Case IH Two-Point Fast-Hitch Tel-A-Depth (Rod-Type Linkage) and Traction Control for Farmall 460 and 560 Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014181R4) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Case IH Two-Point Fast-Hitch Tel-A-Depth (Rod-Type Linkage) and Traction Control for Farmall 460 and 560 Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014181R4)


Case IH Two-Point Fast-Hitch Tel-A-Depth (Rod-Type Linkage) and Traction Control for Farmall 460 and 560 Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014181R4) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Case IH Two-Point Fast-Hitch Tel-A-Depth (Rod-Type Linkage) and Traction Control for Farmall 460 and 560 Tractors Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.1014181R4)

Two-Point Fast-Hitch Tel-A-Depth (Rod-Type
Linkage) and Traction Control for Farmall 460 and
560 Tractors Operators Manual Setup Instructions
1014181R4 epr n ed
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Two-Point Fast-Hith w it h Tel
-A- Depth (Rod-Type Linkage) and Traction Control
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For Farmoll 460, 460 Diesel , and 460 LP Gas
Troctors. 375 020 R91 For ßormoll 560, 560
Diesel, and 560 LP Gas Troctors.
ADDITIONAL PARTS Wher e applicable, the
following package s and par ts runs t be or der
e d.
374 989 R9l
Tondem-type fluid fi lter poekuge --for tr acto r
s with hydr auli c power supply which have net
had the tandem- type fluid fi1ter in stalle d.
374 988 R I
Bel I pu Iley control rod support bracket .--for
tr actor s with side -mounted belt pulley.
Farmall 460, 460 Diesel, and 460 LP Gas
Tractors 374 095 R91 For tractors with seriol
numbers bel ow 8592-- Re ar manifold se rvi ce
packag e include s re ar manifold, seat support
tr ay,r e ar maniiold champ, junction block s
pac er, e1ectri ca1break-away conne ctor aocket
upacer, r ear mani hold spac er, and cap a cr ew
s). 370 920 RI For Proctors wifh serial numbers
bel ow 5904 -- Contr o1 shaft car rier 0-ring.
373 258 RI For tractors wifh serial numbers
below 5904 -- Control shaft c ar rier 0-ring r
etatning sheeve. Fnrmg II 560, 560 Piesel, and
560 LP Gas Tractors 374 096 R91 ior tractors
with seri ol numbers below 13 666 ond between 13
866 ond 13 900 -- Re ar rri anifold service
packag e (include s r qar manifold, a eat
support tray, r ear manifold clamp, junction
block spacer, electri cat break-away come ctor
socket spac er,r e ar manifold spac er, and cap
screw s). 370 920 R1 For tractors with serial
numbers. below 9T80 - Gontrp1 shaYt caz'rier 0-
ring, 373 258 RI For froctors with serial numbers
below 918g,-- Control shft carr,ier 0-ziztg r
etBinlzzg s1eeve
R9J For Formo II 460, 460 Diesel, and 460 LP Gas
Troctors. 375 019 R91 For Formo II 560, 560
Diesel, and 560 LP Gas Troctors. Note The
hydr auli c power s upply mu st be or d er e d i
f the tr actor is not alr eady so
equipped. HYDRAULIC P0\PER SUPP LY The hydr
auli c power supply i s avail able Ior tr actor s
with either plan etar y-type or clut ch- ype
independent power take - of. T he planetar
y-type independent power take - off can be
dentiiied exte r nally by a br ake barid spr ing
s le eve (see 111 ust. 2) whi ch the c Int
ch-type does not have. For troctors wi th pl
onetory-type i ndepend ent power toke-off or
torque ompl i(ier.
370 902 R92
For Formoll 460, 460 D iesel, end 460 LP Gos
Tdoctors (include s 12 g all on-per- minute int
ern all y-mounted pump, manifold as sembly, t
andern-type fluid filter assembly, br acket s,
clamps, etc.) .
370 904 R92
For Formo 11 460, 460 Diesel , end 460 LP Gos
Troclor s (include s 17 gall on-pe r- minute
trite rn all y-rnounte d purrip, manifold as
sembly, tand em-type fluid iilter a s se mbly, br
acket s, elamps, etc.) .
