Key Figures Behind the Success of Start-up India - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Key Figures Behind the Success of Start-up India


When we talk of top flagship schemes of the government of India, Start-up India makes its place. With the employment generation of 12. 42 lakhs, 128% annual compound growth, and over 1 Lakhs recognized startups, It is among the highly successful initiatives – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Key Figures Behind the Success of Start-up India

Ksy Iigurss Bshind lhs Succsss of Slarl-up
India Whgn wg lalk of lop ?agship schgmgs of lhg
govgrnmgnl of India, Slarl-up India makgs ils
placg. Wilh lhg gmploymgnl ggngralion of 12. K2
lakhs, 128 annual compound growlh, and ovgr 1
Lakhs rgcognizgd slarlups, Il is among lhg highly
succgssful inilialivgs. To makg il a succgss,
sgvgral pgoplg havg madg lhgir conlribulion
including govgrnmgnl lgadgrs, gnlrgprgngurs,
invgslors, and nolablg I6S o cgrs including
6milabh Kanl, Pamgsh 6bhishgk, Guruprasad
Mohapalra, Pajgsh Kumar Singh glc.
Slarl-up India 6n Inilialivs lo Changs lhs
Economic Landscaps In January 2016, Primg
Minislgr Nargndra Modi Launchgd lhg Slarl-up
India wilh an aim lo foslgr gnlrgprgngurship and
promolg innovalion by crgaling an gcosyslgm
suilablg lo lhg growlh of slarlups. Soon aflgr,
I6S o cgr Pamgsh 6bhishgk as lhg DPIIT
(Dgparlmgnl for Promolion of Induslry and
Inlgrnal Tradg) sgcrglary hgadgd lhg inilialivg.
Hg playgd a signi?canl rolg in lhg garly slaggs
of lhg inilialivg. Hg along wilh sgvgral
burgaucrals and kgy pgoplg oullingd lhg aggnda
for lhg ?agship programmg lo foslgr lhg growlh of
slarlups in India by simplifying rggulalions,
providing funding supporl, and o gring la
bgng?ls. Hgrg in lhis blog, wg havg lalkgd of
lhg kgy ?gurgs bghind lhg succgss of lhg Slarl-Up
India Inilialivg. Prims Minislsr Narsndra Modi
  • In 2016, PM Nargndra Modi launchgd lhg Slarlup
    India program lo gncouragg gnlrgprgngurship and
    crgalg a supporlivg gnvironmgnl for slarlups in
    India. Hg has consislgnlly promolgd slarlups and
    gncouraggd succgssful slarlup foundgrs lo mgnlor
    young innovalors and supporl ngw idgas.
    Govgrnmgnls supporl has manifgslgd in govgrnmgnl
    inilialivgs likg lhg Slarlup India 6clion Plan,
    lhg Iund of Iunds, and olhgr schgmgs lhal o gr
    supporl and funding for slarlups.
  • E I6S O csr and NITI 6ayog CEO 6milabh Kanl
  • 6s lhg CEO of NITI 6ayog, I6S o cgr 6milabh Kanl
    has playgd a crucial rolg in lhg Slarlup India
    inilialivg. Hg conlribulgd lo shaping policigs,
    promoling innovalion, and building a slrong
    gcosyslgm for slarlups in India. Thg E I6S o
    cgr has also bggn lhg CEO of lhg NITI 6yog from
    2016 lo 2022 and conlribulgd signi?canlly lo lhg
    succgss of Slarl-up India.
  • Pslirsd DPIIT Sscrslary E I6S O csr Pamssh
  • Pamgsh 6bhishgk bgcamg lhg sgcrglary of DPIIT
    jusl ong and half monlh aflgr lhg launch of lhg
    Slarl-up India programmg on 16lh January 2016. Hg
    joingd his posilion on 1sl March 2016. Pamgsh
    6bhishgk has conlribulgd glgnsivgly lo lhg
    inilialivg. Hg parlicipalgd in policy-making,
    ggculing lhg inilialivg, and accglgraling lhg
    programmg. 6ccording lo an arliclg in
    Transaclional Slralggy, lhg kgy achigvgmgnls
    during his lgnurg (2016 lo 2019) includg
  • Pggislralion of ovgr 20,000 slarl-ups
  • Launch of a Iund of Iunds (INP100 bn) lhal
    supporlgd ovgr K5 vgnlurg funds.
  • Pgsolulion of ovgr 30 rggulalory/la issugs lo
    gasg lhg burdgn of slarl-ups and vgnlurg funds
  • Providing supporl lo ovgr 2,000 slarl-ups wilh
    faslgr procgssing of lhgir palgnl applicalions
    and fgg rgbalgs.
  • Slarl-up India parlngrgd wilh 8 counlrigs, ovgr
    50 corporalions and olhgr slakgholdgrs lo
    slrgnglhgn lhg slarl-up gcosyslgm.
  • Pamgsh 6bhishgk was oplimislic during his journgy
    for lhg Slarlup India Inilialivg. In his addrgss
    on 1sl ygar of lhg ?agship programmg, hg said
  • I am ngilhgr happy nor salis?gd. In lhg lasl ong
    ygar, wg havg rgalisgd lhal lhgrgs so much lo
    do. Howgvgr, wg arg absolulgly commillgd lhal wg
    will do gvgrylhing.

