Case IH McCormick-Deering C-271 Blackland Planter Farmall-C Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006711R2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH McCormick-Deering C-271 Blackland Planter Farmall-C Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006711R2)


Case IH McCormick-Deering C-271 Blackland Planter Farmall-C Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006711R2) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case IH McCormick-Deering C-271 Blackland Planter Farmall-C Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1006711R2)

McCormick-Deering C-271 Blackland Planter
Farmall-C Tractor Operators Manual Setup
1006711R2 epr ted
If Safety Decals on this machine use the words
Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as
follows 0 DANGER Indicates an immediate
hazardous situation which if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. The color
associated with Danger is RED. 0 WARNING
Indicates an potentially hazardous situation
which if not avoided, will result in serious
injury. The color associated with Warning is
ORANGE. 0 CAUTION Indicates an potentially
hazardous situation which if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury. It may also
be used to alert against unsafe practices. The
color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If
Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel
Pictorial, decals are defined as follows G The
first panel indicates the nature of the hazard. G
The second panel indicates the appropriate
avoidance of the hazard. G Background color is
G Prohibition symbols such as
and if used, are RED.
instructed in safe and proper use of the
machine. G Reads and understands the Manual(s)
pertaining to the machine. G Reads and
understands ALL Safety Decals on the machine. 0
Clears the area of other persons. 0 Learns and
practices safe use of machine controls in a safe,
clear area before operating this machine on a job
site. It is your responsibility to observe
pertinent laws and regulations and follow Case
Corporation instructions on machine operation and
Bur 0-00000 March, 1995 (Revised October, 1997)
2001 Case Corporation
CASE and IH are registered trade marks of Case
Blackland Planter (Two- Rowj ez wmc
AL Farmall-C Tractor
Thi mnnunl eéntaixia ixdozmation which will be
valuable ... aztd zely ozt youz
Zzttaznattozzal wlten zzt zzasd oE skilled
zaeuhazztea1 earet
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friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
  • eddoH peeC 16 U lg 1 I ß J U d P l1e
    I g I z 0

3 TO THE OVfNER The C-2Tl Blackland Planter is a
two-row'mach1ne deslgned for use with Farmall-C
Tractor equipped wlth Hydraulic Touch Control.
Cotton, eorn, a large variety of other seeds may
be planted on beds spaced 36" to A2" All
adjustments for depth and lifting at the ends of
the field are ac- shed from the driver's seat by
means oF two hydraulic control levers. lever may
be used to control the planter while the other
controls the sectlon from the cotton and corn
cultivator (used to remove the wheel ). By
shifting the lift links on the control arms, the
ground units be controlled independently with one
lever being used to control one t while the other
lever controls the other unit. When this 1s done,
the section is controlled as a part of one
unit. The uñlversal mounting rrame 1s reQulred
for use with this planter. unit 1s used with
other front-mounted planters and cultivators for
the Tractor It consists of two frames mounted
one on each side of front of the tractor, two
parallel action gang assemblies pressure
and pressure sprlngs on each frame, and s lifting
ball wlth rigid lift for each frame. Each gang
has a tool bar attaching bracket provided th a
keyhole slot to facilitate attaching and
detaching the ground working without disturblng
their adjustments. The units are compact and are
easily attached or detached without any of the
set adjustments. This assures the planter will
work t the same depth and do the same job when
reattached âs it did when last . The hoppers are
driven from an extension on the tractor brake
drum When the planter 1s lowered or raised
thehoppersare automatically In or out of gear .
Four styles of hoppers are avallable for use wlth
this planter. By se- Ing the proper hopper and
the seed plates to go with It, a great Variety
seeds may be handled, including cotton (heavy
dellnted, semi-delinted or delinted), field corn,
sweet corn, pop corn, kaffir corn, broom corn ,
beans, peas, sunrlower, melon, cucumber, peanuts,
shelled or in the many others. The functlon and
purposes of these hoppers 1s elsewhere. in this
manual. The selection or seed and seed plates
reQulres special care. The best ts are obtained
when the seed is clean and graded to uniform size
and See that the seed plate used 1s the proper
thickness and has the cells to chamber the
seed. Uhen selecting hoppers, consideration
should be given Io the kind of seed and the
varieties to be planted. The Single Seed HoQper
when equlpped th the proper plates will handle
all varletieB of ootton seed as well as varletles
of corn, beans and peanuts. When a
two-compartment hopper
, the No. 23 Corn and Pea Attachment mav be
obtained, the hopper mounted on the same hopper
bracket as the Single Seed Hopper.
