Case IH International 3414 Loader Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1019764R4) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH International 3414 Loader Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1019764R4)


Case IH International 3414 Loader Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1019764R4) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Case IH International 3414 Loader Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1019764R4)

International 3414 Loader Tractor Operator's
If Safety Decals on this machine use the words
Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as
follows G DANGER Indicates an immediate
hazardous situation which if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. The color
associated with Danger is RED. G WARNING
Indicates an potentially hazardous situation
which if not avoided, will result in serious
injury. The color associated with Warning is
ORANGE. G CAUTION Indicates an potentially
hazardous situation which if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also
be used to alert against unsafe practices. The
color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If
Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel
Pictorial, decals are defined as follows
0 The first panel indicates the nature of the
hazard. 0 The second panel indicates the
appropriate avoidance of the hazard. 0
Background color is YELLOW. 0
Prohibition symbols such as and
if used, are RED.
safe and proper use of the machine. G Reads and
understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the
machine. 0 Reads and understands ALL Safety
Decals on the machine. 0 Clears the area of
other persons. 0 Learns and practices safe use of
machine controls in a safe, clear area before
operating this machine on a job site. It is your
responsibility to observe pertinent laws and
regulations and follow Case Corporation
instructions on machine operation and maintenance.
Bur 0-00000 issued November, 1994
2001 Case Corporation
CASE and IH are registered trademarks of Case
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To Xhe Owxiev Y our new rInte national Ha rve
ster 1roade tra ct or i s de s igned to meet
today' s exa cting operatring requi ements .
The ease and cormfo t of ope ration, the ability
to match gr ound s pe ed s to eng ine prowe and
work re quirements , a nd the effortl ess ver
satility of the hydra uli c sy stem ar e intended
to l i ghten your work and shorten your hour s on
the job.
To obtain top pe rIo rcman e and a s sure
economi cal operation the loader tractor shou1d
be ins peeted, depending on its us e ,
periodically, or at lea st once a yea r , by
your rlute national Harve ster Dealer .
B edor e you ope rate the lroade tra ctor study
thi s manual car efully. It has been prepar ed to
help you operate and maintain y our l roade tra
cto r with utmos t elm c i enc y. Ncew opt e
s may be or de red fr or your dreale at a
nominal pri ce . When in ne ed of pa rts , alwa
ys s pe cify the chassis , prowe train, and
enginre se ia1 nurmbe s , including pr efix and
suffix 1ette r s . W r ite the s e s er ial
number s in the space s pr ovided below.
Y our l ocal rlute na tional Harvre ste deal er
isrtrite e s te d in the pe rf ormanc e you rece
ive fr om thi s 1oade rc tra tor . He ha s fa
ct or y - trained scervi emen, informed in the
late st method of se rvi cing l roade trar cto s
, and mode rn to ol s , and or i ginal -
equipment IH s ervice part s which a ssore proper
fit and goord pre I o manc e.
chassis serial number ( regular transmission )
fuel Systern ................. 1 2 Star ting the
Eng ine ............. 1 2 rAfte the Eng ice Star
ts .......... 1 2 Stopping the Engine.............
1 2 Cealrring the fuel Strainer and Sediment
Bowl ............ 1 4 Carburr eto
.................. 14
................. Clutch Pedal (Reg ular Trans mi
ssion Fanrd o wa r d and R ever se Drive)
... Clutch ancd Acr ele ator Pedal s (Hydra -
Shuttle Trans mi ssion) ..... Differ ential Lo ck
Pedal .......... ear shift Lever
............... H-LiSoelector Lever ........... o
rwar d and R ever se Drive Lever . . Choke Contr
ol Button ........... fuel Shut - OIL C ontr ol
Rod (Die sel Engine) .............. Engine Speed
C ontr ol Lr eve ....... Acecrrlateo Pedal
(Rergula Trans - mi ssion and to rwar d and R
eve rse Drive) .............. Ignition Switch
(Gas oline Engine) .... Ky eSwitch (Die sel
Engine) ........ PshuButton Starting Switch
....... Glow Plug Switc h Button (Die s
el Engine) .................... low Plug
Indireato (Di e s el Engine) . . Lighting Switch
............... Hydraulic Sys tern Control Lr
eve s ... Prowe Take - Off Shifter Lever .....
Horn Button .................. OPielsrsuerTellite
............ ener ator Te11it e ..............
fuG el aug e ........ Instruments for Hydra -
Shuttle T ran smi ss ion ..... Tempe ratur e Gaug
e ............ Sepdomeete r - Tac homr e te
........ Cigar ette Lighter .............. Bucket
Level Indicator ..........
