Title: Jerold Kayden - An Experienced Professional - Boston, MA
1Jerold Kayden
Sales Executive with 15 Years Experience
2(No Transcript)
3Jerold Kayden graduated from the University of
Rhode Island - College of Business with a degree
in Management Information Systems and Production
and Operations Management.
4Previously, Jerold S Kayden held roles such as
Sales Executive at Anaconda, Inc., where he
managed the East Coast territory, overseeing
consulting, training, and product sales.
5Jerold Kayden possesses a remarkable skill set in
financial services, with a proven track record of
acquiring diverse high-profile clients across
large enterprise financial, service provider,
healthcare, government, and other sectors.
6As an account manager at NVIDIA, Jerold S Kayden
is instrumental in assisting large enterprise
banks, hedge funds, and insurance companies in
implementing AI, ML, and big data solutions at
7Jerold Kayden also worked as a Sales Manager for
Corporate Accounts at EMC (formerly VMware) for
over two years, where he was responsible for
selling VMware virtualization software in
Manhattan, Westchester, and upstate New York.
Find out more about him at his official site