Title: Le Pho 2 (Vietnam, 1902-2001)
1Le Pho
2Jeune fille au bouquet de Fleurs (Young Woman
with Bouquet of Flowers)
Jeune Fille Aux Fleurs
3Femme Au Perroquet (Lady With Parrot)
5 Le Rideau Mauve (The Purple Curtain)
Seated lady
6Portrait De Jeune Femme
Woman with a peach 1940
7Lady combing her hair
8Harmony in Green The Two Sisters, 1938, oil on
silk, 54 x 45 cm, Collection of National Gallery
of Singapore
The Lady With The Green Scarf
9In the garden
Tea in the Garden (96cm x 130cm)
10Still life with poppies
11Dans les vignes (Within the vines)
Le Pho (1907-2001) Le Jardin Flori (114 cm x 146
12L'ete (Summertime) (98cm x 131cm)
La Cueillette (Fruit picking)
13Two women in the garden
Sur la terrasse (At the terrace)
14A lapproche du Tet
Young lady with flowers
15Seated Lady
17Maternité (Maternity)
18Maternité (Maternity)
20Vierge à lEnfant
21Vierge à lEnfant
Vierge à lEnfant
22Le Pho is an important Vietnamese artist along
with Vu Cao Dam. Born in 1902 son of Le Hoan, a
senior mandarin, Le Pho received a comprehensive
education, including training in brush training.
At the age of 18 Le Pho went on to study at the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Hanoi for five years.
Afterwards for two years he then studied at the
Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. After completing
his education, Le Pho returned to Vietnam to
teach at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts for four years.
Then in 1937 he returned to Paris as a delegate
in the International Exposition there. He also
served as a member of the jury of this
exposition. During the thirties and forties, Le
Pho travelled extensively in Europe and Asia. At
this time Le Pho painted with long, thin brushes
of watercolor on silk. His subjects, including
birds, bamboo, and lotus flowers were
traditionally Asian. His work was clearly
influenced by Pierre Bonnard and Odilon
Redon. For the rest of his career Le Pho was a
notable artist, represented in many exhibitions
and shows throughout Europe and the United
States. Le Pho died in 2001. His works are in
the permanent collections of Museum dArt Moderne
in Paris, the Vietnam Museum of Modern Art, and
the Oklahoma Art Center.
24Maternité (Maternity)
Maternité (Maternity)
Mother and her three children
25Maternité (Maternity)
Jeune Fille dans le Jardin
26Maternité (Maternity)
Young mother breastfeeding her Child
27(No Transcript)
28In the Garden
Le Repos (Resting)
29Tree ladies in a garden
Bouquet De Fleurs (Bouquet of Flower)
30La Chaton
A seated woman reading letter in the garden
31Jeune Fille en Blanc (Young Girl in White)
32Jeune Fille en Blanc (Young Girl in White)
34Young girl picking flowers
35Woman by the table
Chinese vase
36Composition De Fleurs
37Mother and child in the garden
Plate of fruits
The et Sympathie
38(No Transcript)
39Making up
Standing Nude
40(No Transcript)
41(No Transcript)
42Lady by a Floral Trellis
Femme au balcon (Woman on the balcony)
43Les lavandieres
44 Les éternités (Eternities)
45Still life
46 Portrait of a Vietnamese Boy
les Arums
47The three bathers
Thanh nhàn, 1943
48La cueillette des lotus
La cueillette des simples
49Yellow Tulips and Ranunculus
50In the garden
les Arums
51Lady in red with scarf around her hair
52Text and pictures Internet Copyright All the
images belong to their authors Presentation
Sanda Foisoreanu
Sound ?Van Mieu - Flute melody over the terrace
field ?Gio Mua Thu, dieu Ly Giao Duyen
Nguyen Thanh Binh
Dang Can
Dang Can
Duy Huynh
Nguyen Thi Hop
Vu Cao Dam
Le Pho
Mai Trung Thu
Mai Trung Thu
Lam Chieu Dong
Phan Thu Trang
Lim Khim Katy
Vietnamese contemporary art
Lam Chieu Dong