4 5
5 5 5
15 fuel System ................. 15 Venting the
Fuel Systern ......... 16 Star ting the Engine
............. 16, 1 7 After the Engine Starts
.......... 17 Exhaus t Smoke Table
........... 17 Stopping the Eng
rue............. 17 Desei dl luSecpifeaition Requi
r ements ............... 18 Fuel Storage
................. 19 fuel Strraine and Wr
ate T rap...... 19 FuelHr lite ..................
19,20 Fue1 Inj ection Pump ............ 20 Inetic
on Pump Gove mo r ......... Z0
6 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 9
Safe Ideas for Ever y Wor kday...... 2 l ,22, 23
Seat ....................... 24 Star ting the
Loader Trrac to (Regular Trans mi ssion and to
rwar d
and Reve rse Drive) ............ 24 Setrineg
the Loadrer T racto ....... 25 Differential
Lock .............. 25 Stopping the Loader T
rrac to (Regular Trans mi ssion and forward and
Rever se Drive) ..... 25 Lcoking Btrhe ake s
............. 25 o rwar d and Reve r se Drive
...... , 26 Hydr a- Shuttle Transor
ssion....... ag Towing the Loader Trac tor
....... 27 Loading Hints and Pro cedures .....
Lubrication .................. Pneumatic Tir es
............ .. 10 EinnCgoeoling Sys tern
.......... 10 fuel System . 10 Instrum ents
and Control s ......... 10 Hydraulic System
.......... 0 Hydra -Shuttle Trans mi ssion.......
l T I 1 11
Counterweight, Rear ......
Loader Traetor B eak-in' ' .......
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 29 Hydro static Power Steering
....... 29, 30 Boom and Buc ket Control Lever
s . . 30
Hour s of Ope ration . . 1 l filling thefuel
Tank ........... 1 l
ReliefValve . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 31
Thr e e - Point Hitch ............. 31 to 34
Auxilia ry Valve s .............. 35
SYSTEM 38 Filling the Cooling System ........ 38
Adding Water to the Cooling Sys tern. . 38 C
leaning the Co oling System....... 383,9 Res t Pr
evention ............... 39 Radriator Co e
................ 39 Water Pump and has Belt Terrs
ion ... ener ator Belt Terrs ion .........
CLUTCHES Xngine Clutch (Regular Trans- rnission
and Forward and Reverse DFive) . . . . . . . . .
. Hydra - Stu ttle Trans mi s si on...... .
60 6 0, 6 t
PNEUMATIC TIRES Time Chains. . . . . .
61 6 i
40 Storag e ........ ............
Rernoving from Storage. . . . . . . . . .
Service......... 41 Washing theAir
Cleaner........ . 41 41 41 41
COLD WEATHER PRECAUTIONS Fuel System . . . . . .
. . . Lubrication. . . . . . . . . . Cooling
System . . . . . . . .
63 63 63 63, fi4
Pre-Screened . ... .. .....
Pre-Cleaner, PTe-Sczeener.......
en e r al cPr e aution s ............
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM as o lin e Engine Lor ade T
rarc to
73 Oil Pump .................. 73 Engine
Oil................ 73 ToAiStdarting
............... 7J ear Lubricant
............... 74 74 74, 75 75
.... 42to48LUBRICATION
Spark Plug s and Cab1e s .......... 42
Dstirbruto ............... .. 4243,
Coil . . .. .... .... . 43
Tirning the DistributoY to the
Engine (Fngine notRunning).. . . . 4 3, 44 G
Power Tirning Light (Engine LubricatiFon i
ttGinrg ea s e ........
Running) ................... 44 full flow Oil
Frilt e ............
Ecleitaer1 Wir ing Drag rams ....... 45 to
48 Orific e trilt e r (F o rHyd caul i List) .
Die s el Engine Lor ade T rrac to ..... 4950, 5 l
low Plug s and Indircato ....... .. 49 Ele ctr
ical Wiring Drag rams ....... 50 , 51 Gasolne
and Diesel fingine
C banging the Hydr aulic Fluid in the Reservo ir
and Thr ee- Point Hitch .....................
75, 76
Chang ing Hydr auFlic luF id ilte r in the Rr
eser voi .
Lor ader T actor s ........... . 52to 57 G r
ene ator and R egurla to ........ 52 Hadelight
s .................. 5Z
C banging the Hydrcauli Fluid in the Hydra -
Shuttle Trans mi s sion......
76, T7
C ombina tion Rear Light and
Chang ing the Hydraulic FlFuid r ilt e to r the
Hydra - Shut tl e T raws - mrs s ion
................... ea s ing Pthre or t Whe e 1s
Taillight ... ............... 52 53 53 53 53
Oil Pr e s s ur e T ellite ............