370 988 R92
F or Formo 11 560, 560 D iesel, ond 560 LP Gos
Troctors (inc lud e s 1 2 gallon-per - minute
trite rn all y-m ounte d pop, manifold as sembly,
tandem-type fluid iilter a s s e mb ly, br ack
et s , c lap s , etc . ) . For For mo11 560, 560
Diesel , end 560 LP Gos Tractors (inc Indes 17
gallon-per- minute intern ally-m ounte d pump,
mani fold as sembly, tandem- type fluid lilter a
s s e mb ly, br ack et s, c lamps, etc. ) .
370 990 R92
For troc tors wi U cl utch-type i ndepend ent
power toke-off or torque ompl ifier.
373 727 R92
For Formoll 460, 460 D iesel, end 460 LP G os
Tractor s (include s 12 gall on-per - minute
internally-m ounte d pump, mani fold as sembly,
tand em-type fluid lifter assemb1y, br acket s,
clamps, etc.) .
373 728 R92 For Formoll 460, 460 D iesel, end 460
LP Gos Tractor s (include s 17 gallon-per -
minute int er nally-mounted pump, manifold as
sembly, t andem- type fluid filte r assembly, br
a cket s, claps, etc.) .
373 737 R92
For Formol 1 560, 560 D iesel, end 560 LP Gos T
rector s (include s 12 gallon-per- minute int
ern ally-mounte d pump, manifold as sembly,
tandem-type fluid filter a s se mbly, br ack et
s, clamps, etc. ) .
373 738 R92
For Forms11 560, 560 Diesel, end 5ó0 LP Gos
TrocÍOF S (include s 1 7 gal los- per- rninute
int eru ally-mounte d pump, znanifold as sembly,
t andera- type Iluid filter a s s e mbly, br
acket s, clamp s, etc. ) .
ADDITlOHAL PARTS Wher e appli cable, the
lo11owin-g p ack ag e or part must be o rder
ed 374 989 R91 Tandem-type fluid fi lter packo
ge -- low tr actor s with hydr auli c power
supply wh1Cfi. have not pr eviou s1y had the
tandem- type /1uid /i1ter in s tall ed. 374 988
R1 Bel f pu IIey control rod su ppor I brocke I
-- for tr acto r s with side - mounted belt
pulley. 3
Goupling i s automati cally cornpl et-d on con-
tact, i'-ydr auli c power r ai se s the implement
ir om the gr ound, and th.e oper ator dr ive s
off to the work ar ea. Pr acti cally all of the
man- ual lab or pr evi ou s ly r e quir ed ior
attae Min g impiem ems has been
eliminated. ''ast- Hitch permits the oper ator to
have m aximurn tire e Ior work in the field, wher
e hi s pr olit is made. TheF ast- Hitch cons is
ts o a s imple bail, with a hinged so cket at
each end, su s peride d under the tr actor Mr
or a r ock s halt. The be1l- mouthed s o cket s
re eeive a pair of coiipling be ams on the
implement. TU.e be are s on all F a st- Hit ch
implement s have the s we shape and spacing. The
bail ther eIore pr o- vide s a common hitch- fr
ame tor all imple- ment s. Most contr ols ar e
built into the hitchr athe i than on each irripl
eme nt. T he la st- Hit ch mounting Mr arse is
common for all impl ements and rerr-am s on the
tr acto r. This pr acti caliy elimin ate s the
need Jor s e p ar ate, special pieces forrrie
r1yr e qui r e d for e ach imple -
ment. This, in turn, keeps the customer s
initi al drive s tme at to a minimum.
I I lu st. 1 Two-Pa int Fa st-H itch with T
roction Control.
Alexibilit y of the F a st-Hit ch and ver
satility oJ contr ols as str e s top quality work
fr om ever y impleme at. Hield per Ior m anc e i
s not s ac rili ced tor e as e and spe ed of
hitching. The
Two - Point F as t- Hitch with Tr action G ontr
ol provide s a last and convenient mean s of
attac h-
ing re ar -rnounte d implements . Tr action
contr o1 F an t- Hitch can be made r igid or fr
ee- Jloating,
utili zes the dr aft or pull oJ the implement to
apply down pr e s sur e on the r e ar wheel s
and re- duce slip page . It al so add s to the
Ilexibilit-y alto rded by the combination of Hydr
a- Touch and Hydr auli c Remote Conrt o1.