The "POAI" Reverse Feed Cotton Hopper'is
adaptable to plant corn, beans and peas by using
oorn eQuipment. When the two-compartment hopper
1s de-, ehe Type "C" Duplex Hopper maY be
obtained, the hopper being mounted
on the same hopper bracket as the "POAX"
hopper. The Type "C" Duplex Hopper 1s dlvlded
into two sections so that two kinds
of seed may be handled and dropped either
separately or at the same time as
desired. It is a great favorite with peanut
growers because of its ability
to handle peanuts either shelled or in the shell
wlth accurate placement of
the seed
When a hopper to handle cotton 1s deBired, the
"POAX" Reverse
Feed Cotton Hopper may be obtained, the hopper
being mounted on the same
hopper bracket as the Duplex Hopper.
TheRlchmond Corn Hopper 1s especially recommended
for the oorn growe Seed pltes are available for
nearly all Varieties of hybrid corn and me other
seeds as well. A list of seeds handled by this
hooper is covered elsewhere in this manual. When
a two-compartment hopper is desired, the No. 2T
Oorn and Pea Hopper may be obtained, the hopper
being mounted on same hopper bracket as the corn
hopper. Approximate planting dlstance when using
16-celF corn plates are 10", IN", 18" and 22"
apart as regularly equipped . The van at lori In
spacIngs, with a given seed plate, 1s obtained by
changing the sprockets on the fe shaft. A
planting distance table for other seeds and seed
plates will b found in this manual. The O-53-B
Fertilizer Attachment may be obtained from
your'dealer when desired for use with this
planter. The flow of fertilizer 1s directed b of
the planter sweep where lt is mixed with the soil
by the action of th opener and oovering
shovels. The fertilizer delivery assembly is the
same for the planter as for s dressing with the
C-244 Cotton and Corn Cultivator. It includes the
hop and mounting bracket. When'fertil1zink
beside the crop row, the planter drive mechanism
1s let in plade, and the seed hoppers, seed
tuées and ground units are removed. Two hoppers
with delivery meohanlsm are mounted one on each
side of tl tractor. Each hopper has a capaclty of
approximately 6s Phds of avert commercial
fertlllzer. A fingered ie.ed wheel revolves in
the bottom of 4 hopper carrying the fertilizer
under an adjustable gate to the discharge
opening. The quantlty of fertiliser distributed
1s regulated by a lever outside the hopper which
controls the gate opening. A feed wheel Sor
average delivery 1s furnished with each hopper.
Two extra feed wheels a available from your
dealer, one to lncrease the flow and the other to
decrease it. Wlth the three feed wheels, lt 1s
possible to varp the app. cation ot fertilizer
from 60 to 900 pounds per acre.
You are urged to consult Your International
Harvester Dealer concernil special planting
problems, the type of hopper to be used wlth the
crops being grown and seed plates to match the
seed. Equipment is available f gour planter to
plant nearly everp seed commonly planted 1n rows
Wlthli the International Harvester Company are
men who have spent years in re- search and study
of planting problems. Let the experience of these
men serve You. Be sure to read the Instructions
for Adjusting and Operating in this manual. Oheck
eaeh item referred to and acqualnt yourself with
the adju ments requlred to do a good job and to
get maximum trouble-ree service from your
It eiaecber , a p1an ter ah i oh i s pr oper I
y I o b r i ca ted and ad j u sted save s t i
mo, I a bor and ,f ue1 c os ts
t se I t i n g U p I n s t r u c t i on s a r e
on pa qe 23.I LUBIECALON Use the pressure
lubricating gun furnished wlth the tractor and
lubri- cate the four flttlngs in the hopper shaft
bearings twice daily when in use.
Use kerosene or paraffin oil to cut the paint on
hopper mechânlsm so the parts will work freely.
U se n ot h i n g buI ke rose ne or pa ra f f i
n o i I on I he i n te r i o r mec ii an i
sm. GENERAL Extra weight on the tractor wheels
is recommended ror planting in fields where beds
have been thrown up to better stabilize the
tractor. Por this purpose, liguld in the tires
(suoh as calcium chloride solutlon) or feel
weights (obtainable from your dealer) may be
used. I BPOR TANT e e fo re ape ra I i ng t he
p I an t er , be s u re all nuI s and seI sc rews
a re pe rfect ) y I i gh t an d a 11 cot I e r
s a re s pread t o kee p t free f rom fa I l i n
g ou t .