77 77
Gene rator Tellite .............. eak -away C
oneec to r Socket...... Fus e
Bratte y..................... 54
Ele c tr ic Lighting Wiring Drag ram ... S5 to 57
C ylinder Head G asket ........... Cranks hBaftr
ea ing s , Pis ton s , and Ring s
.................. 58 Valve C1ea ranc e Adjus
tmen t....... 58, 59
BRAKES rake Adju s tment..
59 59
I I I u st. 3 Term s a nd I ocot ion Of units
A ssemble d in thi s manur al a e ope ration,
lubr ication, and maintenanc e in str ucti ons
for therInte nati onal 34 14 Loader T r actor .
The illustration s in this manual ar e sum -
ber ed tor r c o e s pond with the page s on
whict the y aprp ea r Io e xampl e , 111 u st. 4
i s on poge d
rIn o de r to pr out de a lora de trar cto e quip
- ped a s sea rly a s pos sibl e to s uit ea
ct cus trome ' s ne e ds , ra va iety of extra
and a cces s or ie s i s ava ilable . See po ge
88. Ope rating and maintecan cerinst uctions on
these item s ar e inc luded in the in strue tion
s for operating or mainta ining the 1roade trar
cto . r Di s r e ga d the rins t uctions for
equipment not on your ma chine .
F LE T and RIGH Tcindi ate the left and right
side s of the 1roade tr rac to when Mac ing to
rwar d in the driver ' s se at. See lllu st. 3.
(Hydro-Shuttle Tronsmi ssion) The s e p e darl s
a e us e d to s t op the l roade c trar to , to
Gold the l or ade trar cto in a S tati onar y po
s iti on, or to a s s i st in making Sliarp turc
s as outline d bel ow. The brake peda1 lat ed
(11 Iu st. d) i s us e d to latch both brake
pedal s togrette , caus tag the brake s to
operate simultane ously. To stop the 1ooder troc
tor, depr ess botí pedals at the sase time .
To NoI d the looder trocto r i n o st at i onor y
pos ition, la teli the pedal s togrethe , depr e
s s them, and lo cd them in thi s depr essed
positi on by us ing trhe b ase pe da1 lo ck
rleve (111 u st. 4). To o ssi st in moki rig o
shor p I urn, ope rate the pedal s individually ,
depr essing the pedal on the side toward whict
the tur n i s to be made .
Operoti ng pedol s on I ooder tracto r wiII
Hydro- hutl e Iran smi s si en
The s e p edal s , on the left side (11I u st.
5), engag e thr e Ior wa d and r ever se clut
ehes hydra ulicall y dur ing thr e fi s t pa rt
oJ rthe i tr avel , and al s o fun cti on a s
lococt a el errato s to rcost ol the eng ine spe
ed dv r ing rthe e - ma inder ofrthei t ravel .
They pr ovide a qur ick eve r s a1 thr oughra to
que c onvre r te dr ive , with a sel ecti or of
six Ior rwa d and s ix 25 per c ent la srte r r
eve s e s pe ed s .
Cnut ion! Alw ay s latch the brake pedal s
togrette be for e driving the l oade r tr ac tor
in the two highe st g e ar s in high r ange . T
o I atc h the pe dal s tog e the r , eng ag e
the l atc h in the bac k or the 1eft p edal
(1IIust. 4) into the slot in the bacL ofrthe ight
pedal. When the br ake pedal s ar e not latc hed
toge ther, the 1at ct shoruld e st in the s
lot in back of the left brake pedal.
Depr ess the ins ide peda1 F to go Jo rwar d
and the out s ide pedal R tor go ea rwar d.
When both pedals ar e depr es sed to grette ,
they lunc - tior as a loot accelerra to without
enga ging er ithe clut eh.
DIFFEREHTIAL LOCK PEDAL Thi s pe dal eng a ge s
a rd idle ential lock whict locks the rtwor
ea whe els togre the to over come individual
wheel slippa ge and impr ove tra ction. To eng a
ge the 1o ck, pr e s s the pedal down with the
heel all the way . See poge 25 for ope
rating instr uctions .
CLUTCH PEDAL (Regul ar Tron smi ssion and Forword
ónd Reverse Dri ve)
Thi s pedal di senga ge s the eng ine fr om the
trans mi ssion and al so the power tahe - off.
Lor ade tr a ct or s with the c ontinuor us -
unning prowe take - off have a dual clut ct. The
clut ch pedal di s eng a ge s the eng ice fr om
the tr an s - mi s s ion when i t i s depr e s s
ed part way down. It al so di senga ge s the
prowe take - off when it i s depr ess ed all the
way down. Thi s enabl e s the operrato to s
hiltr g ear s o s top the 1roade tra ct or wi
thout di senga g ing the prowe take - old,
GEARSHIFT LEVER The gear stilt lever (11Iust. 4)
i s us ed to s ele ct any one of Your Io rwar d
g ear s or one r eve r s e g ear with ther e
gula rly equippe d transmi ssion. A slifting
diagram is cast in the top of the tra ns mi s s
ion gear case cove r .
