universal values together with our detestable
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29Mining the Illustrative Process for Outré
Portrayals of Body Modification
30Kahramans new series sends a strong visual
message on the delicate yet persistent subject of
body modification. Kahraman continues to explore
the feminine psyche, by bringing attention to the
heights women will go to achieve perceived
notions of beauty
31Appearance of control
Female genital mutilation
32Mass Assembly (sliding puzzle) 2010
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36In that series themed Sacrifice I chose to
portray a story of determined women taking
conscious action on their current and future
destructive social paradigms inequality and
injustice. The paintings present an analogy of
the sacrifices that women make for the sin of
being the weaker sex. This is disproportionate
to the sacrifices that men make for their sin of
power abuse. The lamb is regarded as a pure and
innocent animal that in this series draws
parallel to the female sex. The white lamb is an
ironic visualization of the significant sacrifice
(in orthodox Jewish code) for human sin
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41Mevlevi Sema
43I love my pink comb, 2010
44Hayv Kahraman Jameel Prize 2011 By Victoria and
Albert Museum "Inspired by Neo-Assyrian reliefs
of lions and men in perpetual battle, this
painting depicts a humiliated lion riddled with
arrows, regurgitating folded poker-sized playing
cards that are reproductions of large paintings
from the Waraq series. This piece is a
manifestation of the depression that arise from a
tragic loss of solidarity in thought and culture
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49Self portrait
50Text and pictures Internet All copyrights
belong to their respective owners
Presentation Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound Azam Ali - Lasse Pour Quoi
Marie Keyrouz - Kondakion melkite