P I ace t he c ha i ns on I he spr oc ket s as sh
own i n 111 ust s . I and 2 acco rd i n g to t
he s i ze of t he dr i ve sp roe ket i n re I at
i on to t he s i z e of t he spr oc ket to be
d r i ven . then t he d r i ve s p r oc ket is
I ar ge r t hao the d r i ven s p r oc ke t, the
chain should be placed on the sprocket e us s
noun t n z I I not. 1 onea t he d r i ve s p
roe ket i s sea I I er t ha n t lie d r i ven s p
rock et , The chain ehould be placed on the
sprocket s os ahonn I n z I t net. .
I ) ) us t . 1 11 ) u sI . 2 To detac h t8 e.
ch a i n , bend to I he co u p1 i n g po s i I
i on an d sI r i k e I i gh t
GANGBEAMTAXE-UPBOLTS The gang beam bearLugs and
tool bar clamps on the mount Eng frame are
provided with split bearings wlth taAe-up bolts.
_at_ee "0 0 i I I us I s . 18 o nd
19. These bolts are provided to remove any side
play in the gangs . keep them dravrn up as the
bearlrig s wear wlth use bu t not so t i g h t
as t o ca u se the gart 9 s t o b i nd .
REIGtT OF LIFT The height of lift for the front
section will necessarily be limited by the under
site of the tractor. The amount of space
provided for lifting will vary with the dierent
styles of equlpment and the various attach-
ments. Ample adjustment 1s provlded to give
maiim4m llft to any of the various ground tools
that may be used but a careful check must be
ma6e, as eac h mach i ne i s se I up or r emo
un I ed , I o see I h a t st d oes n ot st r i
k e t h e t ra c to r wh en r a i sed . The
height of llft may be controlled by the posltlon
of the upper set collars on the pressure rods or
bY the hydraullc tontro1 lever stop. Whichever
method is used to determine the extreme height
of the lift, be s u r e t h e mac h i ne d oes n
at s I r i ke t h e t rac wI a r fi en ra i s
ed . TO MAKE THE ADJUSTMENT Lower the machine
to the ground (see that the machlne is level) and
loosen the set collars "B" ffI1ust. 19J on both
sides of the tractor. To increase the helght of
the lift, pull the hydraulic control lever
rearward until all the set collars are ln the
position desired, then wlth all the set
collars-against the lift arm swivels, tighten the
set scFews ecuzely. ee s u r e t a ch ec k I h i
s ad j u s tmen I by ra i s i n g I he mac h i n
e S LOW LY u i t h t he en g i n e r unn i n g a
t red u ced s p eed t a deI e rm i n e i f i
t i s a pt I o ca u se an y d ama ge when \ i
f I ed I o t he ex t reme he i gh t o f 1 i f I .
For ordinary working oondltions, the pressure
springs "C" /ttu9t. 29 should be set so a light
pressure is exerted on the planter sweeps. It may
be neo es sary to Increase the pressure In hara
cases, sufficient pressure can be exerted on the
planter sweep by pulling the hydraulic control
lever rear- ward. If sufficient pressure can not
be obtained in this manner, raise the planter,
loosen the set collars "D" f/ttust. I93, raise
the collars to compress the spring to the desired
tension then tighten the set screws sec u ref y
. I the tools do not penetrate properly after
making these adjustments, check the sent Ing o
the planter sweeps and see that the front gangs
are properly leveled. TOLEYELTHEFRDNGANGS Loosen
the Jam nut and turn the upper parallel rod
adjusting screw "E" f/lIust. l93on each gang
until the tool bars are level.
YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES YPE C DUPLEX HOPPER Th1s hopper 1s d1viaed into two sections to permit plantlng two binds of eed at the eame time such as corn and beans, either alternating drop or oth at the same time. The same seed can be used in both sections to be lanted twice as thick. When desired, lt 1s possible to uze only one sec- ion. Seed plates are avallable to plant almost any kind of seed with the gce tloh OF COttOh. To drop seeds from both sectlons oi the Duplex Hopper alternately, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so that a cell in one plate 1s ver the discharge opening, and so the discharge opening in the other plate s midway between two cells. To drop seeds from both sectlons of the Duplex Hopper at the same time, djust the 16-tooth ring gear and seed plate so the cells in both plates eadh the discharge opening at the same time. There are three drivlng gears furnished'with thls hopper, a 7-tooth, a -tooth and a 12-tooth. With the use of the different gears and plates ith dlfferent number of seed cells, seeds can be dropped almost any dls- anoe apart In the rwo . The delving years each nave four drlvlng lugs hich 1t into holes in the face gear on the planter and are held in place y means of a 3/8" rriachlne bolt which screws Int o the face gear . TABLEOFPLAN7JNGDBTANCES
Using one side or both Using one side or both Using one side or both Using one side or both Using one side or both Using one side or both Alternatlñg, using both Alternatlñg, using both Alternatlñg, using both Alternatlñg, using both Alternatlñg, using both
sides dropping tobether sides dropping tobether sides dropping tobether sides dropping tobether sides dropping tobether sides dropping tobether sides of hopper sides of hopper sides of hopper sides of hopper sides of hopper
Driving Gesr Driving Gesr Driving Gesr Driving Gesr Driving Gesr Driving Gesr Driving Gear Driving Gear Driving Gear Driving Gear Driving Gear
Regular Regular Regular Special Special Special Regular Regular Regular Special Special
12 9 7 16 10 6 12 9 7 16 10 6
Cog Cog Gog Gog Gog Cog Cog Cog Cog Cog Gog 0og
2-cell plate t8" 64 8a" 36 58 96 24" 32 41 24" 32 41 24" 32 41 i8 29
3-cell plate 32" 2" 55 2A" 39" 64" i6. 21" 2Tz" i6. 21" 2Tz" i6. 21" 2Tz" l9i 32
4-cell plate 24" 32" 41" 18 29 48 12" i6 2 " 12" i6 2 " 12" i6 2 " 9" l
8-cell plate 12" 16 20a" 9 14 24 6 8 1 6 8 1 6 8 1 Ti
2-cell plate 8" 11 lt" 6" lO 16 4 5z" T" 4 5z" T" 4 5z" T" 3 8"
4-cell plate 4" 5' 7" 3 5 8" 2" 2y" 3 2" 2y" 3 2" 2y" 3
6-cell plate 2j 3 4 2 3i 5 1," 1 2" 1," 1 2" 1," 1 2" 2"
0-oell plate 2" 3 4" 1" 2" 5 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....
p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1 p l ant i ri g d i st an ces a re ap p rox i cat eça arebased on tractors havlrig -36" t Cres on the rear wheels. Fhen using 8-36" tires, planting distances ze d ec rea sed 3. u1th 10-36" t1res plant1ng d1stences axe i ncr eased 1
11 ) ue t . 4
1 1 I u st . s
The seed deflactor is reversiâte. For planting
peanuts in the shell, the reversible deflector
should be placed In the position sâowE tn
Ittxst. For small seeds, plaoe the reverBible
deflector in the position shown tn /ttust.
5. When planting alternate rows of different
seeds, close and tighten the shut-off valve at
the dlscharge opening in the section of the
hopper not planting. Also olose the deflector
opening in this section o thé hopper with the
adjustable gate, thereby preventing seeds
entering the seed plate chamber and building up
over the discharge opening. The adjustable gate
1s used also to control the size of the deflector
opening for different size seeds and for fast
planting speeds, thus llmlt- mg the'smount of
seed entering the seed plate chamber and
preventing seedB bu1li1ng up too nigh on the
seed plate . â0TE The 8ate should always be
wide open when the deleotor is placed as s /zoun
I /z / 7 I zzs t. . Uhen using both sides of
the Duplex Hopper to plant seeds alternately In
the row, more accurate spacing can be obtained by
usIng the right slde of the hopper for irregular
shaped seeds (such as corm) and the let side of
the hopper for smooth round shaped seeds (such as
peas, beans, etc.)
Part Number of Reed Pläte
Number Seeds
Nuinber Seeds
Number ok S eed P late
of per Oells Cell
Typioal Seed
of per Ce11s Cell
fyplcal Seed
R. T0l6
4 5-T Beans-Blloxi Soy 8 1 Biloxi Soy 24 1 Blloxi
Soy 4 1 Bountlful 40 1 Bountiful 40 1 Bountiful 4
0 l Bountirui 12 1 Fordhöok Lima 16 1 Fordhook
Lima 40 1 Giant Stringless 12 2 Henderson Bush
Lima Laredo Soy l Laredo Soy 8 3-i Mammoth
Yellow SoJa 2 1 Mmmoth Yellow
Sova 5196 24 2 Mung Soy 8 1 0-Too-Tgn-Soy 2 l Velv
et small l Velvet small 4 1 Velvet
large 4 1 Com-Hickory King 8 1 Hickory
King 12 i Karflr, Sorghum, etc.