When the 1oade r trra cto i s e quipped with r
fo war d rand eve r s e dr ive , the r g ea s
hift r1e ve i s us ed to s ele ct any one oJ
four forwar d g ear s ornly eve r s e gear i s
obtained by us e of the to rwa rd rand r eve s e
dr ive 1ever .
The prowe take - off used on 1or ade tra cto r s
with the torwar d and r eve s e dr ive i s a
tran s- mi ssion- driven type , with a singl e
ccl ut h, and cannot be di senga ged sr e pa at
e ly.
When the lor ade trar cto i s e quipp ed with the
Hydra - Shuttl e t rams mi s si or, the g ear s
hift rleve i s us ed to s ele ct any one of thr
ee for - wa rd gear s ornly r eve s er gea i s
obta ine d by us e of the r eve s e dr ive
pedal .
Couti on! A lw ay s e ng ag e the clutch slowly.
(Regular Tronsmi ssion and
Forward and Reverse Drive) Two gear ratios a re
obtaine d in any one position of the gearshift
leve r by positioning the hi - lo sele ct or
rleve (11lust. 4) fo rwa rd for low range , re
arwa rd for hi gh range . R efe r to Spe cific
ations on po9 87 to r g round spe eds
rleve (lllusts. 4 ond 2ó) provide s fo rward
operation when the rleve i s move d fo rward and
reve rse operation when the rle ve i s mov ed rea
rwa rd. When using thi s levecr in onjunc - tion
with the hi -lo se1re cto rleve and the ge ar - s
hift leve r , it provide s eight speeds fo rwa rd
and eight 26 perce nt fa ste r speeds in reve rse
. rRef e to Spe cific ations on pog r87 fo g
round spe eds .
CHOKE CONTROL BUTTOH (Gosoline Engine) Pulling
out on the choke contr o1 button c lo ses the
carbureto r choke fo r starting the engine
pushing it in open s the choke ,
L inkoge in accel erotor position.
due1 s hut -off cont rol rod i s used when
starting or stopping the engine . Push the rod
in when start ing the engine . Pull the rod out
when stopping the engine . EHGINE SPEED CONTROL
LEYER Thi s leve r c ontrol s the speed of the
engine and , when set in a given positi on, will
main - tain a unifo rm engine speed even though
the engine load may va ry.
When the leve r i s set at the bottom of the
slot, the engine speed i s fully retarded. When
the leve r i s at the top of the slot , the
engine spe ed is fully advanced.
Illust. 6A Link oge in decel erotor position
(diesel engine).
The gove mo r i s set at the facto ry and should
requi re no adjustment . Cons ult your Inte
rnational Ha rve ste r dreal e if the gove mo r
doe s not function properly.
Never operate the engine at more than the regular
gove rned speed. Exce ssive speeds are harmful.
Rr efe to engine speeds in the Spe cific ations
on poge gd,
The ac cele rato r pedal is used when making
frequent change s of loade r tracto r speeds
without c hanging the setting of the engine spce
ed ontr ol leve r. Pre ssing the pedal down with
the toe inc re a se s the speed of the engine.
On a loader tractor eq ui pped with the
Hydro-Shuttle tran smi ssion, never advance the
engine speed control I ever when the (orword or
reverse pedo Is ore being operated.
On a die se1 loade r t racto r , the ac ce 1e rat
or can be conve rted Ior use as ca de ele rrato
by r eve sing the linkage . See 1llusts. 6 ond
IGHITIOH SWITCH (Gosol ine Engine)
A key-type ignition swit ch i s loc ate d be low
the right side of the in st rument pane 1. Turn
the ke y c lo cRwi se to a ho ri zont a1 po s iti
on to turn on the ignition. The key cannot
be remove d when in thi s po sit ion.
The switch ha s Your po sitioris OH posi -
tion D position for diniheadlights, instru- me
nt li ght s , ran d ed t aillight B pos
iti orn to b ri ght he adli ghts , inst rume nt
light s , rand e d t ailli ght and R
positiorn fo b ri ght he adlight s ,
in st rument li ghts , and whr it e e a r light
. The red tailli ght should alway s be as ed
when tr ave ling on the hi ghway at ni grht o
during time s ofrpoo vi s ibilit y. The whr
iter ea 1i ght i s for off -the -highway us e
Note When the eng ine i s notr ope atinr g o
the engine ha s s talled and the operrato le ave
s the lorade tr racto , the key must be turned
to the Off positi on to prevent batt e ry di
schar ge .