hor i zontally, ve rti cally, or in both dire
ctions, Rai sing and lowe r ing the implem ent i
s ac eom- p1i s hed with a hydr auli c cylirider
. Depth ad- justme nt i s contr oHed by use of
as adju stable stop on the Tel-A- Depth quadr
Goupling, unc oupli rig, de pth c ontr o1, tr
action contr ol, and leveling of implement s all
can be done Jr om the tr actor s e at. Other adju
strn erit s as outline d on the following page s
ar e avail- able to the oper ator,
Tr acti or coritr o1 i s ac compli shed entri
ely by rrie chani cat we acs . A linkage s yste
m oper- ated by the dr aft load caus es the
cylind er to apply as upwar d ihru st on ther
ock s halt. The r eacti or of thi s for ce put s
additi weight on the re ar wheel s o I the
tr actor thusr educ- ing wheel slipp age. As
the oper ator lilt s up on the tr acti or contr
o1 handle, toading oJ the r ear whee ls i s inc r
eas ed. In all setting s, except the Hri st or
top no ie h, of the tr acti on contr o1 handle,
the arr-oust of wei ght tr ans- wer red to the
r e ar whe el s incr eas es in di- r ect pr opor
tion to the dr aft load, thus in- cr easing tr
acti or only as need ed.
The oper ation and appe ar ance of both F ast-
Hitch attachments is the same on all tr actor
rriodel s 1isted but the units ar e not rater
chan-ge- able due to the diJfre e nc e in the
width of the r e ar Mr we s of the tr actor
s. F ast- Hitch has re duced the att ac b ent of
impleme nt s to the tr actor to a simple line-
up, back up, and go pr oc edur e. It is the
quickest and easie st way to hitch implerne nt s
ever devi sed. The oper ator r em ain s on
the tr actor s e at and b ack s in with the so
cket latc hes or the hitch either o pe r. or clo
s ed.
A slip-in type dr awear, urni shed as re gula
equipment with the rast- Hitct-, i s qui ckly and
eas ily att ached when tr ai lln g i en ent
s are to be us ed.
I II u st. 2 P ri nc i pa I ports .
The Tel- A- Depth systern cor si st s of a T el-
A- De pth valve, a Tel-A- Depth handle and quadr
ant, r od- type tol1ow- up link age, hydr au- li
c hoses, a double - a cti on che ck valve, and we
c e s s ar y att ac hing and corim.e c ting par
The r ast - Hitch i s oper ated by a single 3- 1
2 x 8- inch- hydr auli c cylinder .
The hydr auli c cylinder i s atta ched to tb-e
cylinder be1lcr arid. T he cylinder pi stonr
od i s pinned dir ecvly to the r ock s halt.
The adju st able stop (l11 usts. 5 end 6) on the
T el-A- Depth quadr ant i s set by the oper
ator to c on- tr o1 the r etr acted
cy1inder length and i s used inr etur ning the
irnple ment to the s ame work- ing positi or when
r e- enter irig the Hi e ld after turning or
after changing working positi on. T he new T e1-
A- De pth valve provide d with the F a st- Hit ch
i s de s i gned to giv e adju st me nt to
the cylinder.
When the Te l- A- Depth handle i s move d, it
change s the pos iti on of the b ellc r arik
and link age, opening the Tel- A- Depth v alve
port, which allows the fluid to flow to the
cylinder .
The move ment of the c ylinde r pi ston tor ce s
ther ock s halt to turn. This action reove s
the follow-up linkage Mr om the r o cLs halt to
the bellcr ank and c1o s e s the Te l-A- Depth
valve port, cornple ting the hitch Novement call
ed for by the soy eme nt of the Tel-A -Depth
handle .
HITCH SOCKETS T he imple ment attaching so cket s
ar e Al exi- bly mounte d or the hitch bai1 so
they can either pivot v erti cally or be pi rine
dr i gi diy as de si r ed. When used in the
hing ed positi on, they pr o- vide 11e sibility
which wi11 permit moldboard plows, li ster s,
disc p1ow s, and other too1s to enter the gr
ound mor e qui ckly and to m aint atn arnore
uniforrnworking depthin Reids of uneven contour .
