Title: Service
Satjit Kumar Writes informational articles on
hindu ethics, samanya dharma, hindu dharma,
duties common to all along with others on
finance, health and cultivating wisdom.
2This article needs to start with the
clarification that here service does not refer
to various commercial services that are available
on the market. The term service in this
particular write-up is confined only to the act
of serving others selflessly. In this era of
excessive focus on materialistic objectives,
service has become much more important than ever
before. Let us now focus on a few salient points
that convey the significance of serving others
without any selfish motives. When we
voluntarily extend services to other people, we
are contributing our bit towards the harmonious
functioning of society. When more and more people
living in different geographic zones develop this
service-oriented approach, the world will become
a better place.
3 It has to be highlighted that service is not
just about helping other people. The fact is that
when we serve someone driven by empathy and
compassion, the emotional satisfaction derived is
priceless. It contributes positively to mental
health. Ideally, every individual can come
forward and provide service in some way or
another, based upon their social and financial
background. Its not necessary that the person
has to be fabulously rich. People with limited
resources can donate just a small amount to a
charitable cause. They can also consider doing
voluntary service in old-age homes and
orphanages. That is definitely within the reach
of almost everyone. Once an individual gets
accustomed to helping others, they will start to
radiate positive energy. And, this positivity has
a beneficial effect in all areas of their lives.
4 When people are overly focused on their
materialistic goals, they can accumulate a lot of
wealth over time. But there comes a saturation
point. Life will become stagnant, and they will
start questioning the purpose of their existence.
It is in this context that providing a service
attains special value. When these people begin to
serve and help fellow human beings, they achieve
a new purpose in life. A feeling of fulfillment
is realized. People should never forget a
pivotal point. A small gesture of kindness can
provide solace to a person facing tough
situations in their life. And, these small
gestures of compassion can be made by literally
anyone. Its not mandatory that one needs to have
access to abundant resources. A genuine
service-oriented perspective towards life
stresses another crucial facet connectedness
between all human beings. All people are tiny
parts of the same supreme cosmic source, which we
call God. We children of the Almighty, its our
bound duty to be of help to the less fortunate
people of the society/world. Here, all artificial
differences such as religion and caste are of no
5 Serving others is a virtue that has to be
instilled in children. When individuals start to
view things from a service-based angle at a young
age, it shapes their character in the right way.
These children grow up into adults of
unquestionable character and integrity. At
this juncture, we should make note of an aspect
that is paramount. When a person prioritizes
service to others, they are not hindered in
feeling a closeness to God in due course. When we
serve people, it is a form of prayer to God. We
should respect the divinity that is there in all
life forms.
6 Thank you for spending your precious time
in reading this article!
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