Title: Does A Mobile Trailer Need A Certificate Of Need?
1Does A Mobile Trailer Need A Certificate Of Need?
By Vikki Harmonay
2- Good question, but first things first a CON is a
Certificate of Need. These are legislated by each
individual state and not every state requires
one. A CON regulates the overbuilding of
healthcare facilities and healthcare price
regulation. - There are pros and cons about Certificate of Need
laws. The pros are - These laws distribute healthcare across a city,
county or state - They provide an evaluation to healthcare
- It protects patient costs
3- The cons are
- It reduces the free market
- It potentially reduces supply increasing
demand/pricing - Cumbersome evaluation slows market response
- Its inconsistent from state to state
- It reduces the consumer urgency to own individual
healthcare - It allows lobbyists and politics to enter into
healthcare considerations
4So how do you know if your state requires a
Certificate of Need? You can find out about CON
laws by visiting the National Conference of State
Legislatures website at www.ncsl.org. Just
rememberevery states requirements are
different. If you are interested in purchasing a
new piece of medical imaging equipment, its
important to know whether your state requires a
CON before you make a purchase.
5The current list of states that have CON
requirements include
6Talk To An Expert If youre looking for medical
imaging equipment and have questions about
Certificates of Need, talk to the experts at
Atlantis Worldwide. Weve been helping healthcare
facilities with their medical imaging needs for
more than 31 years and would love to assist
you. Talk to Atlantis Worldwide today.
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