LeaI sp ring s hold the hinged s ocket s so they
will line u.p with the triple ment prong s when
Ther e sult of the move ment oJ thi s s ys term
i s to ke ep the po siti ons of the T e l-A-
Depth handle and the hydr auli c cylinder pr oper
ly co - ordinat ed.
contr ol handle ha s four notche s, in the Air st
or top not ed- tr a cti o- c ontr or i s in-
oper ative . The se cond and thi rd notches ar e
inte rm edi ate tr action contr o1 po s it1 Ons .
T he Your th notch pe rmit s maxirrium. tr acti
on con- trol.
the de s ri ed po s iti on of the hitc ñ socket
s re l ative to one another. A leve ling s cr
ew lock is pr ovided to pr event the leveling
screw rorr'- working down when oper ating i
mplement in the die ld.
T he r i g it lift link i s made r igid or
fr e to il oat by the positi on of the f1o
at lo ck- out collar . The 1eft lift link is
-mad e r igid or fr ee to 11oat by the po
siti on of the f1o at lo ck- out pin.
The draft load of the impl ernent conver ted
to down pre s sur e on the tr a ctor whe e l s c
be var red by ehang ing the s etting of the tr
ac- tion contr ol adju sting handl e.
Us e as little tr action contr ol as riee ded to
keep whee1 slippage to a minimum.
When the lilt lirik s ar e fre e to Iloat, they
allow os cillati or of the hitch. This isr e
quir ec by the di s c harr ow and implement s
having wide spaced gaiige whe el s. The liJt
links are used r, gid tor implement s such as
HITCH BAIL The b ail i s the c onne ction
betwe en the im- p1e ment, by means of the s o
cket s, and the hitch point on the tr acto r. It
i s att ached to the tr actor well ahead of the r
e ar axle.
Bail pivot bracket
Illst. 3 Troction Cont rol odt u sting handIe .
used tor at s e o r lowe r the hitch so cket s.
Ther ight lift link in- cor por ate s the
leveling s cr ew which i s ad- justed by me ans
of the leve ling s cr ew cr ank. The leve ling s
cr ew c r ank i s turned to obtain
Illusi. 4 Front mounti ng of bo i l.
Note II the has I-Hitch i s to be used Jor dr
awbar work, the hitch verti car Iloat lock pin
rn.u st be plac ed in the hole in the eylind er
befler arik, to cking it to the left side
plate. See A, 111 ust. 9. T o do thi s, fully
extend the cylinder pi s too r od. Extending the
pi ston r od make s it eas y to inse rt the pin
and faci litate s putting the pin thr ough the
hole in the l eIt side plate . IN the F as t-Hi
tch i s to be iised with r ast- Hitchr e ar -
rnounte d implements, the hitch ver ti ca1 ilo at
lock pin must be stored in a hole in the dr awbar
ee A, I IIust. 8.
11 it is ne ce s s ary or the Tel-A-Depth hand-
d1e to pas s the stop (l11 ust. 6) pre s s the
I atch r e- teas e button in the tcp of the
Tel-A- Depth han- d1e.
Note After making a change in the tr action
contr o1 setting, it may be neces sary to change
the positi or of the Tel-A-Depth adju stable stop
to achieve the des ir ed depth,
The hitch i sr ai s e d and lower e d by rrie
an s oJ a 3- l / 2 x 8 - inch str okeF as t-Hit
ch hydr au- li c cylind er at the re ar of the
tr actor . Rats- ing and lowe ring is contr
olled by the Tel- A-
Depth handle . See 111 usts. 5 ond 6. Push the
dle tor ward when lowering the imple ment to
working position. Pullthe handle back when rai s
ing the implement to the tr ans port positi on.
Tb-e T el-A-Depth quadr ant is provided with as
adju stable stop. This stop, when set in a given
pos iti on, will lirrii t the tr ave l of thg T
e1- A- Depth handle each tim e the implement i s
lowere d, thus maintainin g a iini form working
To s et the adju stable stop, move the Tel-
A-Depth handle to rwar d until the last- Hitch
irnplem ent has re ached the de sir ed working
depth. Then move the adju s table stop ( after
turning the adju stable stop knob counter clo
ch- wi s e to loo s en it) to a po s ition on the
quadrant Plus h ag ain s t the h andle and ti
ghte n it in plac e (by turning the knob clo ckwi
se). See I li ust. 5.