KEY SWITCH (Diesel Engine)
A key -type swit ch i s loc ated below the right
s ide of the in st rument pane 1. Turn the key
clockwi se to ra ho i zont al po sition to
complete thre ei cuit betwe en the push button
switch and the batt e ry. The key cannot be r
emove d when in thi s po s ition.
i3oom end Bucket Control Levers The se rleve s
are loc ate d to th e ri ght of the inst rume
nt pane l and ar e us ed to ope r ate the boom
and bucke t e ylinde r s . See poge 30 Io r
operating rinst uction s .
Note On a lor ade t rra cto with a die sel eng
ine the key switch mv st be le ft in the ON
position while the erig rue i s running so the
oil pre s sure Te llite , generrato T e llite ,
and feel gauge will function.
Position Confrol and Draff Control Levers
The se rleve s on the quad rant (I11ust. 4) a re
us e d to op e r ate the thr e e -point hitch.
The position control rleve i s us e dr to ai s e
the e quipme rit to r t rans porting and lowe
ring to workirig po sition. The draft rcont ol
rleve i s us e d to rcont ol the ope r ating
depth of g round wo rking tools . Do not raise
the eq ui pment with the draft control I ever.
See pages 32 and 33 fo r ope r at kg i tst
ructions .
Bushi tg the buttozt izt c o rrzp1e te s the e1e
c - twiceI circ uit betwe en the batte zy azzd
the magnetic swit ch ( ga s o line engine wr ith
e g mar t ran s mi s si on and Io rwar d rand r
eve s e drive) and betwe en the batte ry and the
c ranking mr oto solenoid (ga soline engine with
Hydra -Shuttle t rans mi ssion and die se1 en
gine) , c aus ing the c ranking mr oto pinion to
egg a ge the flywhe el
/tuxi Iiary Yolve Operafing Levers
Thr e fi st auxiliary valve , mount ed on a bra
eket on the r ight re a r acxle arr r ie , i
s operate d erithe by a leve r on the outside of
r in g ge ar , the rceby ranking the engine .
Refer to
lor ade rcont ol rleve s (111 ust. 35A) o r by
an inte -
poge r12 fo starting the gasoline engine poge 16
g ral leve r on the valve body on the right side
fo r the die se1 en gine .
of the seat (Ill ust. 35). Ac s e ond auxiliary
valve ,
rnounte d on the ins ide ot the fi r st , i s
rcont olled by an inte g ra1 leve r on the valve
body. See poge 35 for ope rating inst ruetion s.
GLOY/ PLUG SWITCH BUTTOH (Diesel Fngine) Pushing
thi s button (111ust. 4) ene rgize s the glow
plug s to bring the pr e - combustion cham- r be
s up to igniting temperatur e .
used to engage and disengage the powe r take -
off. See poge 37 for r ope at in g rinst
uctions .
GLOW PLUG INDICATOR (Diesel Engine) This indicate
s thre co re ct ope ration of the glow plur gc
ci uit . When the require d temper - ature to r
startinrg i s ea che d, the indicato r will glow
HORH BUTTOH The horn butcton omplet e s the
e1ecct ri al cir c uit tor ene gize the horn
which pr ovide s a warnin g s ound when nee ded.
The light i s 1oc ate d on the left side of the
gauge clrv ste . The lrette s OIL ar e
indicated on the light 1en s . A fla s hing type
bulb i s us ed
Turn the key switch on. The 1i ght should eone
on. The bulb will burn steadily or fla sh off
and on trite rmitte ntly. Each time the erig ine
i s to be starte d, cheek whrethe the 1ight i s
functi oning pr ope rly. Ifthe light does
notcorne on, refer tothe I3lectricRl System
section, on poge 53.
11 I u st. 8 V i ew of in strument p one I.
rAfte the e ngine i s start ed, the li ght
should go out in a ie w sec ond s . 1 the l i
ght stay s on, oT comes on during engine
operation, stop the engine and check the oil
level. If it is satisfac- tory, TefeF tothe
Electrical System section, on poge 53.
0i I Temp erot ure lndicoto r
This indicator (Ill u st. 8) r e gri ste s the
tern - r pe atur e of the oil 1e aving the
torcque onvre rte unit. The porinte shout d re
gri ste in the 1ower part of the RUN raw ge
runde no rrnal opera- tion. II the poririte ri
s e s to the HOrT ange , stop the vehiel e
imme diately. Re1e a s e both pedal s , all
owing the Hydra - Shuttl e tr anski s- sionr to
eturn to rneut at , rand un the engine at 1 000
to 1 200 r. p. m. The temperatur e stool d dr
op to the pr ope r ope rating termpe atur e
within thr ee to four m inute s. If the tempe
ra- ture does not dr op, the c ause of tr oubl e
shout d be dete raise d before operating the
vehie1e any furr the . rRele to the T ROUB LE
SHOOT - ING secti on on poge 72.
