Title: Bars in Brownsburg - Spice Club - About Page
Programs 6 Curriculum Gallery Parent Resources
with porents is an importont part of our success.
We understand whot itis like to be away from your
child and recognize the importance of sharing
their doilg octivities and progress with you. For
this reoson, we provide consistent
communicationfrom your child's teacher. so you
don't miss those importont milestones of your
child. OPEN DOOR POLICY We want our parents to
feel confident in the care and education we are
providing their child. As part of our ongoing
commitment to keeping our families happy. we
promote an Open-Door policy should you ever have
concerns and/or issues you would like to discuss.
- A child's eorly gears are the foundotion for
future development. providing a strong bose for
lifelong learning which includes both cognitive
and social development. Well-estoblished research
continues to emphosize theimportance of early
childhood educotion os an essential building
block of a child's future success. - In fact. according to the Notionol Center for
Education Stotistics NCES), in the post 30 yeors.
enrollment in pre-school educotion has increased
from 96.000 to more than 1 million. Studies
conducted across the U.S. have shown early
childhood educotion progroms con - Improve concentration times ond ottention spans
- Significantly increose a child's vocabulary
- Introduce ond support earlier opportunities for
sociolizotion - Help estoblish o solid and broad foundation for
lifelong leorning and well being
Assistant Director
Certified Early Childhood Educator
AXIS tontessori Certified Teacher
Jovaria comes from a family of educators ond hos
a strong bockground in early childhood education.
with three children of her own. she knows
first-hand the positive impact eorly education
has on
Neha our Assistont Director is excited to begin
the next chapter of her Career with us ot Learn
N Grow Stem preschool She is a Certified
Nontessori teacher and has been in teaching
profession for last 10
2developing minds. She openlg recognizes the
challenges faced bg parents roising goung
children with learning difficulties and is
passionate about the power of earlg childhood
gears. She has strong work ethics and firmlg
believes that proper education, clear
communication, and timelg guidonce is the keg to
help children grow and reach their full potential.
Javaria holds an Earl g Childhood Credential from
the American Montessori Society and brings with
her 20 gea rs of teachi ng experiencethe last
thirteen gears spent in a Nontessori environment.
Neha has finished her Eorlg ChiIdhood Credentia I
from NAMC and Director's Credential from Camp
Fire Ea rlg Childhood Management Institute Texas.
In her spare time, gou con find Java ria
gordening, road-tripping, and spending time with
e e e e e
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