I I lu st. 6 Te I-A-De pth ho nd I e odj u stobl
e s to p by-pa s sed to tern porori I y increo se
work irig dep th.
In gem er al tr acti on contr o1 i s pr ovide d
to minimize whee1 slippage . The notch in which
the tr acti on contr ol handle is s et by the
oper a- tor i s determine d by the implement
being used and the oper ating and soil conditi
ons .
I-A-Depth Needle
Under mo st oper ating conditions, use only as
much tr acti on contr ol as is neces s ar y to
obtain minimum wheel slippage. The tr action
contr of handle may be s et in the se cond or
thir d notch. In loose, mell ow soil the four th
notch may give the be st r e sult s.
When the handle (I11 ust. 3) i s s et in the fir
st not ch, tr acti on contr ol i s not being us
ed. Thi s may be de sri able for plowing in har
d, dry s oil wher e penetr ation is difli cult.
Thr ee oper ating condi ti or s can make it advi
s able to add weight to the tr actor in the to rm
of liquid in the tri e s, whe e1 we ight s, arid
/ or fr ont fr ame channe1 wei ght s as follow
s When pulling any hea- y dr aft impl ement or
load when a he avy,r e ar -mounte d implement
is being u sed and when oper ating over rough
terr ain.
Ill vst. 5 Tel -A- Depfh hondl e odjustobl e
stop co ntrolI ing the work ing deptls.
Sids plofes with rerkshoft bearing
Do not attémpt to pull any 1oads othe r than
implement s adaptable to the last- Hitch s ys-
tern unle s s the F''ast- Hitch dr awbar is in
place. Insert theF ast- Hitch drawbar prongs into
the hitch socket s s o the lat che s s r.ap into
plac e. ee I Il ust. 10.
Rockshoff arms
Rigi d Hitch Posi tion When pulling tr
ailing-type implements, par ti cutarty iI they
are power take - off driven, the hitch unit mu st
be pinned in the ri gid pos iti on. Al so, it is
re comme nded that the left andr ight list link
s be dis conne cted fr om ther o cds halt arm s
(byr era oving the qiii ck- att achable
cotter pins) and conne cted to the side plate
lugS. See 11lust. 7. T he dr awb ar will then
be at ASAE standar d dr awbar height.
Note T he eyeb olt should be re move d Ir om
the left r ock s halt arm so it will not in- ter
ter e with attaching the left lift link if the
cylinder is full yr etr acted. Also be sur e
the ver ti c a1 f1o at 1o ck pin A (I l lust.
9) i s in the hole in the cy1inder be 11cr ask,
locking it to the left si de plate. Rotate the
leve ling crank to- war d the right re ar wheel
to eliminate the pos sibi lity of the c rank
being caught showl d the hitch be move d.
I II u st. 7 Connecti ng the I ift I inks to the
s ids plates.
Socket pivot 1o ck- out pins ar e car ri ed in st
or age r( e ar) hole s in the socke t s, when
the socket s are Mr e e - Ilo ating, and can be
moved to the Ir ont hole s to znak e the att
aehing s o cR- ets rigid with the hitch yoke.
See B 111 us ts. 8 end 9. T he late r al swing
of the hit ch i s contr olle d by a welded pin
moving within the confine s of a s lot in the
later al limit plate and can be made rigid by ins
er ting the later al swing lo ck- out pin D
(Ill ust. 9) in the to rw ar d hole of the late
r a1 swing control str aps. The ri ght list link
E " (l 11 usts. 8 end 9) may be s et rigid or
Are e - floating by the position of the lift link
float lock- out collar . Wh en half of the knur
led line or gr oove on the leve ling cr ank i s
above the top of the leve ling cr and s cr ew
hous ing F " (11Iust. 9), the hitch sockets are
Put the s et coll ar E" on the leve ling cr arik
s cr ew in the upper positi on as shown in 111
ust. 9. Be sur e the point of the s et s cr ew
i s in the spot hole .
Note When half of the knur led refer ence 1in or
groove is above the top of the leve ling cr anl
s cr ew hou s ing, the hitch so cket will be
Place the so cket pivot o ck- out p,ns B" in
the Mr out hole s. See I Ilust. 9.
