Case IH Electrall (369 511 R91,369 512 R91,369 867 R91, and 369 868 R91) Fast-Hitch Mounted and Trailer Mounted Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014026R2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH Electrall (369 511 R91,369 512 R91,369 867 R91, and 369 868 R91) Fast-Hitch Mounted and Trailer Mounted Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014026R2)


Case IH Electrall (369 511 R91,369 512 R91,369 867 R91, and 369 868 R91) Fast-Hitch Mounted and Trailer Mounted Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014026R2) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case IH Electrall (369 511 R91,369 512 R91,369 867 R91, and 369 868 R91) Fast-Hitch Mounted and Trailer Mounted Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014026R2)

Operotor's Monuol
(I 00d 44J A7)
S11 R91,
69 666 R91 Fast-Hith Mounted
Trailer Mounted
This supplement contains additional
instructions the power
369 511 asi
raw.Hieh run aEltell A I cime - Fo F aell
an, 3 i, TOO. Psi, lntsn ieaz TO, , and 3s
Ueiliy T re with Fet-Hitds and ithr
lndapendt Pewer Tak-Off or TrmBtI sSes Dler
POwc Tek0ff
369 512 I_at_1 - Trailer Mojastd Elcctrdl
Aftaduaent - For AkL troetera with es MEAgAE
twsdarAzed Poww Take0ff Attadeaant esd haVlng
tasnty flY (gfl b4t kerapewar or moEe, xcept
ffGgh_at_ewasce tzocferc 369 s6r Red - FtHttcIz
Mnilng Aftsclimt (l Genrafsr nd Exctfar) -
For Fmll 300, 3y0, 400, Jsp, IntsmtIsl 3 ,
330, nd 350 Uelliey Seris Tractors with
FostHltch and elthr lndpmdme Powr Take-ON or
Transmission Qrivn Power TkeOff
Attpchonts. DESCRIPTION The Electrall
Generator in driven by two cog type "V" belts
from pulleys on the tranamiu sion gear caae,
which in in turn driven by a universal joizit
shaft connected to the tractor power take- off
drive shafit. The tohewlng reploce tke first
peregzepls on page 2 of th Electeoll Opraters
Mezasd It conve rt a mechanical pr owe from the
tractor engine into ele c- trical power which can
be used for many purpose a. It will drive any
alte mating current motor within the generator
capacity, give power for lights, drive most
electric hand tools used about the farm, and
supply this pr owe any place the tractor can be
driven. It can al so be uaed as a source of
standby eme rgency powe r as a sub stitute for
the power line s in the event of a power
failure. IIlust. 1 - FoctHitch Mounted Ectroll.
IIIuxs. 2 - Trailer Minted Eletrafl.
FOR INSTALLINS" up to Overload Protection" in
the Electrall Operator s Manual) FAST-HlTCf'I
MOUNT ED As s errib le the two ras t-Hitc h
beams to eact side of the fr ame a s sembly
with Six 5 / 8 x 2- inch hex. head machine bolts
and nuts and tighten them secur e1y, as shOWn in
111u st. 3.
Coffer pin (5/16 x 3 inchesj
I II u st. 3 Fa stHi I ch mounting uni t.
TroiIer wheel and hub a ssembl y. FAST.HITCH OR
TRAILER MOUHTED As serrib le the tr ansmi ssion
to the frame with two 1 /2 x Z- 1 /2 - inch
rnachine bolts small srpace s, wa sher s, and
nuts . See 111 vst s. 3, 6, end 7.
Be for e oper ating Ethe le ctr rall, emove andc
dis ar d the pipe plug on top of the tr ansmi s
s ion ca se. Fill the transmi ssion
ca se with SAP - 80 lub r icant as desc ribed pp
poge 6 then as semb le the brerathe cap in the
opening on top of the tr ansmi ss ion cas
e. Connec t the prowe take - off urnive sal
joint shaft assernb ly to the spline d shalt
on the transmi ssion and secure it with the 5 /
1 6 x 3- inch extende d pr ong c otter pin, as
shown -. !!! -s. 3. la sten the rgene ato r
brac ket to the fr arne with two 3/ 4 x 2- inch
square head machine bolts , wrashe s , and
nuFts . as ten the br ac ket to trhe f arse
and tr ans mi ssion us ing the 3/4 x 3- 1 /4-
inch hex. head machine bo1t, lar ge spac er,
washer, and nut. See 111 ust. 6.
