Title: The Beach in European paintings (Olga E.)
1The Beach
2from Friedrich to Gauguin, through Monet, Renoir
and Sorolla from the boards of Trouville and
the ferocity of the cliffs of Amont to the
seaside of Palavas and the shores of Tahiti
3The Beach in European paintings
4large sail-powered vehicles drive along the
beach on the Dutch coast of the North Sea
... reaching speeds of twenty-five miles per
hour a chassis with four large cartwheels the
hull, two masts whit sails .. the celebrated
sailing chariot, belonged to Prince Maurice, and
was of such wonderful contrivance and velocity,
that it could carry half a dozen people.
Esaias van de Velde, circle of Sand
Yacht Race in the Presence of Prince Maurice of
Nassau on Scheveningen Beach Course de chars à
voile en présence du Prince Maurice de Nassau sur
la plage de Scheveningen. Carrera de carros en
presencia del príncipe Mauricio de
Nassau 1608 Private collection
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8crinolines, waistcoats, sandcastles, donkey and
two telescopes on Ramsgate Beach ... The
seaside was a place where the different classes,
ages and sexes could mix without the usual
barriers a grandmother with a parasol, a
gentleman seated reading a newspaper, children
building sandcastles, fashionably dressed young
ladies, street entertainers, vendors and a
self-portrait Frith he is looking over the
shoulder of the man on the far right
William Powell Frith Ramsgate Sands or
Life at the Seaside Sables de Ramsgate ou La vie
au bord de la mer Arenas de Ramsgate o la vida a
la orilla del mar 1854 Private collection
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12the delightful atmosphere of the Étretat beach
... bathers, fashionable women in crinolines,
well-dressed men, peddlers. the bathing huts
the splendid still life of heaped clothes the
planks of wood laid on the ground, a snapshot
of social life under the Second Empire
Eugène Lepoittevin Bathing, Étretat
Beach Les Bains de Mer, Plage dÉtretat Baños de
mar, playa de Étretat 1864 Private collection
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16Eugène Boudin's Crinoline Beach impeccable
crinolines, top hats Eugène
Boudin Beach Scene at Trouville Scène de plage à
Trouville Escena de la playa en
Trouville 1863 National Gallery of Art, Washington
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19the sea is grey, so is the sky, it's the beach at
Trouville ... two women wearing black hats and
dressed in blue and white stripes, one of them
may be Camille Doncieux, Monet's first
wife. and the clouds, the sky, the sea, the
sand and bourgeois on this beach
Claude Monet Sur la plage à
Trouville On the beach in Trouville En la playa
de Trouville 1870 Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris
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22Manet he had his wife and his brother pose for
him on the beach as is shown by the grains of
sand mixed with the paint Suzanne is absorbed
in her book, Eugène gazing out to
sea Édouard Manet Sur la
plage On the Beach En la playa 1873 Musée
dOrsay, Paris
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25the light and colours on the bay and the beach of
Moulin Huet ... young children bathing among
the rocks ... "I've found myself a charming
beach here which is quite unlike our Normandy
beaches ... They bathe here among the rocks,
which serve as cabins since there is nothing
else... There's nothing more diverting, moving
among the rocks, than to surprise young girls
changing to swim and who - despite being English
- are not at all put out ...." Pierre
-Auguste Renoir Enfants au bord de la mer à
Guernesey Children on the Seashore,
Guernsey Niños a la orilla del mar en
Guernsey 1883 Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia and
Merion, PA
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28the beach also became a promenade for the
bourgeoisie Michel
Anger A stroll on the beach Une promenade Un
paseo por la playa 1896 Skagens Museum, Skagen
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31on a beach in Biarritz, summer of 1906
... preparing to take a snapshot. The camera
she holds the lady is probably the Kodak
Folding Pocket Nº 0, the smallest portable model
there was available at the time, which went on
sale as a luxury item in 1902 Joaq
uín Sorolla Instantánea, Biarritz Instantané,
Biarritz Capturing the moment 1906 Museo Sorolla,
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34the golden sand of the beach in south-west France
... awnings, people, moored yachts in the
distance Pierre Bonnard La
Plage (Arcachon) The Beach (Arcachon) La playa
(Arcachon) 1922 Private collection
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37a leisurely day at the beach ... light and
color, the vastness of the blue sky, figures on
the beach in their colourful attires Monet's
exceptional ability to capture the essence of a
moment ... Claude Monet Sur les
planches de Trouville The Boardwalk on the Beach
at Trouville El Paseo Marítimo en la Playa de
Trouville 1870 Private collection
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40a pink hued beach five men on horseback, two
of them have their faces concealed by hooded
jackets or masks, a women attired in a simple
white dress and another female figure wearing
only a sarong Paul
Gauguin Cavaliers sur la plage (II) Riders on the
Beach (II) Jinetes en la Playa (II) 1902 Stavros
Niarchos Collection
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43the imposing Falaise d'Amont cliff juxtaposed
against the tranquil sea ... each stroke
resonates with Monet's appreciation for nature's
grandeur, translating his awe and admiration onto
the canvas Claude
Monet Étretat, La plage et la falaise
d'Amont Étretat, The Beach and the Falaise
dAmont La playa y acantilados de Amont en
Etretat 1885 Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago
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46the beach of white sands ... figures on the
beach, boats, a cloudy, expansive
sky Claude Monet La plage de
Sainte-Adresse The Beach at Sainte-Adresse Playa
de Sainte-Adresse 1867 Art Institute of Chicago,
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49a sandy beach ... a solitary figure standing on
the coast facing the immensity of the sea
inspired by The Monk by the Sea by Caspar David
Friedrich Gustave Coubert Le
Bord de mer a Palavas The Seaside at Palavas La
playa de Palavas 1851 Musée Fabre, Montpellier
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52the early morning sunlight on the Malvarrosa
Beach in Valencia three women walk on the
beach, fisherwomen who, with their empty
baskets, who come to meet the three sailing
boats that almost fill the horizon and return
from fishing Joaquín Sorolla Las
tres velas Les Trois Voiles The Three
Sails 1903 Private collection
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55near the shore three people sit on rocks
... and two sailing ships pursue a ghostly
course across the water ... Casp
ar David Friedrich Moonrise by the Sea Lever de
lune sur la mer La Luna saliendo a la orilla del
mar 1822 Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin
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58on the shore, facing the immensity of the ocean,
a fragile and tiny figure ... a dark sea, a
gray sky a strip of light sand and a monk robed
in black Caspar David
Friedrich The Monk by the Sea Le Moine au bord
de la mer El monje frente al mar 1808-1810 Alte
Nationalgalerie, Berlin
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- The Beach in European paintings
- La plage dans la peinture européenne
- La playa en la pintura europea
- images and text credit www.
Music Simply Three Rain - created olga_oesthanks for watching
music Simply Three Rain