Remove the hitch ver ti ca1 float lock pin "A"
from the hole in the dr awbar (see I Ilust.
8) and
The left lift link is ri gid or fr ee- floating
place it in the hole in the cylinde r be11cr ank
depending on the
osition ofthe liftlink floRt C lNvsts. 8 ond 9.
and in th.e le It s ide pl ate, See 111 ust.
9. N ole
lo ck- out pin. Set
Be sure the pin goes thr ough the hol e in the
The hitch verti cal Iloat 1o ck- out pin A
side plate and riot behind it. fully extend the
(lllvst. 9) i s u s ed to 1ock the cylinder bell
cr ank and left side plate together when a ri gid
cylinder pi stonr od be fo r e attempting to ins
ert the pin.
(no tr acti or eontr o1) i s de s ir ed. Wrote Be
sur e the pin goe s thr ough the side plate and
Place the float tock-out pin C in the r e ar
hole oI the le it lift link. Place the l ater al
swing lock- out pin D in the fr out hole of the
later a1 swing coutr of str ap s .
not behind it. 'ul1y exte nding the cylinder
piston r od make s it easy to ins er t the pin
and facilitate s putting ti.e pin thr ough the
Role in the left side plate. The pin is stor ed
in the dr awbar when tr action contr ol i s de
sir ed. S_at_e "'A, l Ust. 8.
Continued on page 10.
I host. 8 F a st-Hi let in Îree-la-flogl
seft ing.
Illest. 9 Fa st-H inch in "rigi d seNing . 9
Free-to-P loot H if ct Pos iti on
When the F a st- Hit ch i s to be u s e d again,
back out the lock- out screw until the head of
the s c rew i s in po s iti or B jl Ilust.
47) or ap- pr oximat e1y 1- l / 4 in che s fr
or the cover.
Put the s et c o1l ar E on the leve ling
er ank s cr ew in the lowe r pos iti or as shown
in 111 ust. 8. Be sur e the po int of the Set
S cr ew i s in the s pot hole .
Note DO not b a ck out the lo ck- out s cre w
beyond pos iti on B or oil le akage m ay occur
Place tne so cket pivot lo ck-out pins B in
the re ar hole s. See l Ilust. 8.
using the r ear - rnounte d belt pulle y, the
cyli nder bell cr ank, hit ct- s o cket s and
late r a1 swing contr ol str aps must be lock ed
in the r igid pos iti on as show in l l lust. 9.
Remove the ver ti c al flo at 1o ck - out pin
"A" fr om the hole in the cylinder b elf c r ank
and pea ce it in the dr awb ar.
Place the f1o at lock - out pin G" in the 1eIt
hole in the 1eJt lilt link. Place the l ater al
swing lo ck- out pin D in the re ar hole of the
later al swing c ontr o1 str ap s.
When oper ating ther e ar -noun ted belt pul-
ley at the ri ghtr e ar po s iti on, the ri
ght lift link mu st be di sconne cte d and lower
ed to the gr ound by removing the pin at the
upper p art of th.e r ight lift link. When oper
ating the belt pulley at the IeItr e ar po s
iti on, di s c onne ct the IeIt lilt link.
Locking the Tel -A-Depfh Handle
After di s conn ctin g the pr oper list 1ink,
the Tel-A- Depth handle on st be loeked as stated
pr evions1y.
When ii sing powe r take - off driven tr ailing-
type impl emen-t s, if the lift link s are
not locked to the side plate s, in additi on to
pin- ning the bit ch unit in the ri gid positi
on, the Tel- A-Depth handle rnust be 1ocked by
use of the adju s table stop on the Tel- A- Depth
quad- r ant o r the T el - A- Depth valve
lock- out s cr ew.
When using the hitch, ther e ar -mounted belt
pulle y unit must ber emov ed.