I flu st. 4 Trai I er mounting unit.
As s errib le the rtune and outer axle brack- ets
to each side of the ir am e as s embly with four
5 / 8 x 1 - 3/4- inch hex. head mac hine bolt s,
as shown in Ill ust s. 4 ond 5.
As s ernble rthe ear power take - off shie1d
to the tr an smi s s ion and frame using two
5 / 1 6 x 5 /8- inch capr sc ews at C , and
the 5 / 1 6 x I -in ch he x. he ad machine
bolt and
In stall thertwo ubbe r tir e whee1 and axle as
semblie s and secure them with two 1 /2 x 2- 1
/2- inch squar e head machine bolt s , loc k
washer s, and nuts, as shown in 111 usts. 4 ond 5.
nut at "D", See 111ust. 11 Remove the lifting
lug fr om the gener ator, rand e install it on
top of the stay rod brac ket with thre e 1 /2 x
l - 3 / 4- inch ccap s rews and lock wrashe s
. See 1llu st. 6.
Install the trailer tongcue, orriplete with
coupling a ssembly and parking le g, to the
ir ont and re ar of the fr ame with two l /2
x 3- 3 / 4- inc h hex. head machine bolt s and
nuts, as shown in IIIu st s. d end 11.
Anti nued en next page.
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https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
MOUNTED Céntlaued
IIlu m. 6 Installing th gwsretor asd xcifr
acaambly on tb eieunting fzwo.
Lift the Electrall generator and excites ae
sembly using a block and tackle oz chain fall,
and put a hook or clevis into the lifting
lug. o illest. 6. t Loosen the trunnion nuts at
each side of the gezterator aa Bemb1y tben lower
the gezz- erator into tbe mounting bracket wttb
the excites toward tba ceoter o tbe frame.
Keep tension ozt tbe 1tYt to prevezzt
accidental PP 8 untt. Tighten the rear trunnion
nut fir st to properly align the generator. If
the generator is equipped with a single groove
dz'tve pulleys z'emove tbe pulley azzd replace
it with the new double groove pulley urzztsbed
and ttgbten it securely. When instaHing the new
pulley use the new 1 /4 x 1 /2 x 1- 1 /4- square
parallel key in the drive sbaYt keyway and secure
It witb the puzley z'etatoer wasber, 1/2 x
3/4-tnch cap screw, azxd 1ock wasber. CAUTIONI
3'ake care wften removing tbe pulley and
installing the new pulley so as not to damage
the nhaft bearing. P1ace tbe two cog type drive
be1ta on the double gx'oove pul1eya. See IIIuat.
Loosen the jam nut on the turnbuckle as- aembly,
thezi correct the turnbuckle to the frame and the
generator stay rod bracket using the 1 /2-inch
rod end pies and the 1/ 8x 3/4-inch cotter pine
an shown In lllu sts. IO und 11 Adjust tbe drive
be1ta to tbe correct helt tension (see lllut. 91
by adjusting the turn- buckle, then tighten the
jam nut. Now re- move tbe 1tYt. hasten the drive
belt shield upper firont support to the top of
the traiismisaiozi using a 5f 16 x 5/8-inch cap
screw arid lock washer. s lltut. 10. Then
faatea the belt shield lower supports to the
frarrie with two 3/8 z 3- I /4- zzcb cap
acz'ew8 and nuta puttlzzg tbe cable harness clip
under the head of the right cap screw. féllodt2on
H8. Assemble the exciter control switch onto the
lower right shield support using the washer type
spacer between the switch and shield support.
Then connect the control switch cables to the
terminals on the switch and run the cable harries
s under the harness clip. See Illsst. C. losert
tbe cozttro1 cable plug to tbe small socket "D"
ozt tbe bottom o tbe generator, (ljluse.
12 aod ttgbten tbe screw c1amp ring. , See tbat
tbe control switch is pusbed in, to tba "of"
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