Title: Dubrovnik Coastal Cycling - Ebike Point (1)
1Welcome To Ebike Point
www. ebike-point.com
2Fascinating facts you need to know about e-bikes
It is abundantly clear that electric bikes are
becoming increasingly popular in today's world.
This is actually good news for people. The
advancement of technology makes them available to
everyone who is willing to give them a try.
www. ebike-point.com
3Reason why electric bikes are so quiet
Have you ever wondered why an electric bike
sounds so quiet? Unlike a typical motorbike, it
produces no noise since it doesn't require a
combustion engine. With no engine noise,
transmission noise, or combustion, electric bikes
are vibration- and noise-free.
www. ebike-point.com
4E-bikes are overtaking electric cars
In several nations worldwide, e-bike rentals and
purchases have surpassed those of electric cars
during the last few years. The word has gotten
out about this incredibly quick and convenient
method to get around town. Additionally, it has
no tailpipe emissions, no bother with traffic,
and parking is a pleasure.
www. ebike-point.com
5Minimal maintenance
Electric motorcycles require less maintenance as
they have fewer moving parts than conventional
motorbikes. Regenerative braking systems assist
in recharging the battery while slowing down, so
there's no need for oil changes, and the brakes
last longer on average.
www. ebike-point.com
6Contact info
Ebike-Point Cira Carica bb Dubrovnik,
Croatia Call us 385 98 590 043 Email
info_at_ebike-point.com Website https//ebike-point.
www. ebike-point.com
7www. ebike-point.com