CP 519T
40 4- Okra
OPB 5151
R 5000 8 R 7000 8 CP 5195 12 R T035 12
1 Peanuts , Field, shelled i Field,
shelled l Field, shelled 1 Field, shelled Field,
Bhelled Field, shelled Fleld, in shell Jumbo,
shelled Jumbo, shelled Spanish, shelled Spanish,
shelled Spanish, shelled Spanish, shelled
Spanish, shelled Spanish, Bhelled Spanish,
shelled Spanish, shelled Peas Peas Peas-Auetrlan
California Blackeye. Crowder
CPB 501T CP 5l9T
R 7038
R T03A 16
R 7039
R 7 00 CP 9194 T1 CP 5T97 CP 5195
7033 24
UP 5199 8 CP 519 12 1 CPC 5144 3 1 CPC
5147 8 i 12 1 12 1 16 l 24 1 8 l 12 1 18 4- 2L 1 2
A 2 8 1 18
CP 518
GPB 5 17
o 5 3 R T 32
OP 5193
CP 5192
R T029
R. T03l
CPB 50T3
OPB 5l5O CPB 5140 CP8 5015 C9B 5149 OPB 5132 OPA
5166 CPB 5141
5175 CP 5198 GPB 016 cP 5192 CPB 5151 P 5198
CPB 513
CP 5198 18 3-4
CP 5198 18 R 702T A CPB 1Al 12
Thoa . Laxton Pepper Seed Sorghiirn, Kaftr Corn,
etc . 4 Tomato Seed 1 Tung Nuts Vetch - Hairy
0-'5 4 l
CPB 5132 R T 28
I 1 8 l 2 1 4 1 8 1
Large Large Large Small Small Small Small thin
CPA 5166
UPB 5135 OPC 5133 CPC 9000
R T 22 4 1
R 702T
R T 30
CP8 g017 24 1 GPB 5l8 36 1
Crotalar1a Cucumber
8 24
cPB 5016
8 Se t s of Ta i n Ce 1 I s . x OTE Seed s of
an y va r i et y va ry I n s i ze and sh a pe and
a bove se 1 ect i on s a re bas ed on a ve ra ge
seed . Bes t re su 1 t s a re o bta i n ad by ae
1 ect I n g t he p I at e bes t su I ted to t he
seed u s ed . Por t oh t e o/ p t ont t n d I z
I aneez , e ee pop e f.
for planting cotton how- ever, when so
des1red'corn equipment can be obtained on speclal
order. To change from cotton to corn, loosen the
thumb nut bolt on the bottom oS the hopper and
remove the cotton equipment. Attach the corn
cut-off plate, using the carriage bolt and wing
nut. Put the corn plate In the plate holder and
put it in the hopper.
tP0RTNT' Assemble tñe seed plate with the
numbered side away from th' se ed , ma k i n g s
u re .I he n ot c h i n I h e p 1 aI e en gag e
s t he p i n on t h e d r i ve p 1 a t e .
Por planting be8ns, peas, etc. with the corn
equipment 5/16". tIt1ck
plates tax be obtained on special order. When
using /16 thick plates, i is necessary thet the
reversible biock (on the edge of the hopper
bottom be assembled in place wlth the notched
sldp down. When usiog 5/3" tblok plates, the
notched side of the reverslble blook should be
up. The Quentin of corn pivoted 1s regulated by
memos of a'thumb Dut in tA rear or the hopper
which regulates a valve.
I I4P ORTANT ! yf h en p I ac i n g I h e h op pe
r on I h e p 1 a n te r , de s u r e t lie f ou
r 1 u g s on I h e r i n g g ea r f i I i n I o
t h e ho I es i n t he face g ea r and I ha t n
a gr i t a r d i r I i s u nd er I he r i n g g
ea r as t h i s w i 1 1 ca u se I he p 1 an I e
r t a r un h a rd . SEED PLATES FOR USE WITt
No. of Gells
9eed per Gell
TFPical 9eed
Part Number of Seed Plate
tche 9 Apax't In
Raze of Oells
tive Size of Cells.
CP 5111 fl 701a
Blenk Plate - 5/ 2" thlok (drilled as ordered)
Blenb Plate - 5/16
thick (drlll0d as ord8red)
5/8 mJ.
Medlm Hedluzt Medium Medium mBl1 Medium MedluaD
Urge 9mell 9mBll 9mell 9mell Medium
1 CorA. l Corn. 1 GOPA. , . l Como. 1 Peas, 9oy
Beens 1 Smell born, Peas. . . . l 9m9ll Corn. .
. . . . . .l IAme Beens. . . . . . . 1 RABI1
GOrD, . . . . . . 1 Neell COI9. , .
, 1 RAell COrD. . , . . . 1 EBsll Come . . . 1
mdney gegns.
C 5107 CP 5108 5 CP 5log 6 2 2A
'5,Z8" rd .
5/8" rd.
CP 112
5/16" rd.