GENERATOR TELLITE Thi s light i s l oeated on the
right side of the gauge cluster. The letter s
AMP are indie ated on the light len s. A Ila
shing type bulb i s us ed in thi s li ght.
Turnthe key switchon. Thelight should come on.
The bulb will burn steadily or fash off and on
intermittently. Each time the engine is tobe
started, checkwhether the lightis functioning
Gene rally when ove rhe ating does occur , it i s
duer to arpid r eve s al s us ing to o high a
gear inrthe e gular tr as smi ssi on, causing
a buildup of heat in the eonve rte r. Shifting
to a 1r owe gear will help to eliminate
overheating due to thi s e aus e.
rArte the engine i s starte d, the li ght should
go out in a ie w se c ord s . II the li ght stay
s on, inc rea se the engine speed sl i ghtly and
che ck to see if the 1i ght goe s out.
Ifthe lightdoes not come on, or ifthe light
remains onwhen the engine speed is 600 r.p.rn. or
hrighre , eIe r to the Ele ctrical
System section, on poge 53.
0i I Pressure aug e
Thi s indic ator (1I lu srt. 8) e gri ste s the
pr e s - sur e of the oil in the hydraulic
cl utche s. The porinte s horuld e gri ste appr
oximate ly 1 60 p. s . i. with the engine
running above 1 Z 00 . p. m. II the pre s sure ri
se s above 1 75 p. s . i. or fall s below 1 35 p.
s . i. che ck the unit ac c or ding to the
instruction s in the TROUBLE SHOOTING section
on poge 72. At low idle engine speeds , or when
the hydrcaul i cl utehe s are being engaged, the
pressure will rnornen- tarily drop but shoruld
etur n to normal as soon as the engine speed i sr
inc e a se d.
Thi s in st re ent (in the 1r owe half of the r
gauge clruste ) show s the ternpe ratur e of the
coolant circulating through the engine. The
needle positi on vari e s depending on 1oad and
ambie nt temperature . In eold werathe runde
light 1oad, the needle may stay near the "C "
. In hot we athe r runde heavy 1oad, the
needie may appr oach H" .
When the i gnition switch i s turned or, the fuel
gauge indicate s the level of the due1 in the
fuel tank. Note On a 1roade t rrae to with a
die sel engine the key switch mu st be left in
the On positi on while the engine i s running
so the feel gauge will lunc ti on. SPEEDOMETER-T
ACHOMETER This instrument records engine hours of
operation, shows norrnaltractor speeds in miles
per hour in a1 forward gears, and indie ate s
the engrine .p. m. which pr ovi de s a we ans of
setting the exact engine speedc spe i - fie rd
fo prowe take - off oper ations.
I I I u st. 9 Bucket level indi cotor,
A mark at 2r000 . p.m. engine speed, on the
1rowe Call of the dial , indic ate s the e c
ornmende d prowe take - off shaft speed.
The 1roade tractor la s a l evel indire ato which
enable s the operrato to se e when the bucket i
s 1eve 1. The bucket i s le vel when the
porinte i s in the e ente r of the tape on the
indicator rod.
Push the lirghte to make el ect ric al
contaet. When it pop s back irt i s eady for us
e ve r ope ate an engine imme diately unde r
full 1oad. Do not overlo ad the engine at any
time . Note All ow the engine to warm up to
oper a - ting tempe ratur e and operate it at le
ss than lull l oad during the "breat -in"
perrod(fir st 2S hour s of operation). Lubricate
therenti e 1roade tr actor , as tag the Lubr
ication Guide .
Che ek the oil leve1s of the engcine rank- case,
air cleaner, transmission and differential case,
and all gear cases to see thatthey aTe filedto
the correctlevels with oi ofthe proper
viscosityforthe prevaiing tempera- ture. See the
"LubricationGuide" andthe "Lubrication Table".
LoadeT tractors packed for exporthave all oil
drainedfrornthe engine crankcase, oi fiter, air
cleaner, and a1 gear cases.
0 i I I evel g oug e.
U se c1e an rue1 and ke e p it cle an. Sto re
fuel in tank s equippe d with hose and nozzle to
pre - vent contamination of the due1. The us e
of funncels , an s , and drums i s noc t re
ommended be caus e they a re di IIic ult to keep
Before moving the loader tractor,check the air
pressure in the pneumatic tires and
inflate r o de flate the fr ont ti re s to 50 po
unds and th e ear tire s to 1 8 po ends .