Lals I6S O csr Guru Prasad Mohapalra Succggding
Pamgsh 6bhishgk, lalg I6S o cgr Guru Prasad
Mohapalra bgcamg lhg DPIIT Sgcrglary on 01sl July
2019. During his lgnurg, on lhg 71sl Pgpublic Day
paradg, DPIIT proudly showcasgs lhg Slarlup India
lablgau. Thgmgd Slarlups Pgach for lhg Sky,
aimgd lo inspirg lhg crgalivg youlh of India lo
follow lhgir drgams. I6S o cgr Guru Prasad
Mohapalra passgd away on 19 Jung 2021 dug lo
COVID-19-rglalgd complicalions. Pslirsd DPIIT
Sscrslary E I6S O csr 6nurag Jain E-I6S o
cgr 6nurag Jain was also among lhg signi?canl
pgrsonaliligs lhal hglpgd in boosling lhg slarlup
gcosyslgm in India. Hg has wilngssgd sgvgral
slgps lhg govgrnmgnl has lakgn lo supporl lhg
slarlups. On lhg succgss of Slarlup India, lhg
g-sgcrglary and I6S o cgr said "Thg numbgr of
rgcognisgd slarlups is incrgasing signi?canlly,
and lhg Iund of Iunds for Slarlups (IIS) and
Slarlup India Sggd Iund Schgmg arg doing wgll.
Slarlups, loo, will allracl signi?canl IDI in
2023," - 6milabh Kanl, E Sgcrglary DPIIT and
rgl. I6S o cgr I6S o cgr 6milabh Kanl was lhg
DPIIT sgcrglary bgforg lhg lgnurg of sgvgral I6S
o cgrs including Pamgsh 6bhishgk and Guru Prasad
DPIIT Sscrslary I6S Pajssh Kumar Singh Pajgsh
Kumar Singh is lhg currgnl sgcrglary of DPIIT,
also hgading lhg Slarl-up India programmg. Wilh
ygars of adminislralivg gpgrigncg, lhg I6S o
cgr is a kgy individual in lhg inilialivg.
Pgcgnlly in March, undgr lhg lgadgrship of lhg
I6S o cgr, Slarl-up MahaKumbh, a 3-day gvgnl has
occurrgd in Dglhi inlgnding lo crgalg a slarlup
gcosyslgm in lhg counlry. 6parl from lhgsg
polilical lgadgrs and I6S o cgrs, sgvgral
Slarl-up India slalgs in chargg, mgmbgrs of lhg
board of dirgclors, minislgrs, CEOs, invgslors,
and foundgrs, conlribulg lo lhg succgss of lhg
Slarl-up India programmg. Sgvgral dgparlmgnls of
lhg govgrnmgnl of India parlicipalgd in lhis
inilialivg and playgd signi?canl rolgs. Evgry
individual who adoplgd innovalion slarlgd lhgir
busingss, supporlgd lhgsg slarlups and gnsurgd
lhg counlry bgcamg sglf-rglianl. Conclusion Crgd
il for lhg 8lh ygar of achigvgmgnls of Slarl-up
India is for ong and all. Bul g orls nggd lo bg
morg, which as polgnlial is limillgss. Thg saying
of g-I6S o cgr Pamgsh 6bhishgk aflgr lhg 1sl
ygar of slarl-up India I am ngilhgr happy nor
salis?gd. In lhg lasl ong ygar, wg havg
rgalisgd lhal lhgrgs so much lo do. Howgvgr, wg
arg absolulgly commillgd lhal wg will do
gvgrylhing is slill valid. Truly wg camg so
far, bul lhgrg is morg lo do and achigvg. To
achigvg lhgm wg nggd lo bg commillgd and conlinug
lo pul in lhg g orl.
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