GP 113
j 12 10
GP 114 24
15/32" rd. 2T/32"
cv su i8 GP 516 6
3/8 . 3/8" . 9/16 x 2T/32
c sll8
CP 165
24 3-1/2
R 7021 20
P 1 an I i n g d i s tan ce s a re a pp r ox i ma
te azzg er leased ozt tzaotoz's bav1og
9-36" tires on tbe rear wheels. VRen use 8-36
tires, pleol fIstenoes
d e c rea se d 3 ltA 10-36" tires plaotlAg
distances are tncroaoed 1
EMOMDCORNBOPPER 11 u sI 7 TRls ñopper is designed to pI8nt accurately all varieties of corn and rious othee seeds sucb as peas, all lcinBs of beeAs, feeB gralms, etc. large variety of seed plates and filler rings 1s available to suit most ed requirements. Spring catches are provided to hold tbe bottom plate position to prevent spilling the seed on the ground vhen removing the pper Tom the phones. Additional sprookes are provided vitA the hopper for use on the feed eft to permit a oben8e In pl8ntln8 distances as desired. The spacings sslble vitR tAese sprockets are listed beloW TABLEOFPLANTINGDUTANCES EMOMDCORNBOPPER 11 u sI 7 TRls ñopper is designed to pI8nt accurately all varieties of corn and rious othee seeds sucb as peas, all lcinBs of beeAs, feeB gralms, etc. large variety of seed plates and filler rings 1s available to suit most ed requirements. Spring catches are provided to hold tbe bottom plate position to prevent spilling the seed on the ground vhen removing the pper Tom the phones. Additional sprookes are provided vitA the hopper for use on the feed eft to permit a oben8e In pl8ntln8 distances as desired. The spacings sslble vitR tAese sprockets are listed beloW TABLEOFPLANTINGDUTANCES EMOMDCORNBOPPER 11 u sI 7 TRls ñopper is designed to pI8nt accurately all varieties of corn and rious othee seeds sucb as peas, all lcinBs of beeAs, feeB gralms, etc. large variety of seed plates and filler rings 1s available to suit most ed requirements. Spring catches are provided to hold tbe bottom plate position to prevent spilling the seed on the ground vhen removing the pper Tom the phones. Additional sprookes are provided vitA the hopper for use on the feed eft to permit a oben8e In pl8ntln8 distances as desired. The spacings sslble vitR tAese sprockets are listed beloW TABLEOFPLANTINGDUTANCES EMOMDCORNBOPPER 11 u sI 7 TRls ñopper is designed to pI8nt accurately all varieties of corn and rious othee seeds sucb as peas, all lcinBs of beeAs, feeB gralms, etc. large variety of seed plates and filler rings 1s available to suit most ed requirements. Spring catches are provided to hold tbe bottom plate position to prevent spilling the seed on the ground vhen removing the pper Tom the phones. Additional sprookes are provided vitA the hopper for use on the feed eft to permit a oben8e In pl8ntln8 distances as desired. The spacings sslble vitR tAese sprockets are listed beloW TABLEOFPLANTINGDUTANCES EMOMDCORNBOPPER 11 u sI 7 TRls ñopper is designed to pI8nt accurately all varieties of corn and rious othee seeds sucb as peas, all lcinBs of beeAs, feeB gralms, etc. large variety of seed plates and filler rings 1s available to suit most ed requirements. Spring catches are provided to hold tbe bottom plate position to prevent spilling the seed on the ground vhen removing the pper Tom the phones. Additional sprookes are provided vitA the hopper for use on the feed eft to permit a oben8e In pl8ntln8 distances as desired. The spacings sslble vitR tAese sprockets are listed beloW TABLEOFPLANTINGDUTANCES
lls ed ate Sprocket ozi feed Shaft Sprocket ozi feed Shaft Sprocket ozi feed Shaft Sprocket ozi feed Shaft Sprocket ozi feed Shaft
lls ed ate PO 2639 B 12 teetR P0 26 8 A 16 teeth lA 925 21 teeth 14 2T R1 24 teeth 14 2T R1 24 teeth
8 10 12 i4 16 20 22 24 29 32 3 38 4640 20 16" . 13" 11" 10 8" 6-1/2" 5-1/2 4-1/2" 4-1/4" 2-1/2" s8" 22" 19" 16 4 11 lO 9 8 T 6-1/2 6 5-1/2 3-1/2 36" 29 20 18 14 13 12 10 9 8-1/2 T-1/2 T 44 35" 30" 22" lT-1/2 16" 12" 11 10" 9 8-1 2 -1/2 44 35" 30" 22" lT-1/2 16" 12" 11 10" 9 8-1 2 -1/2

Best results cb be obtained onlg vhen the seed
lits tbe cells In plate like 'B' iD
illustration. Imperfeot ohemberlng o seed, as at
'' end "C results 1s Irregular dropp Eng. f
ror I t s t of seed p t o I es . r e fer I o
pride s jy to J7.