DieseI Eng i ne
ENGINE COOLING SY STEA Lorade tr act or s shipped
to de stination in United State s of Ame ric a,
Canada , and Me xic o have the eoolin g sy stem
lilledwith rantif e e z e s olution. C heck
cthe oolant le vel in the radia - tor . When
cold, the 1evel should be appr oxi - mat ely Z -
l / 4 inche s bel ow the top of the f iller neck.
Gar efully strain the die sel feel to be sure it
i s Mr e e Ir omr fo e ign s ub stance s. Do
not us e di rty due1.
Cons ult your rlute nat i onal Har ves ter dreale
r o fue 1 s uppr li er fo the die s el fuel s
which will give the mo st satci sfa to ryr p e
to rrn an c e in your rInte nationa1 engine .
Lorade tr actor s packe d for export have all
oolant dr ain ed from the radiator and
engine block.
Se e the table showing the lLei ting re quire- me
nts for us e in International diese1 e ngine s on
page 18.
If wr ate i s adde d, u se only clean water s
orIt o rain waterr ics e omrnende d, a s it doe
s not c ontain alkali , which for ms scal e and
everitually clo g s the pa s sage s.
Vent the feel system be lore starting the erig
inre fo the fir st time . Se e "V euting the
fuel Syste m on poge 16.
INSTRU8EHTS AND COMTROLS rTho o ughl y acquaint
your self with all inst rume nts cand ont r ol s
a sc de s ribe d on poges 4 to 9. C onne ct the
bratte y ground s trap to the negative post on
the bratte y.
Never start or operate the engine without water
oT antifreeze solution in the cooling system.
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM G hec k the l e vel in the re
s er voir and add IH HrY - T an fluid , if nec e
s s ar y, t o br in g to two inc he s fr or the
top. N ever over fill it. Raise andlrowe the
boom to the ext r eme limit s and open and elo se
the bucket rse ve a1 time s to expel anr y at
in the r hyd aulie systern. Ghe ck the hydraulic
systemr Io le aks . Again check the hydraulic
fluid le ve1 in the re s e rrvoi and add IH Hy
- T raw fluid if needed.
When the boom and the bucket hydraulic cylirnde
s have been fully extende dr or etr acte d, the
fiyd raculic ont rol s mu st be imme diate ly
returne d to the neut ra1 po sition, to
prevent fluid by-pa ssing through rthe e lie I
valve and c be oming ove rhe ate d.
II I u st. 0 Fuel tank.
Note Do not lrowe the b oom unle s s the
loade r t ra cto r i s running , sins e in doing
so , the pump i s unable to supply oil Io r di
splac e- roent in the double -acting eylirnde s
. A s a re sult , the fl uid leve1 in the re s
e rvo in will ri se exce ssively and mayr ove
flow at the brerathe cap.
Go sob i ne Engi ne
lute matt onal Ha rver ste ga s oline engine s
for the International 3414 Loader Tractor are
specifically designed for use with regular grade
gasoline having g 0 minimum octane rating
(Research Method).
1 0
rt e and clut che s ar e hydr aulic ally oper
ate d, ther edor e , it i s nec e s s ar y that
the hydraulic fluid level be maintaine d. See "G
hanging the H ydr aiilic Fluid in the Hydr a
-Shuttl e T r ansmi ssi on' on poge 77. to pr
ope rl y chec k the 1evel and add fluid,
of liquid solution in each rear tire and one set
of rear wheel weights, or 500 pounds of liquid
solution in each rear tire and two sets of rear
wheel weights.
F1 . or th e Air st Z5 hon r s of r ope ati on,
do not ope rate the 1oade r trraccto ontinu ous1y
under a heay y lo ad. 2 . R re - to qu e the c
ylrind e he ad bolt S . See peg e 58.
Weightmustbe addedtothe rear of the loader
tractor to counterbalance the weight on the fr
ont end. U se a bac khoe , or the hitc h with
a 500 pound impl event, plus 500 pound s
3 . G Dec k the wr ate pump , fan, and grene at
or b elt ten si on S See poge 40.
A ir cler ane oil cup .......... Remoc ,vleeas,
and refill.
Air cler ance s r e e n .......... Rmevodeirt
cand half. Gooling s yS te m .. , .........
Gchtehleve1 of the co ola nt in in rthe adiat Or
. See poge 38.
Gotte r pins and bolt s ... Hyd raulie to ses and
tube s .... rHyauldic re serrvoi ........
Luriabeotpinoint s ...... r Teis .. , .....
.......... Boom and bucket pivot pin s ...
Che crt Io 1o s s and loo s ene s s . Che crk
Io le aks . If kick edr, st ai ght e n. C.he
ck the fluid le ve1. Se e the Lub ric ation
Guide .