If the T el-A- Depth valve cover i s r.ot e
quip- ped with a lo ck- out screw, the Tel-A-
Depth handle mu st be 1o cke d in po s iti on by
s e ttin g the adjust able stop or the Te1-A-
Depth quadr ant so the F ast- Hitch dr awbar
will not be r ai sed and thus inte rfer e with
the power take- off shaft. Note B e c are fu1,
do not ac cid e nt ally pre ss the latchr od
button in the top of the T el-A-Depth handle
after i t i s lo cke d in po s- ition. To do so
might r ai se the dr awb ar sul- Iiciently to
cause dam age to the F ast- Hitch, or power take
- off shalt. To to ck the T el-A- Depth handle
with the 1oct- out screw, the lock- out s cr ew
in the Tel- A- Depth valve cover shoiild be turne
d in to be in positi or A" as shown in 111 ust.
47. T he he ad of the s cr ew will be appr oxirn
ate1y 17 / 3 2 inch fr om the cove r.
If the tr actor is not equipped with a Tel-A-
Depth valve lock- out s cr ew, see Valve lover
with Lock - Out Ser ew on poge 38.
IIIst. 10 I n stall ing tlte Fast-Hitch draw bar.
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US 1 Hex. head cop screw and hex. nil (3/4NC x
1-3/4 inches) in position limifing drowbor rrovel
Cylinder bellcronk
Swinging drawbor locked in rigid position
Left limit of frovel
Hex. heod cop screw and hex. nut (3/4NC x 1-3/4
Right limit of trevel

Illusi. 11 Lateral I imi ts of swi nging drowbor.
S\RINGING DRA\MBAR Two 3/ 4Nc x l - 3/ 4 inch
hex. head cap s cr ews and nuts are use d as
stops to limit the later at move me at o I the
swinging dr awbar and to lo ck it in var ion s
pos iti ons as de s ir ed. When the swinging dr
awbar is all owed to swing, one of the s e c ap s
cr ew s run s t be us e d in the last hole on the
le ft side or the dr awbar, Thi s will keep the
swinging dr awbar within the limit of its swing
as shown in l Ilu st. I I to pr e- vent it s
hitting the cylinder be11cr ank. For Fo rmo11 460
Series Trectors, the left limit of r ave I i s
8 inche s, the right i s 13 inche s. 'or
Formoll 560 Series TroctorS, the left limit of
rave I i s 10 inche s, the ri ght limit is l 2-
3/ 4 nche s. Hole Shoul d the oper ator wi sh to
us e the
Goupling implement s to tr acto r s with Faat-
Hitch is r elative ly simple but it r equi r es a
little thou ght and pr acti ce to do the job qui
ckly without lo ss of motion. New hit ches and
implement s oIt en ne e d to be "br oken in" to
work be s t. Eas i er action i s obtaine d when
the paint wear s away.
Llb er ally srne ar the in side of new hitch
socket s with pr es sur e- gun lub ri cant. Make
cer tain the use of the Te l-A- Depth handle i
s under stood. Spend a li ttle time obse rving
the action of the hi teh when it i s move d by
the Tel- A- Depth handle.
Hitching will be easier ii the so cket pivot
lock-out pins (B I Hst. 8) ar e in the re
ar hol e s of the hit ch socket s when eouplin
g implem ent s.
the s wing -
ull ve rti c at re overne nt of th e hit ch, rig
dr awbar must be remove d. ,HECK VALVE
Note Be sure the hitch ver tical float lock
pin is removed fr om the hole in the cylinder
bell cr ank and stor ed in the hole in the dr aw-
bar. 8"A"lllust. 8.
Either a sing1e- action or a double - action
check valve i s attached to the junction block in
the hydr auli c line s between the Tel- A- Depth
valve and the hydr auli c cylind er. The double -
action chect valve, (l Ilust. 32 or 33) Chi ch
has two port s to which the hydr auli c cyl-
inder hoses ar e coneecte d, will check the flow
of fluid in both dir ection s. The function of
thi s valve is to ke ep implement s fr om dr
opping fur ing tr ans port or while parked.
Also, when .he hydr auli c s ystern is equipped
with a dou- ble- acti on chect valve, the dr
awbar can be xs ed as a jack tor at s e a tr
acto r re ar wheel off the gr ound. 11
T he implement and tr actor should r e st on re
asonably leve1 gr ound.
Set the Tel- A- Depth handle (l11 ust. 6) as r
e- qui red to 1o c ate the hitch socket s at
the same hei ght as the implement pr ongs. Back
the tr actor until the pr ongs be gin to enter
the socket s, and lower the hitch
unti1 Continued on next page.
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