Filler ring 111 u a t . 9 - F I at
Hopper bottom plate P I
Flat drop plate
Flat Drep Ptate are lotercbeogeable vlth Rdge
Drop Plates Io st8smteos/'eed cao.. y 1at Drap P
I ctes z'equLze f'111ez' zIog ._at_ aost oaees
. fge e 7 seed p I ot es end d ropp i no d I s
tenc ea , pnes 13 t 0 17
11 I uet . 10 - xho i e H i 1 I Drop P 1cte.
hole Hitl Droo Plates are preferred In some
cases sod cen be used
without cAangIng tbe pluzler inanYsaY Edgc dms
Grooe HOW Or bottom plate 11 I ust . I I -
Grooved Copper Bottoa P1ate ( gpec i a1 )
6rooved Hoppe r Bottoa Plate (620 369 R i i )
- h auhst1tuted f'oz' tbe
ypgu\aZ' boppey Iiotbojs y1ate foZ' blog
extZ'a-v1de ga1ZtS v1tb Bdge O'op
Plates. Tbe aboVe illustration sAows the hopper
bottom plate vlth a por- t1ozr of' .z'1m bzokezt
away to ehow z'ooee. 'EtU.s gz'ooee baa tote
effec6 of' l-noreaa zg 6eptb of tbe seed cell.
"tMOND CORN TtOPPER - Continued
  • USB CUT-OFF (Special)
  • The brush cut-off lz recommended for
  • nting the more tender seeds aB the ash 1s less
    liable to break the'seed. 1s also recommended for
    use wlth any
  • d so small that it could wedge around
  • metal cutofs causing them to bind.
  • To substitute the brush cut-off lt well to remove
    the geed can from the
  • cket. Be sure the knock-out pawl ring 1s
    properly sealed to make the 1 operate freely, and
    that the brush adjusted to rest lightly on the
    seed ate before tightening the bolt.

111 ust. 12 Hopper cut away to show bruah
cut-off su bat i tuted for the regu1 ar natal
cut-off i n seed to pper. SPECIAL BILL DROP
PLAzEs filler ring is required for use with all
seed plates less than 5/16 lck. See below.
art mber No. of
Seed Per
Comparative Size of
of SIze of
Cells Seed Cell
eed Gells Gells
8 19/32" la . 082A 8 8 o83A 8 1 328A 8
Med1um Lar8e Small sppcial Small Special Small
Corn Cozrf Ooh
2 and 3 2 and 3 2 and 3
21/3P" dla.
1T/3z" dia .
Coun 2 and 3
Very Small Hybrid Corn 2 end 3
4 5A 8 l/0" dia. Large
'lomato Seed Tomato Seed . . . .
I446A 8 7/ñ2" rt1a. _ Ned1um
T Spec I a1 F i I I e r R i ng ( 3007A A ) and
Spec i c I Kn ocke r ( 360A) used u i t h ese
pI ates . P I an t i n g d i st an ces are app
rox I eate and are based on tractors having 36"
tires on the rear wheels. When using 8-36" tires,
planting distances e decreased 3 with l -36"
tires plantingdistancesareincreaed Z'O r I ob 18
O /' p 7 On t I hg d I s t O/tC e a , g fi e
pOC e 11
iEED PLATES (Flat Drop) ' All Flat drop plates
listed below may be used for drilling. A Filler
Ring 1e required ror use wlth all Flat Drop Seed
Plates. See below.
Part Number of 5eed Plate
No. Size of of Cells Cells,
Comparative S1ze of Cells
'I'yp1 cal Seed
Blank plate, 3/16" thick
drilled as ordered drilled aB ordered drilled as
ordered drilled as ordered .
1852 AA f330g A 6ño 051 R l i964 A
Blank plat e, 9/64 " th1 ok
Blank plate, 1/8" thiok
Blank plate. 1/4" thick
8 8 1966 A 8 1968 A 8 1969 A 8 3O5 A 8 3076
A 8 3085 A 8 3086 z 12 12 14
Large Medium Small Small Medium Extra Large
Short Flat Corn. Short Flat born. Round Flat
Corn. Soy Beana (1 bean) Soy Beans (2 beans).