In specrt to ge necra1 ondi ti on.
Che ck for loo sene s s rand cepla e icf ne e s
s ar y.
SA F ETY FIR ST! Nr e ve Bill the fuel task or
At the emd of e a eh day s work , cle an the di
rt , mud , etc . f rom the bucket , bucket ear
s , r boom, and pivot point s to prevent ru st
and to have the ma chine ready Io r eHi cie nt
ope ration the next day.
emove the fuel tank rlilcle ap when the erig ine
r i s unning or hrot o when ne ar an open flare .
Donotsmorke o u s e an oil lante rn when wor k-
ing ar ound inllammable fue1s . When pour ing
lue 1, keep the to se and noz zle or the Jurnet
cand ontraine in c ontac t with the me tal of
the fuel tank to avoid the pos sibility of anc
e1ec tr i spark igniting the fuel. Do not light
matches near inflammable fuels, as the air within
a radius of severalfeetis rnixedwith ahighly
explosive vapor.
Gasol ine Eng ine Bill the fuel task, preIerably
at the end of e ac h day s work. Thi s will
force out any rnoi s - ture -laden atr and
prevent conden sation. The Lille r cap on the
fuel tank la s an ai r vent. Thi s vent sWould
be kept open at all time s to assure pr ope flow
of the fue l . 1 1
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r ef o e atte mptin g to s tarr t o oper ate the
l oader tr ac tor , be sur e ryou evi e w the in
s tr uc ti on s f or the new unit and thor ougal
y fami1 - iar i z e your s elf with the rin st um
ent s cand ontr ol s .
This eng ìne i s desi qned fo operate on g osol
ìne witi a 90 mini mum octone rati ng (R esear ci
not star t within thi s timr e , el ea s e the
pu sh button starting switch and wait a minute or
two then tr y again.
e sor e the shut - off valve on the fuel the
fuel tank i s open.
strraine und er
T o pr event 1e aka ge or s e e pa ge when the
valve i s in it s full open po siti onr, sc ew
the ne edle stern ( shut - off valve ) out until
the seat on the stern i s ti ght a gain st the
After the engine i s turned 4 or 5 time s , pm sh
c the hcoke ontr ol button in all the way to pr
event c arbur etor flooding.
Nole N e ver oper ate trhe c amin g motor whil
e the eri gine i sr ope a tim g.
1. Put the gearshift lever, hi-lo selector lever,
and forward and reverse drive lever in the
neutral positi on.
ó . Sl owl y rel ea s e the c lutc hrafte the
engine start s.
2. Pull cthe hoke c ontr o1 button all the wa
y out.
A s s o on a s the engine start s , adj u st the
choke to a point rwhe e the en giner ope ate s
without mi s sing and , a s the en gine warm s
up at appr oxi fat el y r8 0 0 . p. m. open the
choke all the way rb y g adu all y pu sMin g the
c hoke ontr ol button all the wa y in. D o not u
s e the choke to enr ich the fuel mixtur e exc
ept when star ting the engine .
When us ing cthe hoke , avoid overc hohin g , a s
exc e s s ive ii s e of the c hoke will fl ood
the engine , waktu g it har d to star t. The use
of the c hoke for starting will var y, depending
on temper atur e and altitude cand onditi on of
the en gine .
In man y in s tanc e s it will not be neces sar y
to u s e the choke , particular ily if the engine
has breen unnin g a sho rt time previ ous1 y and
i s still warm.
G hec h the oil pr e s sur e Telli te and the g
en er ator T elli te . ReÌer to poge 8.
3. Advanc e the engine spceed ontr o1 le ver to
halfwa y open pos iti on.
STOPPIHG THE ENGINE Plac e the ge ar shift leve r
, hi -1o s el ec tor 1ever , andr f or wa d and
r ever se rl eve in th e neutr a1 po sition and
appl y the br ake 1oc k. R e tar d the engine
speed and all ow the engine c to ool sl owl y fr
om full -1oad ope rating t em - r pe a ter eLs
. rowe the boom arid buc ket t o the
4. Di s en ga ge the engine c lutc h by pr e s s
ing th e c lutc h pedal down all the wa y.
5 . T urn the i gni ti on cke y 1oc kwi s e to
the horizontal On position. Press the push
button star ting switch (Ill ust. 4) rand elea se
it as soon as the engine star t s howr eve , do
not r ope ate trhe c anking mr oto f or mor
e than 30 s ec onds at any one time . If the
engine doe s
gr ound . Turn the key switch to the Off '
po s i ti on to stop the engine . If the 1oade r
tr ac tor i s not to be used f or any 1en gth of
time , c 1o s e the fuel shut - off valv e.
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