Round Flat Corn. Pea9 (Memphis). 9oy Beans, Peas,
Beets. boy Beans, PeaB, Beets. Gorn (I"fat Rd.
hybrid). Round Fist Corn. Round Plat Oorn. Corn,
Hybrid Oorn. Corn. Corn . Pop born . Beet and
Bean. Short Flat Corn, Hybrid Corn. Short Plat
Oorn. Short Flat Corn. Kafflr and Small
Seeda. Melon sndCucumber Seeds Round Flat Oorn.
1965 A
9Z16 dia 13/32 3/ x 5/16" Twin Cells each
11/32" dia. 3/8 X 9/30" 9/32
Medlum Nedlum Small Small Large
Small Medium Large medium Medium Small Media
Large Nedium Medium Extra Large
3/i6" dla.
3351 AA
dia .
189 i899 lT9 A 1T95A 1T96A
3/" d1a .
s/8x s/16".
16 16
5/d x 13/32 x
11/16 x T/16
3/8 x T/32
1853 A 16
  • i854 AA i6
  • i8ss l6
  • 6 A i6
  • i85T A i6
  • A l6
  • 16
  • 16

3/8 x 9/32
U8 x 3/6"
19/d2 x 7/1 6"
li/i6 1/2
US" dla .
/2 x s/32"
1903 A l92T A
3/4" d1a .
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manual. Thank you so much for reading
1938 A 300l A 3 02 A 300 A 301 A 3 52 A 1.3143 A 3 4 3225 A 3266 3303 A 3321 A 3329 A 3330 /LA 3390 nn 3365 x 3419 A 1967 A \930 A 1931 A 308 A 3088 A t3lO9 A 929 A 3168 A 3169 A 13559 ñ i6 16 i6 16 16 16 16 16 i6 i6 16 16 16 16 16 16 i6 2O 24 24 24 24 24 32 32 6 40 3" d1a. 9 6 3/16" 5/8 7/32" 21/32 x 5/16 23/32 x 32" /i6 x 9/32" /6 x 15/4" 55/3C x 3/8". 79 22' 7/62 T/i6 x 11/32" i/2 x 7/16" 7/16" aha . d1a . x 5/\6" 5/32" dia. lT/32 i/4" 19/32 5/16 19/32 x I/l6 11/16 x 1/2" 1 4 x 1 8" 32 /16" 3/16" dia . zu'aax Small Small Large Small Medium Large . . . . . . ..... Large Extra Small Nedium Speclal Small Small Small Extra Small Small ...... . . . . . . ...... Medium Large Small Medium . . . . . . Small . Uxa rldu GUi,I. Round Flat Gorñ. Country Gentleman Oorn. Country Gentleman Corn. HorBe Tooth Corn. Horse Tooth Oorn. Horse Tooth Corn. Sunflower. Blackeye Beans . Country Oentlemsn Gorn. Corn, Pea, Bean and ybrid orn. Hybrid Corn, (Small Tip Kernel). Hybrid Corn (Thin Flat) Round Fist Corn, Hybrid Corn. Round Flat Corñ, Hybrid Corn. Corn Plat Rd. Hybrid). Corn Flat Rd. Hybrid. Gorn Flat Avbrid). Sorghum . Beet Seed. Bean . Short Flat Corn. Short Flat Corn. Xafflr Corn. Pea Bean. Broom Corn. Broom Corn. Sorghum . 9 0 0 0
I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I . I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I . I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I . I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I . I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I . I Spec i a I f i \ \ e r r i n g ( 19.02 AA - 5/ 32" t h i c k u sed w I t h I h ese p \ at ea . Spec I a1 f i 1.1 e r r i n g 3000 i - i I / 69 t r i c k u red i t h th se p1 at ea . g S p ec i a I f i ) 1 e r r i n g 3.167 A 8 - 13/ 60 t h i ck u s ed u 1.1h t h es e p 1at es. fi Special F i 11 e r R I n g 3.607 AA ) and pec i a I ltn ocke r ( 3q60 A ) u sed / i th I h i s p1 a t e . R ec am lend s pec i a1 B r u sh C u I-Of f ( 25.50 4 ) and k 9pec I a I f I I ) e r r l n g (3 z 7 AA - 13/ 6s t h I c k ) u sed / I t h t h i s p) a I e A 11 o I he r 1.1 at d r a p p I a t e s ta k e r e4 u 1 a r f i 11 e r r i n g ( 13870 5 - I / g" t h i c k ) . P 1 an t i n g d I o ta rice0 a re a p p rox i ma t e ana are bas ed on tractors having 9-36" tires on the rear wheels. Uhen using 8-36 tires, planting distances are decFeaxed 3/ with lO- 36" t me B plant Ing dlatano eB are increased 1 . Fa r ta b I e of p 1 an I I n g d i st an ce s , s ee page I I .
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